Should, must, to have (to), to be (to)
Все модальные глаголы обозначают отношение к действию.
1. Модальный глагол should означает моральное обязательство, а также рекомендацию, совет и соответствует русскому «следует, нужно, должно»: You should check the entries again. Вам следует (Вы должны) снова проверить записи.
2. Should употребляется с инфинитивом без частицы to.
3. В вопросительном предложении should ставиться на первое место: Should I check the entries?
4. Отрицательная форма образуется путём добавления частицы not: should not = shouldn’t You should not do it again.
1) Should we do it later? 2) You should read this book. It’s very interesting. 3) What should I do? Should I recheck everything? 4) The total should come to $1750. 5) You should be glad to have this job. 6) The bookkeeper should verify the accounts for accuracy. 7) The transaction should be recorded in the journal.
1) Каждую сделку нужно регистрировать в журнале. 2) Деньги следует возвращать вовремя. 3) Следует помнить, что ошибки должны исправляться немедленно. 4) Бухгалтерам следует избегать ошибок. 5) Этот кредит должен быть выплачен в октябре. 6) Эти записи должны быть проверены снова 7) Ты должен радоваться этой возможности. 8) Тебе следует перезвонить ей.
1.Глагол must обозначает долженствование, обязанность, необходимость совершения действия. Глагол to have (to) означает необходимость совершения действия в силу определённых обстоятельств. Глагол to be (to) означает необходимость, связанную с определённой договорённостью или намеченным планом. I must get up early every day. I had to get up early yesterday to meet my friend at the airport. Payment is to be made by the end of the month.
2.Глагол must употребляется только в настоящем времени, причём вопросительные и отрицательные формы образуются без вспомогательного глагола.
You must look through the entries. Must I look through the entries? Note: must not означает запрет: You must not forget to check the accounts before a final report.
3.Глагол to have (to) замещает глагол must в прошедшем времени и в будущем времени: We had (will have) to look through the entries. - Нам пришлось (придётся) просмотреть записи.
+? -
4.Глагол to be (to) употребляется в настоящем и прошедшем времени. He is to go on business next week. - Он должен ехать в командировку на следующей неделе. He was to check his work but did it in a hurry and missed some errors. Он должен был проверить работу, но сделал это в спешке и пропустил несколько ошибок.
+? -
1) Bookkeepers (must, have to, are to) check the entries. 2) The bookkeepers (must, will have to, are to) check the accounts. Nobody else can do it at the moment. 3) The sellers (must, have to, are to) pay for the goods within a month’s time. 4) Debits and credits (must, have to, are to) always balance. 5) Short-term liabilities (must, have to, are to) be paid within a year of the date of the balance sheet. 6) Payment (must, has to, is to) be made within a certain number of days of the purchase. 7) Current liabilities (must, have to, are to) be paid within the current accounting year.
8) The money (must, has to, is to) be paid on time.
1) When must you come to your university? 2) When are we to pay for the services? 3) Why do bookkeepers have to check the entries? 4) Must bookkeepers keep a record of every transaction? 5) When are the accounts to be verified? 6) Why do bookkeepers have to verify the accounts for accuracy? 7) When must the columns of the trial balance be checked?
1) Если вы собираетесь в загранкомандировку, у вас должен быть загранпаспорт. (passport for traveling abroad) 2) В этом документе цифры очень мелкие, и я должна надеть очки (my eye-glasses), чтобы не сделать ошибку. 3) Эти документы должны быть подготовлены к завтрашнему дню. 4) Я не успела подготовить все документы, и должна буду работать весь вечер. 5) При составлении баланса вы должны следовать определённым правилам. 6) Мне придётся проверить эту проводку ещё раз.
1.Местоимение some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях: 1) перед исчисляемыми существительными во множ. числе со значением «несколько, некоторые». Иногда в этом случае some не переводится, There are some documents on the table. На столе несколько документов. или На столе документы.
2) перед исчисляемыми существительными в единств. числе со значением «какой-то», I read this information in some document. Я прочёл эту информацию в каком-то документе.
