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Task 1. Read and translate the article, write out all the unknown words.


Учебное пособие

по дисциплине: Иностранный язык: английский

для специальности: 42.02.01 Реклама


Разработала: Л.П. Крикова

Рассмотрено на заседании


Протокол № 9 от 10.04.2015г.

Председатель ________ О.Г.Кольцова



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ……………………………………………………… 4

Глава 1. What Is What?

1.1. Advertising: Terms and Definitions…………………………………...5

1.2. Words Frequently Confused………………………………………….. 6

1.3. What Is Advertising? …………………………………………………10

1.4. What Is Marketing? ………………………………………………….15

1.5. The Magical Power of Marketing……………………………………..19

1.6. What Is Brand? ……………………………………………………….22

Глава 2. Advertising Techniques

2.1. Advertisings through Commercials ……….……………………... ….26

2.2. Propaganda Techniques…. ………………………………………. ….28

2.3. Persuasive Advertising ……………………………………………... 33

Глава 3. Advertising In Our Life

3.1. Advertisers Perform a Useful Service To The Community………...…34

3.2. Campaign………………………………………………………… ….. 35

3.3. Advertising in the USA………………………………………………..36

3.4. Advertising as a Career in the USA……………………………… …..37

3.5. Potato Peelers…………………………………………………….. …..42

Глава 4. Advertising Influence

4.1. Are You Influenced by Advertising?...................................................45

4.2. Do You like Advertising?............................................................... ….45

4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising………………………..47

ЛИТЕРАТУРА ………………………………………………………….49


  1. Рекламные термины………………………………………...........50
  2. Стимулирование продаж…………………………………………52
  3. Виды рекламы…………………………………………………….53
  4. Переписка по вопросам рекламы………………………………..54
  5. Из словаря по рекламе……………………………………………55
  6. Экзаменационные темы………………………………………….59
  7. Контрольный тест на термины по рекламе…………………......63
  8. Ответы к упражнениям ………………………………………....65


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся на III курсе по специальности 42.02.01 Реклама и представляет собой первую часть комплекса пособий по английскому языку.

Цель пособия: развитие навыков изучающего и просмотрового чтения учебных текстов и аутентичных статей по специальности, овладение лексикой и терминологией специальности.

Содержание текстов является профессионально ориентированным и представляет интерес для студентов данной специальности. Тексты знакомят с основными понятиями и терминами по рекламе, принятыми в англоязычном мире, видами и технологиями рекламы, раскрывают особенности маркетинговых принципов и брендинга на конкретных примерах известных мировых компаний.

В структуру пособия входят тексты, упражнения, к текстам прилагаются новые слова и термины. В приложение входят словарь-глоссарий, экзаменационные темы и тесты для контроля знания терминов, а также ответы к упражнениям.

Глава I. What Is What?


Doing business without advertising

is like winking at a girl in the dark.

You know what you are doing, but

nobody else does.


Advertising: Terms and Definitions

(from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)


advertising / ’ædvətaiziŋ / n the activity or business of advertising things on television, in newspapers etc:

eg. advertising aimed at 18-25 years old;

a career in advertising.

advertise / ’ædvətaiz / v 1. to tell people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it:

eg. Have you tried that new shampoo they’ve been advertising on TV?

2. to make an announcement, for example in a newspaper or on a poster, that a job is available, an event is going to happen etc:

eg. a big poster advertising a U2 concert;

[+for] I see they’re advertising for a new Sales Director

3. to show or tell something about yourself that it would be better to keep secret:

eg. Don’t advertise the fact that you’re looking for another job.

advertisement / æd’vз:tismənt / n 1. a picture, set of words, a film etc that is used to advertise a product or service:

eg. an advertisement for a free day of skiing in Vermont

2. a statement in a newspaper that a job is available, an event is going to happen etc

3. to be an advertisement for to show the advantages of something:

eg. He’s not a very good advertisement for private education.

advertising agency a company that designs and makes advertisement for other companies.


advertising / n the attracting of public attention to a product, service, etc (New Webster's Dictionary)

advertising / n the business of encouraging people to buy goods... (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

Words Frequently Confused

Task 1. Read and translate the article, write out all the unknown words.

What picture does the word "advertising" present to your mind? Smiling girls on TV persuading us to buy a new toothpaste with the flavour of chocolate? Or a merry voice on the radio that speaks about new credits in affiliates of an African bank which has recently opened its doors in your country? Or lots of useless colourful paper in your mailbox? Is that all? I think the imagination of the majority of people is limited to these. Nevertheless, there are differ­ent types of "ads" we face every day. Let us examine each of them.

Advertisement is an announcement informing people about an event, a service or a product on TV, radio, Internet or in a newspaper that aims at persuading us to buy it. Plus, we have a person who advertises - he/she is called an advertiser. Sometimes the word "ad­vertisement" can be shortened to advert or ad.

Do not mix up advertisement with advertising. The latter is the business of making advertisements. The classified ads are small advertisements in a newspaper or a magazine, of­ten placed by individuals rather than by large compa­nies. A more informal word for classified ads is the small ads. If you open a section in a newspaper or a magazine where people advertise that they want to meet someone to have a relationship, know it is the personal ads.

We also have commercials, which are advertisements on TV or the radio. A short interruption in a television or a radio program when advertisements are broadcast is called a commercial break.

Billboard is a large outdoor sign used for advertising. It is usually placed in a busy area. Poster is a piece of paper, a big one, often with a picture on it, that illustrates an advertisement. In the street we usually get flyers advertising a product, service or event. They also make us clean our mailboxes as often as we can. To catch our attention advertisements use a short sentence - a slogan.

A good campaign, i.e. a planned series of posters, advertisements and events used for advertising something, aims at getting us interested in a product or a company and making us buy something.

Now you know everything about the terms and can become profes­sional agents. Have you ever had this idea? How do you think an agent advertising a product should behave to persuade us to buy a product? What personal qualities are necessary to become a good agent'? Should this be a young or "not-so-young" man? What education does he need? Does he really need any, or is it a natural ability that makes millions of people head to the shops for a pretty doll or a toothpaste? Would you like to make ads? Do you feel able to influence people's mind? Have you ever dreamt of opening your own advertising agency? What prod­ucts/services/events would you never advertise and why? What do you know about tricks used in advertisements? Are there any laws prohibiting advertisements of some products? Do you think it is fair to prohibit them or not? What advertisements should children never watch? What do you think about children's participation in commercials? What influence does it have on our minds?

Go on, try to think about these questions and write us as soon as you have any idea. We are sure you have got something interesting to share with us!

By Alevtina Kozina, English, 4/2005

Task 2. Fill in the blanks using the text:

Term Definition
1) advertisement (advert/ ad) is an announcement … to buy it
2) … is a person who advertises
3) … is the business of making advertisements
4) classified ads (…) are small advertisements in a newspaper or a magazine
5) personal ads is a section in …
6) … are advertisements on TV or on the radio
7) commercial break is a … broadcast
8) … is a large outdoor sign used for advertising
9) … is a piece of paper, a big one, often with a picture on it, that illustrates an advertisement
10) … is an advertisement of a product, service or event usually given to people in the street
11) … is a short sentence to catch our attention
12) … is a planned series of posters, advertisements and events used for advertising something, aims at getting us interested in a product or a company and making us buy something

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