Domestic Intelligence Division
The FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat * to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation’s security. Files and Communications Division Often some of the most valuable leads in an investigation result from information already contained in the files of law enforcement agencies. A teletype network provides constant twenty-four-hour contact between FBI headquarters and all Field Divisions. In addition, the FBI has a radio network, completely independent of commercial facilities. Crime Records Division The personnel of the Crime Records Department has the task of carefully studying the information on crime poured into the Headquarters from the FBI’s field officer *, local police agencies and other sources. Training Division All FBI Agents are trained at facilities in Washington, D.C., and at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Today, the new Agents receive fourteen weeks of instruction. Two week retraining courses are held periodically for all Agents. Although the theory of the various Law enforcement arts and sciences is taught, the greater emphasis is placed on those practical skills and techniques demanded by day-to-day investigations. The courses range from the Constitution and Federal Criminal Procedure to Investigative Techniques and the Collection, Identification and Preservation of Physical Evidence. Thorough training is given in firearms and defensive tactics in order that an agent may defend himself in those extreme situations where life may be in danger. The Training Division also provides instructors for thousands police schools conducted by local enforcement agencies in communities across the Nation. Special Investigation Division Organized crime is a lawless empire involved in gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. where easy money can be made. For years organized crime operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall * built on fear, intimidation, bribery, and force. Squads of highly trained FBI Agents are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice *. The objective is to collect sufficient evidence to build a strong prosecutive * case so gang leaders can be brought to justice swiftly. Cooperation is vital in the fight against organized crime. The FBI works closely with state and local enforcement agencies. The Division also supervises investigations under the Security of Government Employees programme *. Fugitive investigations often involve a great deal of manpower. In addition to FBI fugitives, this Division directs the efforts of FBI Agents to locate and apprehend escaped Federal prisoners, deserters from the Armed Forces.
Notes: 1) operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall – действовала за почти непроницаемой стеной 2) are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice – направляют все свои усилия, чтобы преступных магнатов привлечь к суду
3) to build a strong prosecutive case – построить сильное обвинение 4) the Security of Government Employees programme – программа по обеспечению безопасности высших правительственных служащих 5) which pose a threat – которые представляют угрозу 6) Crime Records Division – уголовный архив (отдел, где хранятся отчеты о совершенных преступлениях) 7) the FBI’s field officer – сотрудник ФБР, курирующий определенный регион или сферу деятельности
Look through the following synonyms. Translate into Russian. Action – operation Crime – offence Criminal - offender Investigation – inquiry Security – safety Staff – personnel To identify – to establish Matter – affair To handle – to deal with To apprehend – to arrest Division – department Property – estate To operate – to function – to fulfil – to do – to make
4. Give the corresponding verbs of the same root (корень) from the following nouns. Translate them: Conviction, apprehension, intimidation, assignment, appointment, arrest, limit, violation, extortion, dependent, control, fulfillment.
5. Make as many different word-combinations as you can: A B 1) to give a) crime 2) to identify b) suspect 3) to solve c) evidence 4) to commit d) innocence 5) to investigate e) organized crime 6) to prove f) fingerprint 7) to fight against g) guilt
6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following: - посредством идентификации отпечатков пальцев - разыскиваемый опасный беглец - единственное средство опознания потерпевшего - осудить обвиняемого - научные экспертизы - на основе материальных улик - доказать невиновность лица - подозревать в совершении преступления - наиболее ценные версии - уголовный архив - главное управление ФБР - курсы переподготовки - огнестрельное оружие - тщательная подготовка - идентификация и сохранение вещественных улик - основанная на страхе, запугивании, взяточничестве и силе - собрать достаточно улик - выстроить сильное обвинение - расследование дел о беглецах - собрать достаточно улик - выстроить сильное обвинение - привлечь к суду - осуществлять надзор за расследованием - обнаружить местонахождение и задержать - сбежавшие из тюрьмы заключенные. 7. Write out the only words which are the names of crimes: Defendant, racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, deserter, victim, fugitive, fraud, prisoner, espionage, employee, theft, robbery, field officer, FBI agent, bribery, conviction, innocence.
8. Give all possible word combinations: Crime (организованная, совершить, расследовать, подозревать, бороться против, раскрыть, доказать); To handle (преступления, уголовные расследования, отпечатки пальцев, информация, внутренняя безопасность); Fingerprints (ценные, идентифицировать, сохранить); Fugitive (установить местонахождение, задержать, найти, арестовать, опасный); Evidence (материальные, вещественные, достаточные, собрать, сохранение, идентификация); To fight against (рэкет, организованная преступность, хищение, взяточничество, азартные игры, мошенничество, вымогательство); Investigation (иметь дело, уголовное, тщательное). 9.Use the verbs in correct forms and translate the sentences: 1. The F.B.I. (to create) in 1908. 2. The Identification Division of the F.B.I. (to found) in 1924. 3. One of the aims of the Division (to be) to provide a national collection of fingerprints. 4. The Division (to keep) records on all political suspects and actual criminals. 5. The F.B.I. (to supply) information for evidence and crime problems throughout the country. 6. Training schools for Special Agents (to set up) in Washington. 10. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets: (bribery, intimidation, fugitive, identify, convicted, leads, organized crime, responsibilities, fingerprint, robbery, the collection, identification, preservation). 1. The fight against … involves a great deal of efforts in the work of the FBI Special Investigation Division. 2. To fight against a threat to the Nation’s security is one of the … of the FBI. 3. In a number of crimes some of valuable … in an investigation result from information contained in the files of law enforcement agencies. 4. Many crimes are solved through … identification. 5. The dangerous … was located and arrested on the basis of the information of the witnesses. 6. Laboratory examination proved the innocence of the defendant suspected of having committed … 7. Laboratory examination of the fingerprints found on the murder victim helped … the murderer. 8. The gang leaders were … on the basis of sufficient evidence collected by the FBI Agents together with the officers of the local enforcement agency. 9. Practical skills and techniques are paid great attention to in the course of training and retraining FBI Agents. The courses involve … and … of physical evidence. 10. Organized crime is built on fear, …, …, and force.
11. Read and translate the following sentences without dictionary: 1. The FBI headquarters is the largest in the world. 2. The FBI closely cooperates with state and local police agency. 3. The collection of fingerprints is the largest in the world. 4. They always relay on scientific training, selection of personnel and cooperation.
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