6. Now that you know the daily actions of Mr. and Mrs.Priestley, refute or bear out the following statements.
6. Now that you know the daily actions of Mr. and Mrs. . Priestley, refute or bear out the following statements. 1. Mr. Priestley stays in bed till high noon. 2. He likes to take a warm shower every morning. 3. After breakfast Mr. Priestley usually sits reading the morning papers. 4. His day's work begins at eleven o'clock or thereabout. 5. Mrs. Priestley wakes at 6 o'clock and cleans the stove all by herself. 6. Mrs. Priestley never does any sewing. 7. Mr. Priestley goes to the college to meet his students there. 8. After lunch Mrs. Priestley goes out to do her shopping. 9. Mr. Priestley never works in the afternoon. He goes for a walk and visits his friends. 10. After dinner the Priestleys usually go out to the cinema or to the theatre. 11. Mrs. Priestley likes to have a quiet evening at home. And so does Mr. Priestley. 12. Every day Mr. Priestley goes to the golf club. 7. Write out from ten to fifteen verbs and verb phrases from the text about Mr. and Mrs. Priestley (ex. 5) and ask one another questions about your own daily activities. 8. Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences in each set and translate them into Russian. By what means are future events expressed? 1. a) We are not certain yet if we shall take part in the concert. b) If we take part in the concert I hope we shall receive a prize. 2. a) The children will stay indoors unless the wind goes down and the sun comes out. b) The weather forecast does not say if the wind will go down. 3. a) Why don't you tell me when they will announce the results of the competition? b) When they announce the results we shall congratulate the winners. 4. a) The shop will let me know when the goods are in stock. b) The shop will let me know when the goods will be in stock. 5. a) Will you inform me as soon as you know the answer to my application? b) Will you inform me when I shall receive an answer to my application? 6. a) When the manager finishes interviewing the applicants he will come to some decision. b) I can't say when the manager will finish interviewing the applicants. I'm afraid he will not be through even if he stays in the office till night. 9. Give answers to the following questions using adverbial clauses of time. a) Use " when". Example: When will you come to see us? I shall come to see you when I am free. 1. When will you go to see your parents? 2. When will Ann start learning German? 3. When will you tell us about your trip to Leningrad? 4. When will George give up smoking? 5. When will you make a report on home-reading? 6. When do you think you will hear from your brother? 7. When will she translate this article? 8. When shall we take our exam in English? b) Use " as soon as". Example: When will you give me the answer? I shall give you the answer as soon as I make up my mind. 1. When will they speak to the chief about the experiment? 2. When will you post the letter? 3. When will John tell us about the journey? 4. When did your friends go to the country? 5. When will our group go to the cinema to see the new film? 6. When will you take a leave? You look so tired. 7. When will you return the books to the library? 8. When will your family move to a new flat? 9. When will you arrange your birthday party? 10. When will they publish the programme of the conference?
c) Use " before" or " after". Example: When will you ring me up? I'll ring you up after I finish my hometask. I shall (not) ring you up b efore I go home. 1. When will the lecture begin? 2. When will the children go for a walk? 3. When shall we go shopping? 4. When will you switch off the light? 4. When shall we discuss this film? 5. When shall we have classes in the lingaphone-room? 6. When will you take your first examination in English? 7. When will the mother awake her baby? 8. When do you suppose your sister will first go out after her illness?
10. Make up short dialogues about some actions in the future. Begin your questions with " when" and use adverbial clauses of time in the answers joining them to the principal clause with the help of various conjunctions: " when", " while", " as soon as", " before", " after", " until", " till", " as long as". a) A pupil asks his teacher: 1. When shall we read the text of Lesson 3? 2. When shall we draw pictures to this story? 3. When shall we start our experiments in physics? 4. When will our group work in the school garden? etc. b) A freshman asks a fourth-year student: 1. When shall I get my student's card? 2. When shall I take my first examination as a student? 3. When shall we have our first teaching practice? 4. When shall we start learning a second foreign language? etc. c) A patient asks a doctor: 1. When shall I take this medicine? 2. When do you think I shall be able to get up? 3. Can you tell me when I shall resume my work? 4. I wonder when I shall go out. etc. d) A secretary asks her chief: 1. When shall I type these papers? 2. Can you tell me when I shall post these letters? 3. You told me to send them a telegram. When shall I do it? etc. 11. Explain the meaning of the following English proverbs and think of Russian equivalents. Account for the use of the tense in the proverb. 1. Every cloud has a silver lining. 2. Haste makes waste. 3. He laughs best who laughs last. 4. Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear. 5. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 6. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 7. The last drop makes the cup run over. 8. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 9. Misfortunes never come single. 10. Fine words dress ill deeds.
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