Find in the text the English equivalents for the following expressions below.
- ставить вопрос на голосование; - расширить круг обязанностей; - независимо от; - транслировать по радио в прямом эфире; - запретить продажу чего-либо; - городской совет; - общественное мнение; - обеспечить равные права. 2. Answer the questions. 1. What are the common principles in the structures of governments of individual states? 2. Who is the head of the executive branch of power in each state? 3. How must laws and constitutions of different states correlate? 4. What is meant by the "battle" between federal and states' rights? 5. Give at least 5 examples of the areas of public life that the states are responsible for. 6. What is a "sheriff department" and who is a sheriff? 7. Are income taxes and prices of goods the same in different states? 8. What is meant by the "accountability" of politicians and officials?
Text№ 5 TYPES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local governments are different from state and federal governments because they do not have constitutions. Local governments receive a charter (a plan of government) from the state government. There are different types of local governments: city, county, town and village. The local charter tells us about the organization of the government. One of the most important functions or duties of local government is the provision of public schools. People often want to take part in making decisions about the schools because they want their children to get a good education. There are special school boards where parents are the members. The school board makes decisions about teachers salaries, the curriculum and other administrative aspects. They give their opinions about what needs to be done at school. Local governments have a court system which considers local problems, such as traffic laws and small disputes. Sometimes cases may be appealed to the state courts. Judges in local courts are sometimes called justices of peace or judge and magistrate. Local courts usually specialize in one area of law, for ex, family law, to be sure that a judge is very competent on the subject. Local courts provide efficient legal service.
Тема № 10 Правительство Великобритании. Премьер-министр Великобритании
1. Some new words to the text: Monarchy монархия Hereditary наследственный Elective выборный, избирательный Power власть, сила To be exercised by осуществляться (чем-либо) Independent независимый Agreement соглашение Separate раздельный, отдельный Majority большинство To be responsible for быть ответственным за (что-либо)
To direct руководить, направлять Local authorities местные органы власти Particular частичный, особый Statutory boards государственные органы 2. Read properly the following names and terms: Great Britain; the Prime Minister; number 10 Downing Street; the Houses of Parliament; Westminster; Parliamentary government; the United Kingdom; government departments; ministers of the Crown; the House of Lords; the House of Commons; Anglican Church; Commonwealth..
3. Read and translate the text: The Bodies of Government in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy, with the Queen Elizabeth II, as a Head of State. The powers of Queen are hereditary, and not elective. The Queen is considered to be the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the temporal head of the Anglican Church and the head of the Commonwealth. Juridically the Queen has a lot of rights, but in fact she is only nominal chief of state, the royal powers and prerogatives are almost entirely in the hands of the Cabinet of ministers. The government of the United Kingdom is composed of three branches: the executive one, the legislative one, and the judicial one. The legislative power in the country is exercised by the Parliament together with the Queen. The Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. These two Houses are considered independent of each other, they are constructed on different principles, have separate residences and different powers. But in order that laws may be adopted, it is usually necessary that both Houses come to an agreement. The executive bodies consist of 1) the Cabinet and other ministers of the Crown who are responsible for directing national policy; 2) government departments, who are responsible for administration at the national level; 3) local authorities who administer and control many services at the local level; and 4) statutory boards, who are responsible for the operation of particular nationalized industries or public services. The highest judicial body in the English judicial system is the House of Lords.
4. Look through the text and say in what meaning these words are used in the text: To exercise – упражняться, тренироваться, осуществлять A house – дом, торговая фирма, театр, палата A branch – ветка, отрасль, филиал, ветвь A body – тело, группа людей, организация, орган Power - сила, энергия, власть, способность, держава
5. Find in the text the following verbs and make as many word-combinations as you can. Выбирать, управлять, состоять, осуществлять, контролировать. 6. Write out the pairs of synonyms:
7. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
- глава государства - конституционная монархия - наследственная власть - глава Содружества - законодательная власть - верховный главнокомандующий - министры Короны - национальная политика - прийти к соглашению - местные органы власти - департаменты правительства - высший судебный орган
8. Make up different word-combinations using the following words (A, B) and translate them: A B Constitutional Crown Royal departments Statutory Lords Government boards Local monarchy House of power Chief of authority Ministers of state
9. Make up 6 sentences and try to say each of them by heart: 1. The legislative power 1. Are hereditary, not elective 2. Local authorities. 2. are elected by the people 3. The members of the 3. control many services at the House of Commons local level. 4. The House of Lords 4. direct national policy 5. The powers of the Queen. 5. is exercised by the Parliament 6. The Cabinet and other ministers 6. is the highest judicial body of the Crown 10. Say if it is right or wrong. Give a full answer: 1. The British state is a federal republic. 2. There are two branches of power in the Great Britain: the legislature and the executive. 3. The legislative power in the country is exercised by the House of Lords. 4. The Cabinet and other ministers of the Crown direct national policy. 5. The members of the House of Commons are elected by the people. 6. The highest judicial body in the English judicial system is the House of Lords. 7. The powers of Queen are elective, and not hereditary.
11. Put the letters in underlined words in the necessary order, then translate sentences: 1. Britain has a sotntintiolacu noyharcm, which means that the powers and rights of the Queen or King are limited by the basic laws and principles of the country. 2. The name of the current monarch is Queen itaelEhzb II, and she has nidgree the country since 1952. 3. Her official London residence is at miucnBaghk ealPca, but she has other residences around the country that she uses. 4. The monarch’s limited powers and rights are known as the royal pogtrevraie. However, her role is one of a egfiredhua (a leader with no real power or influence) is largely mociaereln. 5. The Queen meets and greets foreign heads of state. Each year she also opens maenrlaPti and gives the sueQn’e hpesce, in which she outlines the ielospic of the government for the coming year. 6. This speech does not express her views: it expresses the views of the meriP stinirMe and the nlguri political party. 7. The monarch must accept any decisions made by the naCited and by Parliament.
Text № 2 1. Some new words to the text: Senior старший Treasury казна, казначейство To run (зд.) управлять To appoint назначать To create создавать Church церковь Activity деятельность To indicate указывать, показывать Seat место To call (upon) вызывать To initiate вводить, устанавливать
2. Read the text and answer the following questions: 1. What are the major functions of the Prime Minister in the UK? 2. Who can become a Prime Minister? 3. What are the functions of the Cabinet?
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