3) перед неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «некоторое количество», I have got some money. У меня есть немного денег.
2.В вопросительных предложениях вместо some употребляется местоимение any: Are there any documents on the table? Есть ли документы на столе?
3.В отрицательных предложениях в аналогичных случаях употребляется not any или no: I can see no documents on the desk. I can’t see any documents on the desk.
4.Кроме того, местоимение some может употребляться в вопросительных предложениях, в которых выражается просьба или предложение: Can you lend me some money? Вы не можете одолжить мне немного денег?
5.Местоимение any может употребляться в утвердительных предложениях со значением «любой». I’m sure he can correct any error in the entries. He is a good specialist. Я уверена, что он может исправить любую ошибку в проводке. Он прекрасный специалист.
1) The bookkeeper found ____ errors in the postings. 2) You can take ____ book you like. 3) Were there ____ errors in the postings?
4) Can I have ____ water? 5) Would you like ____ more coffee? 6) I have ____ money for this trip. But it’s not enough. 7) He couldn’t answer ____ questions. He didn’t know his lesson. 8) Do you have ____ questions? 9) Were there ____ errors in the trial balance? 10) We have ____ choice in this situation. We have to do it.
1) Have you found many errors in the journal postings? 2) Have you got any money to buy a new car? 3) Are there any letters in today’s mail? 4) Did your enterprise receive any profit last year? 5) Did you make any errors in postings last month? 6) Are there any newspapers on the table? 7) Is there any snow in the street this morning?
1) Есть ли у вас какие-нибудь вопросы? 2) Боюсь, у меня не будет времени подготовить документы к завтрашнему дню. 3) Не хотите ли чаю? 4) В прошлом году предприятие не имело прибыли. 5) У нас нет материалов для этого отчёта. 6) У вас есть какие-либо фотографии Джона? 7) На консультации было несколько студентов нашей группы. 8) У нас нет свободного времени.
Word Study
1) How long does it take you to get to the university? 2) How long did it take you to get to the university yesterday? 3) How long does it take you to get ready for work? 4) How long will it take you to correct the errors? 5) How long will it take you to write this paper? 6) How long did it take them to prepare the documents? 7) How long did it take him to find the office?
1) Сколько времени нам потребуется, чтобы выплатить ссуду? 2) У нас ушло несколько часов на подготовку этих документов. 3) Мне потребовалось много времени, чтобы найти ошибку в счёте. 4) Сколько времени нужно на подготовку финансовой отчётности? 5) Требуется некоторое время, чтобы убедиться, что все проводки сделаны правильно. 6) Сколько времени вам понадобится, чтобы проверить счета?
1) I switched off the computer, but I think I should make sure. 2) I just wanted to make sure you were informed of it. 3) I have to check the account to make sure all entries are in. 4) Make sure that all entries are transferred to the ledger. 5) We want to make sure that credits are equal to debits. 6) Make sure whether you have a copy. 7) I made sure he would be here.
1) Надо убедиться, что каждая сделка зарегистрирована. 2) Проверьте счета, чтобы убедиться, что дебет и кредит везде равны.
3) Колонки пробного баланса следует проверить, чтобы убедиться, что все проводки сделаны правильно. 4) Необходимо проверить все счета, чтобы убедиться в их точности. 5) Удостоверьтесь, что каждый счёт имеет своё название и номер. 6) Проверьте, все ли документы подготовлены.
