Read and translate the following word combinations using Topical Vocabulary.
To combat international terrorism, high-tech crime, to support member countries, close cooperation, fugitive investigation support, information exchange, technical cooperation, access to international database, illegal immigration, to collect data illicit use of drugs, to represent interests, different divisions of police, important mission, alarming information, close associate, to threaten to kill people, to gain ransom money, to intimidate people, to use violence against other countries. Match the columns, make as many word combinations as possible. Reach money Combat a request for assistance Launder an exchange Make alarming proportions Get access to foreign bank notes Counterfeit violence Support member states Facilitate contribution Smuggle database Use explosives weapons terrorism crime 3. Read the definitions and name the corresponding word from the bracket: (Illicit, to cooperate, terrorism, hostage, to threaten, to intimidate, explosive, fugitive, border, associate, ransom) 1. against the law 2. someone who helps another person to do something illegal 3. a substance or object that can cause an explosion 4. to tell someone that you will cause them harm or problems, especially in order to make them do something 5. the use of violence in order to achieve political or other aims 6. an amount of money that someone asks for in exchange for a person who they are keeping as a prisoner 7. a person who is the prisoner of someone who threatens to kill them if they do not get what they want 8. to work with other people in order to achieve something 9. to make someone feel frightened so that they will do what you want 10. someone who has done something that illegal and is trying to avoid being caught by the police. 11. the official line that separates two countries or regions. Text №1 Some new words to the text: Supervision надзор, наблюдение To hunt down охотиться, выслеживать Bona fide добросовестный, добропорядочный Sky-jacking угон воздушного средства, воздушное пиратство To lead лидировать, быть лидером To assist оказывать помощь, содействие Wanted разыскиваемый To safeguard охранять To establish устанавливать Charter хартия, устав Treaty договор, устав Observer наблюдатель Intelligence разведка Customs таможня To disseminate распространять Permanent staff постоянный состав To subject подчинять Murder убийство Burglary кража со взломом Assault нападение Larceny воровство, кража Car theft угон автомобиля Missing person пропавший без вести Bank fraud банковское мошенничество
Embezzlement хищение, растрата Drug traffic транспортировка наркотиков Forgery подделка документов, подлог Counterfeiter фальшивомонетчик Fingerprints отпечатки пальцев Identification опознание, идентификация 1. Read and translate the text: Interpol Interpol is an international corporation founded in 1923 as a service organization devoted to coordinating actions against international criminals. Its clients are 174 agencies throughout the world. This organization is not under the control or supervision of any government. Interpol is a recognized intergovernmental police force whose task is to hunt down international criminal. A multinational force, much like the United Nations, Interpol is made up of police of the Free World and a bona fide law enforcement agency in its own right. Among the first task is to fight international terrorism and sky-jacking, Interpol still leads the war of narcotics, assists a number of nations in the continuing search for wanted Nazi war criminals. One of the most highly respected groups in the world, Interpol, like any other police force is under governmental control to safeguard the basic rights of every citizens. It operates according to a strict code of behaviour and adheres to the highest ethical standards. Interpol has never been recognized or established by any international charter or treaty and has no police powers. Because of Interpol’s cooperation with UN particularly in the area of drugs, Interpol was recognized as an intergovernmental organization. Interpol members are, for the most part, police and not governmental representatives, although certain governments have sent observers from their military, intelligence, customs, post office, and immigration departments. Interpol does not have powers of arrest or any investigative rights. Its function is to disseminate information. Today 80 percent of the permanent staff is French. Interpol is much like any large corporation with bureaus in various countries and with representatives from these offices also stationed at the main office. Information is exchanged between the many national bureaus, but the police forces themselves are subject to the laws and policies of their respective nations. Interpol is divided into four main bodies – the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat and the National Central Bureaus. The General Assembly is composed of the delegates from each member country. It is «the Supreme Authority». The General Assembly controls the policy of the organization. The Executive Committee is a nine-member board made up of the president, two vice presidents, and six delegates chosen by the General Assembly. The General Secretariat, the permanent body, located in Lion, is Interpol’s business division. It contains «the permanent departments» four of which specialize in certain crimes: one handles murder, burglary, assault, larceny, car theft, and missing persons; another deals with bank frauds and other types of embezzlement; a third with drug traffic and moral offences; and a fourth deals with forgery and counterfeiting. Other divisions are the general records department, where files are kept, and a special records department, where fingerprints and other methods of identification are used.
The National Central Bureaus are the Interpol offices in various countries. Each NCB is empowered to communicate directly with and exchange information with any other NCB.
2. Translate the word chains: - cooperate – cooperation – cooperative – uncooperative - represent – representation – representative – represented – representing - support – supporter – supported – supporting - contribute – contribution – contributor – contributory - counterfeit – counterfeiter – counterfeited - threaten – threat – threatening – threatened
3. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: - международная корпорация - надзор - выслеживать международных преступников - воздушное пиратство - оказывать содействие, помогать - охранять права граждан - международная хартия - разведка - распространять информацию - постоянный состав - отпечатки пальцев - кража со взломом - транспортировка наркотиков - угон автомобиля - обмениваться информацией 4. Read and translate the following synonyms: Combat - fight - struggle Drug - narcotics Illegal - illicit Agency - organ To cooperate - to work together Corporation - organization Charter - treaty 5. Translate the following word-combinations from English into Russian: Intergovernmental police force, a bona fide law enforcement police agency, to fight terrorism and sky-jacking, wanted Nazi war criminals, to have power of arrest, to control policy, permanent departments, missing persons, bank frauds, throughout the world, a special records department.
6. Name the criminal who: - kills people; - seizes aero planes; - steals from houses and offices; - takes people hostage for a ransom; - attacks people in public places and steal their money, jewellery or other things; - hides, especially from the police and tries to avoid being caught.
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