Task 1. Match the words with their definitions.
1) snack A. a public notice selling goods or services 2) manufacturer B. income, especially total annual income 3) advertisement C. person of company that makes goods from raw materials 4) revenues D. process of making goods and services known to people 5) advertising E. light meal Task 2. Try not to look at the text and say what these numbers refer to: 1)100; 3)300; 5)80; 7)75. 2)45; 4)15; 6)85;
Task 3. Study the words in the box.
Advertising — реклама товара, услуги или компании в средствах массовой информации, исходящая от коммерческого источника, например производителя или розничного торговца. Слово advertising неисчисляемое. People don't like much advertising on TV. Advertisement — объявление, реклама, анонс. Слово advertisement исчисляемое. То put I to place an advertisement in the newspaper / the magazine/ on the Internet. An advertisement in 'Moscow Times' brought lots of new customers. Publicity — гласность, известность, слава; рекламные материалы; сообщение маркетингового характера в средствах массовой информации о компании или ее продукции, в отличие от рекламы, не оплачивается. to seek publicity — добиваться гласности
The new store was given a wide publicity. - Новый магазин был широко разрекламирован. Marketing — все виды деятельности, направленные на стимулирование спроса на продукты и услуги, т. е. реклама, продвижение продаж, создание торговой марки, исследование рынка и т. д. Public relations, or PR — связи с общественностью, сознательная попытка создать положительный имидж компании, показать, что компания преследует социальные интересы. Task 4. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right.
Task 5. Word families. Fill in the missing words.
Task 6. Work in a group of three or four people and write a list of things that you think help to make successful advertisements. Form an advertising agency. Choose one product that your agency is going to promote. Using this list as a guideline, discuss some ideas and draw a poster or write a commercial. Remember AIDA (attention, interest, decision, action). • What image do you want to project? • What approach/technique will you use? • How will you attract the reader's / listener's attention? • What will your slogan be? (maximum 10 words) • What will the text of your commercial be (50-80 words) • Will you use someone famous to advertise the product?
Task 7. What about you? 1) Do you think advertising is really important? 2) Do you agree that advertising doesn't cost, it pays? 3) What is the most cost-effective way of advertising? 4) Do you think transit advertisements are important? Why?
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