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А) Прочитайте телефонный разговор.


- 949-21 40, Accounts Department

- Hello, I’d like to speak to Mrs Somova, please.

- Who’s calling?

- George White, Chief Accountant of Sinclair Communications Ltd.

- Mr. White, I’m afraid, Mrs Somova isn’t in. She is away on business in St.Petersburg.

- When will she be back?

- She is coming back tomorrow. Would you like to leave a message for her?

- Yes, please. Tell her I’ll call her tomorrow at 4 o’clock. Will she be here by that time?

- Most probably, she will. I’ll tell her you called.

- Thank you very much. Good-bye

- Ok. Bye


B) Разыграйте аналогичные телефонные диалоги.




Let me introduce you to … Разрешите представить вас …

Let me introduce … to you. Разрешите представить вам …

Let me introduce myself. Разрешите представиться.


May I introduce …? Можно представить …?

I’d like to introduce … Я хотел бы представить …

I’d like you to meet … Хочу познакомить вас с …

Please, meet … Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста. Это …



Do you know …? Вы знаете …?

Have you met …? Вы встречались с …? Вы знакомы?


I don’t think we have met. Мне кажется, мы не знакомы.

I’m General Manager of … Я генеральный директор …

My name is … Меня зовут …/ Моя фамилия …




Pleased to meet you. Рад познакомиться с вами.

Nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you.

A pleasure to meet you.


Прочитайте и разыграйте следующие мини-диалоги.


- Let me introduce you, Mary. This is Charles Hammond. Charles, this is Mary.

- How do you do, Mary?

- How do you do, Charles?



- I think you two have already met. Steve Brown – Ann Randel.

- How are you, Ann?

- Fine. And how are you, Steve?



- Nice to meet you.

- It’s nice to meet you too.



- Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go now.

- It was nice meeting you.

- I was very glad to have met you too. Hope to see you again sometime.




Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из рамки.


accounts, in the right-hand column, in the left-hand column, owners, chronological order, spent, financial reports, received, be equal, at a profit, a decision, managers, accountant, financial reports


Bookkeepers record transactions every day. They enter debits and credits in the journal in _____. Then they transfer journal entries to various _____. A debit is _____. A credit is _____. Debits and credits must _____ to each other. Bookkeepers use accounting entries for many _____.

The owners of the business know how much money the business _____ and how much it _____.

The _____ and _____ of the business need some accounting knowledge to understand what the _____ tells them. Investors and others will need accounting knowledge too to read and understand the _____. Then the investors and the general public will be able to make _____ about future investments. There are two main questions that the managers, owners and investors want to know: first, is the business operating _____? Second, will the business operate in the future or close down?


Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.


1) Bookkeeping consists ___ keeping records of transactions.

2) In the past bookkeepers kept business records ___ big books.

3) The business lost ___ value last year.

4) What company are you working ___?

5) We want to know how much money has come ___ the business.

6) Businesses sell or buy goods and services ___ a profit.

7) The money can be ___ the form ___ cash, check or money order.

8) Bookkeepers are responsible ___ keeping records ___ transactions.

9) Transactions are recorded ___ chronological order.

10) Journal entries are transferred ___ various accounts.

11) A debit is always ___ the left-hand column.

12) A credit is always ___ the right-hand column.


Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.


1) ___ business consists of selling and buying at ___ profit.

2) Many things have changed but ___ principle remains the same.

3) Now ___ bookkeepers use ___ same methods when they work for different companies.

4) ___ sole proprietorship, ___ partnership or ___ corporation are various ownership forms.

5) Business is ___ game with many players and bookkeepers keep ___ score.

6) Any transaction involves ___ money.

7) ___ money which you transferred to this account is for bonuses.

8) ___ first responsibility of ___ bookkeeper is to record all the transactions.

9) In ___ journal ___ bookkeeper registers transactions in ___ chronological order.

10) ___ bookkeeping entry is either ___ debit or ___ credit.


4. Дайте развёрнутые ответы на вопросы.


1) What activities does business involve?

2) What forms do businesses take?

3) What is the origin of the word “bookkeeper”?

4) What information do bookkeepers record in their books?

5) What bookkeeping methods do different businesses use?

6) What does a transaction involve?

7) How do bookkeepers prepare financial reports?

8) What two columns are essential in bookkeeping?

9) What is the basic principle of double-entry bookkeeping?



Unit 2


Texts: Text A: The Balance Sheet. Assets and Liabilities.

Text B.

Grammar: Simple Present Passive

Simple Past Passive

Конструкция there is, there are

When/if - clauses

Word-building: суффикс прилагательных -al

Word study: like, unlike, due, to fall due

Socializing: Telephone conversations (continued)

Expressing gratitude





                          balance sheet income income statement   financial statements (reports) annual owners’ equity syn. shareholders’ equity syn. net worth share to pay (paid, paid) since as of the end of the year   on the one hand on the other hand to result in smth loss heavy losses to suffer losses syn. to sustain losses syn. to incur losses at a loss to list to subtract from syn. to deduct from expenses heavy expenses   to bear (bore, borne) expenses syn. to incur expenses to earn assets current assets fixed assets syn. capital assets syn. plant assets liabilities accounting year shareholder accounting equation to equal баланс доход отчёт о доходах и расходах финансовая отчётность ежегодный капитал акционеров   акция платить так как по состоянию на конец года с одной стороны с другой стор. приводить к убыток крупные убытки нести убытки     в убыток учитывать вычитать из   расходы большие расходы нести расходы     зарабатывать активы текущие активы основные фонды   пассивы отчётный год акционер бух. уравнение равняться                           property claim on smth as amount item warehouse equipment truck inventories     stock of goods raw materials liquidity to turn into cash on hand   demand deposit   resource bill marketable securities     accounts receivable(s)   due   the sum due to us     prepaid   insurance   rent in advance accounts payable(s)   short-term long-term generally to consider current within to fall due     собственность право на что-л. как, в качестве сумма бух. запись товарный склад оборудование грузовик товарно-материальные запасы запас товаров сырьё ликвидность превращать наличность в кассе вклад до востребования зд. источник счёт легко реализуемые ценные бумаги дебиторская задолженность подлежащий выплате сумма, причитающаяся нам заранее оплаченный страховка, страхование арендная плата заранее кредиторская задолженность краткосрочный долгосрочный вообще считать текущий в течение подлежать оплате при наступлении срока





Суффикс прилагательных –al person + al = personal


  1. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных и переведите на русский язык.


1) music 2) tradition 3) nation 4) profession 5) continent 6) constitution 7) structure 8) finance 9) center 10) education 11) architecture  


  1. Переведите на русский язык.


1) The company needs structural changes.

2) Financial problems are not easy to solve.

3) The traditional horizontal format is not used now.

4) Professional problems of accountants were discussed yesterday.

5) 49 states of the USA are located on the continent. They are called continental states.

6) The town is not very large but there are quite a lot of educational institutions.

7) The central bank is situated in a new residential area.


Grammar Revision



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