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Task 3. Read the English text attentively paying attention to the underlying idea

Marketing logistic concept has been applied since the early 1980's. to build a logistics system that ensures competitiveness by optimizing decisions in the product distribution. One of the concepts widely used in distribution is DDT – (Demand-driven Techniques/ Logistics) demand-driven liogistics.There are some versions of this concept: QR and CR,etc.

QR (Quick Response) – is a concept (method, technology) of ”quick response” the essence of which is to assess the demand in real time and as close to the final consumer as possible. Realization of this concept of logistic management became possible due to IT development, introduction of electronic circulation of documents, electronic sales, bar coding, etc. By scanning bar coding real sales data is provided and then this information is passed to the suppliers and consumers. ”Quick response” is aimed at minimizing the response time of the logistic system to changes in demand and improvement of information technologies, promotes more efficient use of this method in the activity of enterprise. On the basis of information on demand optimal levels of stockpile and time of order fulfillment are formed

CR -(. ”continuous replenishment ”) is alogistic technology used to eliminate the need for orders for finished goods for restocking. This technology is a modification of OR. Objective - develop a plan of delivery of products to retailers, aimed at the continuous replenishment. Replenishment of products for retailers is implemented by a supplier on the basis of sales information given by the seller.


Marketing logistic concept was first used in 1980 for developing logistic system providing competitiveness at the expense of decision optimization in the production distribution. Among the concepts widely used in distribution is DDT – (Demand-driven Techniques/ Logistics).T here are some versions of this concept: QR and GR are some of them.

QR (Quick Response) – is the concept (method, technology) of ‘fast response’, the core of which is in the demand assessment in real time-mode and as close to the final consumer as possible.

Realization of logistic management concept was due to IT development, electronic circulation of documents, electronic commerce, bar-coding, etc. Bar-coding scanning provides real sales data passed to the production suppliers and producers. ”Quick response” aimed at time reduction of logistic system reaction on the change in demand and improvement of information technologies, promotes effective use of the method in the inbound activity. Demand information serves as a background for stock formation and order run-time.

CR -”continuous stock replenishment” logistic concept serves to eliminate shortage in finished goods orders for inventory replenishment. This technology is QR modification. Its objective is delivery product planning aimed at retailers continuous replenishment. Retailers replenishment is carried out by a supplier on the basis of sales information supplied by the seller.

Task 4. Read the text again and compare it with the translation on the opposite side of the broadside

Маркетинговая логистическая концепция стала применяться с начала 1980-х гг. для построения логистической системы, обеспечивающей конкурентоспособность за счет оптимизации решений в распределении продукции. Среди логистических концепций (технологий), широко применяемых в дистрибуции, является DDT (Demand-driven Techniques/ Logistics) – логистика, ориентированная на спрос. Данная концепция имеет несколько вариантов, среди которых QR, CR и др. QR (Quick Response) – концепция (метод, технология) «быстрого реагирования», суть которой состоит в оценке спроса в реальном масштабе времени и как можно ближе к конечному потребителю. Реализация данной концепции логистического управления стала возможной после разработки соответствующих информационных технологий, введения электронного документооборота, электронных продаж, штрихового кодирования и др. С помощью сканирования штриховых кодов формируются данные о реальных продажах, затем эти сведения передаются поставщикам и производителям продукции. «Быстрое реагирование» нацелено на максимальное сокращение времени реакции логистической системы на изменение спроса, и совершенствование информационных технологий способствует более эффективному использованию метода в деятельности предприятий. На основе информации о спросе формируются оптимальные уровни запасов и времени исполнения заказа. CR (Continuous Replenishment) – логистическая технология «непрерывного пополнения запасов», предназначенная для устранения необходимости в заказах на готовую продукцию для пополнения запасов. Эта технология является модификацией QR. Цель – разработка плана поставки продукции розничным продавцам, направленного на непрерывное пополнение запасов. Пополнение запасов продукции у розничных продавцов осуществляет поставщик на основании информации о продажах, передаваемой продавцом. Marketing logistic concept has been applied since the early 1980's. to build a logistics system that ensures competitiveness by optimizing decisions in the product distribution. One of the concepts widely used in distribution is DDT – (Demand-driven Techniques/ Logistics) demand-driven liogistics.There are some versions of this concept: QR and CR,etc. QR (Quick Response) – is a concept (method, technology) of ”quick response” the essence of which is to assess the demand in real time and as close to the final consumer as possible. Realization of this concept of logistic management became possible due to IT development, introduction of electronic circulation of documents, electronic sales, bar coding, etc. By scanning bar codingreal sales data is provided and then this information is passed to the suppliers and consumers. ”Quick response” is aimed at minimizing the responsetime of the logistic system to changes in demand and improvement of information technologies, promotes more efficient use of this method in the activity of enterprise. On the basis of information on demand optimal levels of stockpile and the time of order fulfillment are formed CR -(. ”continuous replenishment ”) is alogistic technology used to eliminate the need for orders for finished goods for restocking. This technology is a modification of QR. The objective - develop a plan of delivery of products to retailers, aimed at the continuous replenishment. Replenishment of products for retailers is implemented by a supplier on the basis of sales information given by the seller.  

Task 5. Compare equivalents underlined on both sides of the broadside. Try to memorize them


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