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The Participle Constructions

Комплексы с причастием

В английском языке есть три вида комплексов с причастием сложное

дополнение (complex object), сложное подлежащее (complex subject) и

абсолютная причастная конструкция (absolute participle construction).

1. Конструкция complex object с причастием представляет собой

сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в

объектном падеже с причастием, выступающим в качестве глагольного

члена предложения. Данная конструкция выражает процесс

происходящего действия.

I saw him crossing the street. - Я видел, как он переходил улицу.

‘’Him crossing’’ - конструкция complex object с причастием, она также

является дополнением к глаголу-сказуемому ‘’saw’’.

Complex object c причастием употребляется в основном после глаголов

физического восприятия.

2. Конструкция complex subject с причастием представляет собой

сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в

именительном падеже в функции подлежащего с причастием в качестве

второй части составного глагольного сказуемого.

He was seen crossing the street. - Было видно, что он переходил улицу.

‘’He … crossing’’ – complex subject с причастием.

Complex object и complex subject с причастием употребляются

обычно тогда, когда мы хотим подчеркнуть, что действие, выраженное

причастием, не было завершено, еще длилось в момент действия,

выраженного глаголом-сказуемым.

3.Абсолютная причастная конструкция обычно состоит из

существительного в общем падеже, личного местоимения в

именительном падеже или указательного местоимения и причастия.

Существительное или местоимение выполняет роль подлежащего по

отношению к причастию (но не является подлежащим всего


This done, we decided to have a rest. - После того как это было сделано,

мы решили отдохнуть.

Если абсолютная причастная конструкция стоит в начале

предложения, то она переводится придаточным предложением с

союзом ‘’так как’’ (поскольку, ввиду того что, когда, после того как,


He coming very late, we had to stay at home. - Так как он пришел

слишком поздно, нам пришлось остаться дома.

Иногда причастная конструкция стоит в конце предложения. В этом

случае она переводится на русский язык сложносочиненным

предложением, вводимым союзами – и, причем, а.

The detection of the criminal was in full swing, the detectives finding some

evidence. - Шел активный розыск преступника, причем детективы

нашли некоторые доказательства.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences with Participle Constructions:

1. He is going to have this job finished.

2. The text being easy, the students could read and translate it.

3. The taxi could be seen waiting outside.

4. This officer investigating the crime, crime detection was success.

5. The people want the public order being always maintained.

6. The teacher felt him knowing that problem not quite well.

7. Somewhere a long way off a telephone rang and a voice could be heard


8. This being done, they set off with light hearts.

9. I heard him answering the question on the US Constitution.

10. Crime prevention is to be in the focus of militia’s activity, prevention of the origin of criminal motives being the aim of the moral approach to the problem.


Grammar Test Review

1. He is looking forward … to the country.

a) to going

b) for going

c) to have gone

2. … plants and animals deep in the ocean, science may find a cure for some of the most serious human diseases.

a) On studying

b) By studying

c) Having studied

3. William the Conqueror is famous for … England.

a) having been conquered

b) conquering

c) having conquered

4. Did he deserve …?

a) praising

b) having been praised

5. I remember … your letter.

a) having posted

b) posted

c) posting

6. The inspector suspected him … the cop.

a) of having killed

b) for killing

c) in being killed

7. His career crashed when he … letting a girl die in a car crash.

a) should be accused of

b) was accused of

c) is accused of

8. By the end of this century there will be 600 million people around the world … in absolute poverty.

a) living

b) having lived

c) lived

9. The problem … of great significance.

a) discussing

b) being discussed

c) discussed

10. I saw her … the street.

a) crossed

b) having crossed

c) crossing

11. While … the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.

a) studying

b) study

c) having studied

12. … her address I could not write her a letter.