cycle, to start, double, system, Roman, operation, form, computer disk, file, period, procedure, special, information, process, circle
Work on the Texts
- Payroll Account - Errors in Bookkeeping - The Accounting Cycle - Trial Balance
Text A The Accounting Cycle
1. The Accounting cycle can be imagined as a circle that repeats again and again throughout the life of business. The cycle starts when a transaction occurs. Every time a transaction is made it is recorded in the journal, in other words, it is entered. Each record is called an entry. In the double entry system each transaction is recorded twice – as a credit to one account and a debit to another. How did this double entry appear? In Roman times the money lender sat at one side of a table, gave money to his customer with his right hand and wrote the value of the cash that was paid out on the right side. When the cash was repaid it was put on the left. With time these operations were recorded in the journals in two columns: for debits and credits. Credits went on the right, debits went on the left. Every entry in the journal is transferred to a ledger, or a book of accounts. When an entry is transferred from the journal to the ledger it is posted. The ledger accounts may be kept in different forms, from sheets in manila folders to computer disk files. Each account is given an account title such as “Cash”, “Payroll Account”, “Accounts receivable”, and an account number. All the account titles together with their numbers are listed on a special page which is called the chart of accounts. Usually at the end of each accounting period the bookkeeper has to verify the accounts for accuracy. He has to make sure that every entry from the journal is posted to the ledger and that the debits and credits in the ledger are in balance. This procedure is called a Trial Balance. 2. Several kinds of errors are common in bookkeeping: numbers may be reversed in writing (for example, 65 instead of 56) or a digit is moved over one place (for example, 10,000 instead of 1,000). The bookkeeper can reverse the entry with incorrect information and reenter the entry correctly.
It should be remembered that it takes much time to locate an error later. It is easier to check work in the process than “to hunt” for an error later on. This will save time and effort. So the bookkeeper must try to avoid any errors. If the trial balance does not balance, its columns are to be checked and rechecked to make sure that all postings are made properly and the journal debits and credits are equal to each other.
Notes: money lender – ростовщик manila folder – картонный скоросшиватель to hunt – охотиться, искать
1) Цикл начинается, когда совершается сделка. 2) Когда долг возвращали, сумма записывалась слева. 3) Счета в бухгалтерской книге могут содержаться в разных формах. 4) Все названия счетов со своими номерами указываются на особой странице, которая называется планом счетов. 5) В конце отчётного периода бухгалтер должен проверить правильность счетов. 6) … удостовериться в том, что каждая запись перенесена из журнала в бухгалтерскую книгу. 7) Некоторые ошибки являются типичными в бухучёте. 8) Цифра передвигается на один разряд. 9) Бухгалтер может сторнировать проводку. 10) Следует помнить. 11) Экономить время и усилия. 12) Избегать любых ошибок. 13) … удостовериться в правильности каждой проводки. 14) … дебет равняется кредиту.
1) transactions are always registered in journals. 2) the bookkeeping procedure goes back to Roman times. 3) account titles and their numbers are listed in the chart of accounts. 4) all accounts must be checked to make sure that they are accurate. 5) in accounting some mistakes are typical. 6) finding an error in bookkeeping takes a lot of time. 7) the bookkeeper must be careful not to make mistakes. 8) in case there is no balance in trial balance columns each ledger posting must be checked.
That’s right. It’s true. That’s wrong. It’s false.
1) Not every transaction is recorded in the journal. 2) Some of the entries are posted to the ledger. 3) Ledger accounts are kept in different forms. 4) Some of the accounts are given names and numbers. 5) Debits should not be equal to credits. 6) It is not necessary to make sure if the debits and credits in the ledger are in balance. 7) No errors occur in bookkeeping. 8) It is not important if the numbers in bookkeeping are reversed. 9) It is not difficult to locate an error. 10) It is necessary to check and recheck all the postings if the trial balance does not balance.
1) How can the accounting cycle be imagined? 2) When does the accounting cycle begin? 3) What is a bookkeeping entry? 4) What is the idea of the double entry system? 5) Where is every entry posted to from the journal? 6) What is a chart of accounts? 7) What is done at the end of each accounting period? 8) What is a trial balance? 9) What errors occur in bookkeeping? 10) Is it easy to locate an error? 11) Why must the bookkeeper try to avoid errors? 12) What does the bookkeeper have to do if the trial balance does not balance?
