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Лексика для составления текста

1. To pay, the Seller, another country, to ask, to issue a L/C.

2. To ask, Correspondent Bank, country, to advise and confirm the credit.

3. To inform, to open the credit.

4. To receive, a L/C, to check, to ship the goods.

5. To send, shipping documents.

6. To check, documents against the credit.

7. If, the documents, to comply with the requirements, to make payment.

8. To send documents, reimbursement.

9. To check, to reimburse.

10. To release, documents against payment.



1 9 10   3 5 8


1. The Buyer is to pay for some goods to the Seller in another country. He asks the Issuing Bank to issue a Letter of Credit.

















Диалог «Открытие аккредитива»

Задание 3.1

Прочитайте словарь-минимум и выпишите из него в свой терминологический словарь незнакомые лексические единицы.

relationship отношение, взаимоотношение, связь
concern забота, беспокойство, огорчение
due причитающийся
average средний
delay задержка, отсрочка
to notice замечать
obviously очевидно
fair честно, прямо, откровенно
routine установившаяся практика, заведенный порядок
to lay down устанавливать
to honour a Letter of Credit оплачивать аккредитив
permission разрешение
available доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
prior to до, перед
approved company уполномоченная компания
couple пара
consequently следовательно, поэтому
interim промежуток
to stockpile накапливать
to cause причинять
backlog портфель заказов; задолженность (по выпуску продукции)
shortfall нехватка, дефицит, невыполнение плана
outstanding неоплаченный
claim требование, претензия, рекламация
offhand экспромтом
to respond отвечать, реагировать
to suspect подозревать, думать, полагать, предполагать
separate отдельный
to expedite ускорять (работу)
to be owing причитаться

Задание 3.2

Прочитайте и переведите устно диалог. При наличии аудиозаписи этого текста предварительно прослушайте его.

Presenter: Kai Larsen meets Ken Chiswanda.
Ken: Our banks have had a correspondent relationship for eight years now, I think it is, and as this is the first time that you and I have met, I was interested to know how you see the relationship, and whether you have any questions about the mechanics of what goes on.
Kai: Yes, we have one main point of concern, certainly, and that is payments due under documentary credits.
Ken: Documentary credits?
Kai: Yes. Up until about a year ago there was an average delay in payment of confirmed documentary credits of between fifty to sixty days. Over the last year we’ve noticed that this delay has risen to between one hundred and ten and one hundred and twenty days, even though the credits are payable, in fact, at sight.
Ken: Yes, there are obviously delays. We compensate you of course by paying market-rate interest on the full amount due for a period of twenty-five days. We meet with certain difficulties, I think it’s fair to say, with some of the routines laid down by our Central Bank. For example, we can issue documentary credits, but then to be able to honour them, we need the permission of the Central Bank.
Kai: Yes, I see.
Ken: Firstly, a buyer in South Asia needs an import licence from the Ministry of Commerce before he can import anything. After he’s got that, he then has to complete a special form before the necessary foreign exchange can be issued. Foreign exchange is then only available if the goods have been examined prior to shipment by an approved inspection company. Now the Government changed inspection companies a year ago. They ended the monopoly of Palmyra and Queen and gave the job to six companies all over the world. The new procedures weren’t clear to sellers for a couple of months or so, and consequently during the interim, traders stockpiled shipments. Then goods all arrived in South Asia at the same time, causing a backlog, and that’s the main reason for the delay in payments.
Kai: OK, I see. But unfortunately we’re still left with a shortfall in interest on the nine hundred and fifty thousand Swiss francs that are outstanding on the five credits that are unpaid. I believe we sent you an interest claim six weeks ago.
Ken: Ah, by letter or by telex?
Kai: I can’t say offhand.
Ken: No, but as we haven’t responded, I suspect it must have been by telex. What I’d like to ask you to do, if I may, is to send me a separate letter for each claim, giving me the full details. I’ll then check things up and try to expedite matters for you.
Kai: OK. Thank you.
Presenter: So now perhaps Kai’s bank will be able to obtain the money that is owing to it.

Задание 3.3

Найдите в тексте задания 3.2 и выпишите словосочетания, близкие по смыслу приведенным выражениям. Переведите их.


Payments that must be made under the Letters of Credit.

Платежи, которые причитаются по документарным аккредитивам.

Payments due under documentary credits.

Платежи, причитающиеся по документарным аккредитивам.

1. The delay has increased.



Словосочетание из текста




2. To open documentary credits.



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3. To be able to pay for a L/C.



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4. The authorization of the Сentral Bank.



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5. To fill in a special form.



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6. An authorized company.



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7. 2 months



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8. An interval.



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9. A deficit in interest



Словосочетание из текста




10. Unpaid



Словосочетание из текста




11. To get the money due to the bank



Словосочетание из текста




Задание 3.4

Найдите в тексте задания 3.2 словосочетания, близкие по смыслу выделенным выражениям. Составьте предложения, запишите и переведите их.


Our banks have had an agency arrangement with each other for eight years.

an agency arrangement with each othera correspondent relationship

Our banks have had a correspondent relationship for eight years.

Наши банки имели корреспондентские отношения в течение восьми лет.

1. The credits are payable immediately they are received.


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