Task 1. Study the words in the box.
Mark — модель, марка, тип, сорт, производство. Чаще используется для обозначения производящей фирмы, чем самого продукта. Как правило, этот продукт предполагает сборку, как, например, автомобиль. Indesit is a popular make of washing machine. Mercedes is a German make of car. There are hundreds of makes of micro-computers. Brand — торговая марка. What brand of tea do you prefer? а) Выражение "brand name" обозначает группу продуктов, продаваемых одной фирмой. б) Выражение "brand new" означает «совершенно новый». Trademark — «торговая марка» — это слово или символ, которые производитель использует, чтобы отличить продукт или ряд продуктов от других. Торговая марка обычно регистрируется и защищается законом. Logo — это символ, эмблема, рисунок или иное изображение, особым образом написанное название компании, которое она использует на своих продуктах, в рекламе, на конвертах, фирменной бумаге и т. д. Copyright — авторское право. Компании и отдельные изобретатели получают патенты на изобретения. Парижская конвенция защиты промышленной собственности устанавливает минимальные стандарты и признана в 100 странах. Авторское право может быть получено на литературные, музыкальные и художественные произведения. Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
1) British Petroleum decided to update its image. 2) Cars of Japanese ________are popular in the world. 3) ________is the word or symbol that a manufacturer always uses on a product or range of products to distinguish them from others. It is usually registered and protected by law.
Task 3. Translate into English. 1)Во многих странах кока-кола продается лучше, чем местные напитки (beverages). Только в Шотландии местные напитки пользуются большей популярностью. 2)Требуется не менее десяти лет, чтобы создать бренд на Западе. В России некоторым бизнесменам удается создать бренд за два года. 3)Уникальность торгового предложения Барби заключается в том, что кукла похожа не на ребенка, а на молодую женщину. 4)Если человек постоянно покупает определенный бренд, мы говорим, что он имеет лояльное отношение к нему.
Глава II. Advertising Techniques Advertising Through Commercials The main feature of American radio and television "culture" is advertising. Radio and television are two important modern media, influencing public opinion. The right to them is licensed out to private companies, the major of which are the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). Advertising agencies and TV networks together commission1 and choose programs suitable for advertising. The money for the programs is provided by the manufacturers of cars, soap, cigarettes, spaghetti, cosmetics, etc. For example, automobile companies commission special shows for the time of year when their new models are first put on sale. Commercials appear at 5-10 minute intervals. Every performance, except the sacred baseball match commentaries, is interrupted by commercials. Even the News is shown in parts. It makes you believe that the man or woman who is successful, attractive to the opposite sex, has a happy marriage, raises children well, etc., does so thanks and only thanks to the advertised products. Advertising largely depends on viewing times. It is important for a sponsor and his advertising agency to know as exactly as possible who is likely to watch TV at what time. An automobile manufacturer would not want to buy a program for children, no matter how good the show and how large its audience. He will have his program broadcast at a time when most men will be watching. Radio as well as television in the United States is free and production costs are also covered by money from advertising. Roughly 20 per cent of the broadcasting time is given over to commercials. In the most popular programs one-minute commercial costs about 500 thousand dollars. And you can't escape from the radio here. Radios are switched on early in the morning and go on all day as a permanent background noise. So you listen in wherever you go — in houses, cars, restaurants, taxis, railway stations Advertising is a fine art in the USA. Advertisements are often short plays with actors and minimoviemakers, who command top talent, famous actors and actresses, Hollywood producers. One American said about it: "The best brains in our country go into salesmanship. Any fool can make a thing. What takes real brains is to sell it when the customer has got one already and doesn't want another." In a TV commercial the advertiser is trying to persuade you to go out and buy something. He wants to make you feel that you really must have it. He can use a number of different effects to do this:
The snob effect. This tells you that the product is most exclusive and of course rather expensive. Only the very best people use it. The scientific effect. A serious-looking man with glasses and a white coat, possibly a doctor or a professor, tells you about the advantages of the product. The words-and-music effect. The name of the product is repeated over and over again, put into a rhyme and sung several times: in the hope that you won't forget it. The sung rhyme is. called a "jingle". The ha-ha effect. The advertiser tries to make you laugh by showing people or cartoon figures in funny situations. The VIP (Very Important Person) effect. Well-known people, like actors, or football-players, are shown using the product. The super modern effect. The advertiser tries to persuade you that his product is a new, sensational breakthrough. The go-go effect. This is suitable for the teenage market. It shows young people having a party, singing, laughing, having a wonderful time, and, of course, using the product. By skillfully using advertising baits2, representatives of big business are quite able to exert3 a substantial influence on the content of TV and radio programs. commission1 - подготавливать; bait 2 – приманка, наживка, искушение exert3 one’s influence – оказывать влияние
Task 1. Answer the questions. 1. What are very important modern media for influencing public opinion? 2. What are the major broadcasting networks in the USA? 3. How much of TV and radio air time is given to commercials? 4. What is the function of commercials?
5. What is the importance of viewing times? 6. Why advertising is called a fine art? 7. What effects do TV commercials use? 8. Can you analyze the use of effects in any TV commercial you have seen?
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