The text reports on… The text touches upon… It is reported that… Much attention is given to… The text points out that… The text deals with the problem of… The text provides information on… The text defines the phenomenon of… The text covers such points as…
Remember: to mean – значить, означать corresponding – соответствующий to add – добавлять at the same time – в то же самое время at first sight – с первого взгляда to seem – казаться totals – общая сумма
Text B
The method of bookkeeping in use is the method of double entry. This method means that each debit entry has a corresponding credit entry, and each credit entry has a corresponding debit entry. All the items which are recorded in all the accounts on the debit side should equal all the items which are recorded on the credit side of the books. In accounting a trial balance is periodically drawn up to make sure that the two sides of the book “balance”. A form of a trial balance is made up by listing all the accounts, adding all the debit entries and at the same time adding all the credit entries. At first sight the balancing of a trial balance may seem correct. This, however, may be wrong. It means that some types of errors were not made, but there are other types of errors which are not seen in the totals of a trial balance.
1) What does the double entry bookkeeping mean? 2) Why is a trial balance drawn up? 3) What errors can lead to serious problems?
Asking for Information
- Excuse me, can you tell me the time? - Yes, certainly. It’s 4 o’clock.
- Did the mail come today? - Yes, it did. And this is the letter for you.
- Do you know his address? - I’m afraid, I don’t.
1) Can you tell me (который час, адрес гостиницы, номер счёта, название книги)? 2) Do you know (номер счёта, как составить пробный баланс, как найти ошибку, где бухгалтерская книга)? 3) Is there (письмо для меня, какое-либо сообщение, ответ от фирмы, новая информация)?
Вы хотите узнать, который час (ходит ли здесь автобус, есть ли рядом станция метро, название ближайшей гостиницы, как добраться до гостиницы). Начните свой вопрос со слов “Excuse me, …
Double entry systems guarantee that ____ of the data are made properly. However, ____ can appear from a ____ of sources. Sometimes accounts can be ____ wrongly, for example, a cash expense on marketing can be ____ to office expenses. If items are posted to balance sheet accounts instead of the profit and loss accounts, it can ____ serious problems. It is easy for an ____ on one side of the double entry system to have an error of equal ____ on the other. Such errors are very difficult to see in practice and they can be found only when the books ____ against the original documents.
1) All transactions are recorded ____ the journal. 2) Each transaction is recorded as a debit ____ one account and a credit ____ another. 3) Account titles and numbers are listed ____ a special page. 4) The accounts are checked ____ accuracy ____ the end ____ the accounting period. 5) The bookkeeper checks the work ____ errors. 6) The bookkeeper should avoid ____ any errors ____ the bookkeeping process. 7) Two numbers were reversed ____ writing and it was the cause ____ the error. 8) All the credits and all the debits were equal ____ each other. 9) Separate accounts are opened ____ each type of expense. 10) The check ____ the accounts showed that each posting ____ the journal was made correctly.
1) Every time ____ transaction is made it is recorded in ____ journal. 2) ____ transaction which was recorded in ____ journal is later transferred to ____ ledger account. 3) Each account is given ____ account title. 4) ____ bookkeeper has to verify ____ accounts for ____ accuracy at ____ end of each accounting period. 5) ____ debits and ____ credits in ____ ledger should be in ____ balance. 6) ____ total of ____ debits and ____ total of ____ credits should be equal to each other. 7) In old Rome ____ value of ____ cash paid out to ____ customers was written on ____ right side.
1) We must (to receive) a visa to go on our business trip. 2) We have (to finish) the work tomorrow. 3) Each account (to give) an account title. 4) Each transaction must (to record) in the journal. 5) In the double entry system each transaction (to record) twice. 6) The transaction (to post) later to the account in the ledger. 7) Every entry (to transfer) to a book of accounts. 8) An account title (to give) to each account. 9) The bookkeeper has (to verify) the accounts for accuracy. 10) How long it (to take) to correct this error? 11) The entry with incorrect information can (to reverse).
Unit 4
Texts: Text A Text B Grammar: Past Participle Present Perfect Present Perfect and Past Simple Compared Word-building: суффиксы –ent, -ant / -ence, -ance Word study: It’s … There is a number – the number Socializing: Asking for Instructions
Данные суффиксы употребляются для образования прилагательных и существительных от глаголов:
a) to differ – различаться, differ ent – различный, differ ence – разница, различие b) to exist – существовать, exist ent – существующий, exist ence – существование
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