a) Not knowing

b) Without knowing

c) Not to know

13. The holiday … Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

a) calling

b) called

c) to be called

14. The proposal is reported … … by the committee.

a) to be approved

b) to have been approved

c) to approve

15. He was considered … a good teacher.

a) to be

b) to have been

c) was

16. She is known … on a very important problem now.

a) to have worked

b) working

c) to be working

17. He is said … a novel for ten years.

a) to have been writing

b) to have written

c) to be writing

18. He is expected … a report on Monday morning.

a) make

b) will make

c) to make

19. Viewers … to object to the growing amount of violence on TV.

a) are not seem

b) do not seem

c) are not seeming

20. Helen … to be a good story-teller.

a) turned out

b) is turned out

c) to turn out

21. If captured, the runaway slaves … to end up in slavery.

a) to be likely

b) were likely

c) have been likely

22. I have never heard him …

a) to sing

b) sing

c) to have sung

23. I believed him … the most honest person.

a) to be

b) is

c) be

24. The traffic made me … as if my head would burst.

a) to have felt

b) to feel

c) feel

25. Do you want me … a new theory to the class?

a) to present

b) to be presenting

c) to have presented

26. I expected them … the problem in detail.

a) consider

b) to consider

c) considering

27. I hate him ….

a) laugh at

b) to be laughed at

c) laughed at

28. I … see more organizations coming together to put an end to the threat of nuclear war.

a) will like to

b) would like to

c) would have like to

29. I like to watch the planes ….

a) take off

b) to take off

c) to be taking off

30. The instructor had the students … the experiment over.

a) to have done

b) do

c) to do

Вопросы к зачету


1. Who was the founder of the British police?

2. What does "walking the beat" mean?

3. Why are British police cars called "jam-sandwich" cars in colloquial speech?

4. Is there a single police force, organized by central government?

5. What is the major difference in police organization between Britain and some other countries?

6. When do British police forces co-operate with each other?

7. What is the name of London's police headquarters?

8. In what situations can policemen carry arms?

9. What are the ranks of policemen?

10. What is the job of CID officers?

11. What are the duties of traffic wardens?

12. What is Scotland Yard and what does it do?

13. What was the public sentiment about the first Scotland Yard plainclothes police agents?

14. When did Scotland Yard set up its Criminal Investigation Department?

15. What were the CID's initial duties?

16. What is the CID nowadays?

17. Which parts of London are covered by the Metropolitan Police?

18. What are the Metropolitan Police's Duties?

19. Who is the administrative head of Scotland Yard?

20. What is the structure of the CID?

21. What assistance does the Yard render to the countries of the Commonwealth?

22. What are the main police powers in England and Wales?

23. In what cases can a police officer stop and search the suspect?

24. What does the procedure of stop and search consist of?

25. What are the provisions of 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act?

26. What document is necessary to carry out an arrest?

27. What are the arrestable offences?

28. When can a person be arrested without a warrant?

29. Where should the suspects be taken after arrest?

30. What rights does the arrested person have?

31. When can the exercise of these rights be delayed?

32. What is the police caution?

33. What does the "right of silence" consist of? What can the consequences of using this right be for the suspect?

34. How long can a person be kept in custody before being charged?

35. What is the procedure of interviewing the detained person at the police station?

36. What can a person do in case of unlawful detention?

37. What are the provisions of the Habeas Corpus Act?

38. What happens to a person after he or she has been charged?

39. What does the FBI handle?

40. What are the main divisions of the FBI you can name?

41. What are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction?

42. In what way are the FBI Agents devoting their efforts to the fight against organized crime?

43. Who directs the efforts to locate and apprehend fugitives, escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from Armed Forces?

44. Where can valuable leads in an investigation be found very often?

45. Why does the Interpol handle the problems of combating the drug traffic?

46. What are the functions of the Operational Group?

47. What is the Intelligence Group responsible for?

48. How many special projects are currently handled by the Interpol?

49. What is Europol?

50. When did it start its work?

51. What is the aim of Europol?

52. What international crimes does Europol fight against?

53. Does Europol any executive powers? What does it mean?

54. What can you say about structure of this organization?

55. Is there any difference between Europol and Interpol? What are their roles in the fight against organized crime?

56. What developments made it easier for criminals to move around the world?

57. Who are being subjected to increasing pressure from criminals?

58. Does the term «international crime» refer only to specific types of offence defined in law?

59. What does the term «transnational crime» mean?

60. How many groups of transnational crimes can you name according to UN’s classification?

61. What offences are covered by international conventions?

62. Is tracing and arresting international criminals an easy task?

63. Why must police services in different countries work together?



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3. Куприянчик Т.В., Поварисова Е.Б., Четверухина Н.А. Английский язык для юристов. – Москва, 2009.

4. Соловей С.С. Учебник английского языка для профессионалов правоприменительной деятельности / English for Law Enforcement Professionals – Омск, 2004.

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7. Гуманова Ю.Л., Королева-МакАри В.А., Свешникова М.Л. Just English. The state of Britain / Английский для юристов и политологов. Углубленный курс – Москва, 2006.

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9. Сущинский И.И., Сущинская С.И. Практический курс современного английского языка для юристов – Москва, 2004.

10. Зеликман А.Я. Английский для юристов. Учебное пособие – Ростов-на- Дону, 2002.

11. Кравченко А.П. Англо-русский и русско-английский юридический словарь – Ростов-на-Дону, 2001.

12. John and Liz Soars. New Headway (Pre-Intermediate) / English Course. – Oxford University Press, 2007.

13. John and Liz Soars. New Headway (Intermediate) / English Course. – Oxford University Press, 2010.

14. Raymound Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use / A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English – Cambridge University Press, 2009.

15. Gillian D. Brown, Sally Rice. Professional English in Use // Law – Cambridge University Press, 2009.

16. Elizabeth Sharman. Across cultures. – Longman Pearson Education Limited, 2009.



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