A. Read the statements below and mark them as true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Explain your decision.
Notes 1. The Commonwealth played a leading role in the transition to democratic rule in Zimbabwe in 1980. From October 1992, a Commonwealth observer mission was stationed in South Africa to assist and monitor progress towards the April 1994 election. The Commonwealth lent assistance to post-apartheid South Africa in the transition to full democracy and in the economic and educational development of the country. https: //media. africaportal. org/documents/South_Africa_And_The_Commonwealth. pdf 2. The Francophonie is an institution, dedicated since 1970 to promoting the French language and political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation among the 88 member countries of the Organisation internationale of la Francophonie (OIF) [International Organisation of La Francophonie]. https: //www. francophonie. org/francophonie-brief-1763
COMPREHENSION TASKS A. Read the statements below and mark them as true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Explain your decision. 1. The official head of the commonwealth is Queen Elizabeth II. 2. It was only after the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947 that the Commonwealth acquired its modern shape. 3. The Commonwealth has established itself as an important global player. 4. The association’s role is determined by its vast membership. 5. Both big and small states benefit from the membership in the Commonwealth. 6. The current UK leaders expect the Commonwealth to substitute for the EU. 7. The biggest economies of the Commonwealth are willing to re-establish economic ties with the UK. 8. China has become a strategic economic partner for India. 9. One of the issues the Commonwealth is facing is lack of political institutions. 10. It is hard to boost the role of the Commonwealth in today’s globalized world.
B. Explain how you understand the following ideas. Comment on the broader context if necessary. 1. ‘… to keep it (the Commonwealth) buzzing. ’ (par. 1) 2. ‘… the thankless task of trying to revive an outfit …’ (par. 2) 3. ‘… one of the club’s selling points …’ (par. 4) 4. ‘… to pick up the slack …’ (par. 5) 5. ‘… many feathers (have been) ruffled …’ (par. 5) 6. ‘… the Commonwealth’s beefier members …’ (par. 6) 7. ‘So the Commonwealth still faces an uphill struggle to recover its momentum. ’ (par. 8) 8. ‘France makes no bones about being top dog in the Francophonie …’ (par. 9) 9. ‘… Gabon and Angola have put out feelers’ (par. 9) 10. ‘… to play big beasts off against each other … (par. 10)
C. Find the words/phrases in the text and choose the closest Russian equivalent out of the three for the given context. You may want to suggest your own variant. 1. conclave (par. 1): a) тайное совещание; в) изолированная камера; с) закрытое собрание
2. outfit (par. 1): a) организация; в) снаряжение; с) оборудование 3. to puff up (par. 3): a) взвинчивать; в) раздувать (значение); с) чрезмерно расхваливать 4. snag (par. 5): a) препятствие; в) беда; с) загвоздка 5. to shake sth up (par. 5) a) реорганизовать; в) расшевелить; с) взбудоражить 6. flickering (par. 6): a) мигающий; в) возникающий время от времени; с) трепетный 7. to gobble up (par. 6): a) заглатывать; в) брать под контроль; с) поглощать 8. at a discount (par. 7): a) со скидкой; в) ниже рыночной стоимости; с) с дисконтом 9. to look to (par. 7): а) рассчитывать на; в) следить за; с) стремиться к 10. scant (par. 10): а) ненадёжный; в) ограниченный; с) недостаточный
D. Identify the subject matter and the message of the article. Give a summary of the main points. Critical Thinking 1. Does the article from the Economist make easy reading? Why / why not? 2. Does the author of the article, in your opinion, take an impartial position on the issue? Support your viewpoint. 3. Are there any points you would like to challenge? Speak up DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Do you agree with those who consider the Commonwealth an imperial relic? 2. What do you think can give this longest-established international organization a new sense of direction?
Follow-Up Conduct mini-research using texts from the Reader, or any other resources and make a three-minute statement on · the role of the Commonwealth · UK – Commonwealth relations after Brexit · bilateral relations within the Commonwealth · prospects of the Commonwealth. Make sure your statement contains a claim and relevant arguments supported by examples. Use Active Vocabulary. VOCABULARY PRACTICE 2 Ex. 11. a) Find words in the text to match the definitions below; b) Reproduce in your own words the contexts they are used in; c) Suggest their Russian equivalents. 1. to respect and admire someone or something /formal/ (par. 1) 2. to have and be able to use power or influence (par. 2) 3. to encourage or gently persuade someone to do something (par. 2) 4. reasonable and likely to be true or successful (par. 3) 5. to regard or consider in a specified way /formal, often passive/ (par. 4) 6. easy to harm physically or mentally (par. 4) 7. to help something to increase or improve (par. 4) 8. to criticize someone unfairly (par. 5) 9. to include a lot of people or things /formal/ (par. 7) 10. progress or development that is becoming faster or stronger (par. 8) Ex. 12. a) Continue the strings of collocations; translate the collocations into Russian.
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