Ex. 23. a) Read the passage and identify its topic and main idea (message). b) Fill in the gaps with any suitable words that would best complete the passage.
Ex. 23. a) Read the passage and identify its topic and main idea (message). b) Fill in the gaps with any suitable words that would best complete the passage. Today, Britain is a very different country than it was in 1) _________ 1970s. It is more comfortable and much more tolerant 2) __________ different personal lifestyles, even as it is less tolerant 3) ________ extreme political views. 4) _________ all, it is vastly more prosperous. It is true that the 5) _________ of the current economic crisis are far-reaching and serious: many people who considered themselves comfortably 6) ______ have found that their 7) _______ of living is increasingly hard to sustain. The squeeze on living costs is 8) ________ felt by a large 9) ________ of the population. At the 10) _________ time, the disproportionate rewards being enjoyed by those at the very top are 11) _________ more visible and more pronounced than ever. This is a 12) _________ more unequal society than it was 40 years ago. Nonetheless, all this is happening from what is by any historic standards a very high base of material security. There is extensive historical 13) ____________ that once they pass beyond a certain level of material prosperity democratic societies are very 14) __________ to experiment with alternative forms of government. The costs of the disruption are not 15) __________ any possible reward.
Ex. 24. Сomplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word(s) given. Do not change the word(s) given. 1. Immediately after the Indian government took office in 1971, it was faced with the Bangladesh crisis. ( HAD ) Hardly _____________________________ it was faced with the Bangladesh crisis. 2. The British government proposed reforming strike laws intending to curb industrial action. ( VIEW ). The British government proposed reforming strike laws with _________________________ industrial action. 3. The detainee was a civilian, but he was brought before a military court. ( BEING ) Despite ___________________________, the detainee was brought before a military court. 4. Border security shouldn’t be jeopardized under any circumstances. ( NO ) Under _______________________________________ be jeopardized. 5. However persistently we hear the call for more human unity, we first need to get our own individual act together. ( MATTER ) No _______________________________ hear the call for more human unity, we first need to get our own individual act together. 6. It was a mistake not to devolve more power away from Whitehall and Westminster. ( SHOULD ) More power _______________________________ away from Whitehall and Westminster. 7. Alfred Nobel’s interest in harmony among nations probably derived from the effects of the applications of his inventions in warfare. ( MAY ) Alfred Nobel’s interest in harmony among nations _____________________ from the effects of the applications of his inventions in warfare.
8. He knew that Barrington would try for more information and wasn’t going to indulge him. ( NO INTENTION ) He knew that Barrington would try for more information and had __________________ him. 9. Ms Fletcher doesn’t think her parents inflicted much emotional damage on her. ( CAN’T ) Ms Fletcher’s parents __________________________ much emotional damage on her. 10. I would prefer the city council to focus their efforts on more pressing matters. ( RATHER ) I would _____________________________ their efforts on more pressing matters. Ex. 25. Translate into English using the words and phrases from this unit. 1. Англичане считают Англию отдельной географической и экономической единицей и полагают, что передача полномочий из центра на региональный уровень не является эффективной мерой укрепления демократии без создания английского парламента. 2. Наиболее вероятная причина популярности британской монархии – личность Елизаветы II, самого почитаемого монарха современности. Однако другие члены королевской семьи замешаны в скандалах или делали заявления, порочащие её честь. Это увеличивает вероятность того, что республиканские настроения наберут силу, что может подтолкнуть парламент к упразднению монархии. 3. Члены ЕС добровольно ус тупили часть своего суверенитета наднациональным органам союза, что, с одной стороны способствовало сплочённости организации, но с другой – вызвало недовольство населения в странах-участницах. 4. Глобальное потепление является серьёзной угрозой для островных государств, охватывающих обширную территорию, так как они наиболее уязвимы для экстремальных погодных явлений. Бесконечные ураганы, тайфуны, цунами причиняют огромный ущерб экономике этих стран. 5. Политикам нравится обладать властью, но обратной стороной этого является то, что они считаются ответственными за всё, что происходит в стране. Их неспособность решать возникающие проблемы способствует росту (one word)недоверия граждан к властям, которое глубоко укоренилось в сознании многих народов.
Undertake interdisciplinary research on a topic related to the challenges faced by the so-called emerging democracies, i. e. formally democratic states of the developing world that are still in the process of transition from colonial or authoritarian rule to a democratic regime. Overview Each student is expected to carry out an individual research project in which they will investigate a selected aspect (e. g. political institutions, civil society, etc. ) of the democratic process in a new democracy (former colony), analyse the data and make conclusions. The results are to be presented in the form of a ten-minute PowerPoint Presentation (see the Manual). The project must demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the issue in question and their ability to find reliable sources of information as well as logical, critical thinking, and presentation skills.
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