Stage 1. Identifying the problem to look into (one week)
Details Stage 1. Identifying the problem to look into (one week) · Decide on the country whose democratic process you would like to investigate. · Formulate a research question (the answer to it will be your claim). · Think of a working title for the project. · Make a preliminary outline or a list of issues to look into. · Submit your research proposal in Google Docs, by email, or in hard copy (discuss with your professor in advance).
Stage 2. Researching (two weeks) · Find reliable sources of information and investigate the topic of your choice. · Articulate the claim you are going to make (the main conclusion of your findings). · Make a list of arguments in support of your claim. · Make sure the arguments are substantiated by evidence, i. e. facts.
Stage 3. Preparing a PPP · Study the guidelines for making presentations in the Manual. · Study the parameters and criteria for assessing project presentations in your assessment files. · Discuss in class any questions you have left. · Prepare a PPP. · Do not forget to make a slide with a list of the sources you used (references).
Stage 4. Presenting research · Present the results of your research in class. · Answer your classmates’ questions. · Listen to your classmates’ and professor’s feedback.
SEMESTER PROJECT L2 (to be done in October-November) Complete research on a relevant issue and present the results. Overview During this semester each student who expects to get an A or a B in the exam is to complete research on an issue related to the topics studied this term (the UK, the US, and the EU) and present the results in the format of a 10-minute PowerPoint Presentation. The topic of the research is not to repeat the issues covered by the texts of the coursebook. The presentation must demonstrate the student’s presentation skills as well as their ability to identify topical issues worth investigating, do research using reliable sources of information, analyze and interpret data.
Details Stage 1. Identifying the problem to look into · Look through the texts in Units 1-3 and identify the issues they deal with so as not to do research on a similar topic. · Based on your personal interests decide on the topic of your research (make sure it is a debatable issue). · Formulate a good research question and a working title. · Get feedback from your professor.
Stage 2. Doing research · Investigate the topic you chose using reliable sources of information. · Analyse the information you have gathered and make conclusions. · Articulate the claim (answer to your research question) and the points / arguments that support it. · Make sure you have evidence to illustrate the points you are going to make.
Stage 3. Preparing a PPP · Revise the guidelines for making presentations and the parameters and criteria for assessing project presentations. · Prepare your PPP; try to anticipate the questions you might be asked.
Stage 4. Presenting your project work · Present the results of your research. · Answer the audience’s question. · Listen to your classmates’ and professor’s feedback.
DEBATE Prepare and hold a debate on a chosen topic (see below). Stage 1. Classwork · Discuss the debate format (see the Manual for the guidelines). · Brainstorm to decide what issues are worth debating and choose one (see suggested topics in the Appendix). · Form two teams; decide which will be the ‘for’-team and which – the ‘against’-team. · As this will be your first debate in this format, your teacher will play the part of the judge/facilitator. Stage 2. Teamwork · Choose the team leader. · Decide what research you will have to do to win the debate. Stage 3. Individual work · Do the research you have been assigned. · Revise the debate format. Stage 4. Teamwork · Share the information you have gathered. · Formulate your opening statement (i. e. your claim) and constructive statements (arguments supporting your claim). · Decide which team member will be presenting each statement and who will be giving a rebuttal. Stage 5. Classwork · Debate the issue in class. · Listen to your teacher’s feedback.
Suggested topics for the debate
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