Adverbials of time with the present perfect
Adverbials of time with the present perfect and past simple Some adverbials used with both forms are just, recently, already, once/twice etc, ever/never, today, this morning/week etc and phrases with for and since. 1. With just and recently there is little difference in meaning. I’ ve just heard the news. /I just heard the news. We’ ve recently moved house. /We recently moved house. Compare these examples with already. I’ ve already heard the news. (before now) I already knew before you told me. (before then) 2. Once, twice etc with the present perfect means the number of times the action has happened up to now. We’ ve been to Scotland once/lots of times. This is the third time my car has broken down this month. With the simple past once usually means ‘at a time in the past’. We went to Scotland once. Ever/never with the present perfect means ‘in all the time up to now’. With the simple past it refers to a finished period. Have you ever visited our showroom? Did you ever visit our old showroom? 3. We can use this morning, this afternoon and today with the present perfect when they include the present time. When the time is over, we use the past. It has been windy this morning. (The morning is not yet over. ) It was windy this morning. (It is afternoon or evening. ) With today there is little difference in meaning. It has been windy today. (The day is not yet over. ) It was windy today. (The day is over. ) Both sentences are spoken late in the day. The second must be in the evening. The speaker sees the day as over. We use the present perfect with this week/month/year when we mean the whole period up to now. I’ ve seen a lot of television this week. We use the simple past for one time during the period. I saw an interesting programme this week. We might say this on Friday about something two or three days earlier. We often use the negative with phrases of unfinished time. It hasn’t been very warm today. I haven’t seen much television this week. 4. We often use for and since with the negative present perfect. I haven’t skied for years. /I haven’t skied since 1988. We can also use since with a clause. I haven’t skied since I was twelve. Compare the past simple. I last skied years ago/in 1988/when I was twelve. We can also use a phrase with for with the past simple to say how long something went on. I skied for hours. Appendix 4
I. Answer the following questions choosing an appropriate phrase from the list. Why is the present indefinite used here? Explain the spelling and pronunciation of the ending in the 3rd person singular. 1. What does an architect do? 2. What does a shoemaker do? 3. What does a mason do? 4. What does an artist do? 5. What does a doctor do? 6. What does a hairdresser do? 7. What does a broker do? 8. What does a law student do? 9. What does a laundress do? 10. What does a sportsman do? 11. What does a farmer do? (to go in for sports, to study law, to cut and dress the hair, to paint pictures, to mend boots and shoes, to make designs for buildings, to work in stone, to practise medicine, to buy and sell shares, to wash linen, to grow crops and raise cattle and poultry)
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