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Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Высшее образование; нужно иметь в виду; будучи принятым в университет; профессиональное обучение; образовательные курсы; получать стипендию; привлекать лучшие умы; давать образование; предоставлять возможность; упущенные возможности; местные учебные центры; по завершении курса обучения; аспирантура; бакалавр естественных наук; бакалавр гуманитарных наук; магистр гуманитарных наук; магистр естественных наук; степень доктора философии, предоставлять, кроме того, работодатель, учреждение, из-за (вследствие), основывать, называть в честь, повышенный спрос, взрослый человек, включать в себя.

Exercise 6. a) Match the words to get word combinations.

1. receive a. research
2. full-time b. training
3. complete c. education
4. private d. opportunity
5. increased e. leaver
6. regret f. course
7. school g. institution
8. vocational h. degree course
9. receive i. demand
10. original j. grants

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from a) in the correct form and answer the questions.

1. Do all students complete their ______?

2. What should one do to _____ a grant?

3. Why is it necessary to receive _____?

4. What branches of industry have an _____ demand for skilled specialists?

5. What degrees require an _____ research?

6. What private ______ can school leavers enter?

7. Where can senior-year students have their _____ training?

8. Is there a lack of opportunities for _____ leavers?

9. Have you ever regretted _____of not doing any special course?

10. Where can students take _____ courses?

Exercise 7. Are the statements True or False?

1. Only about one third of school leavers receive post-school education.

2. Today there are fifty-seven universities in Britain.

3. Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries respectively.

4. Open University provides every person in Britain with the opportunity to study for a degree without leaving their job.

5. Open University conducts learning only through local study centres.

6. University examinations are for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science on completion of the undergraduate course.

7. Most students continue to complete a three-year period of original research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. How many universities are there in Britain?

2. What are the most famous Britain’s universities?

3. What categories of universities in Britain do you know?

4. What opportunity does Open University provide every person in Britain with?

5. Whom is Open University designed for?

6. In what way does Open University conduct learning?

7. What degrees do undergraduates receive?

Exercise 9. Complete the text about the difference between College and University in the UK with the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice. Is there the difference between College and University in the USA?

  In the United Kingdom, the difference between college and universities _____ (define) very well. Colleges are specialized institutes of learning under aegis of a university. Courses _____ (teach) in colleges, but the degree _____ ( grant) by the university. University is the parent body and colleges adhere to its rules. Besides the colleges, research departments ______ (include) in the university structure.

Exercise 10. a) Match the verbs with prepositions.

1. name a. into
2. fall b. in
3. respond c. after
4. differ d. on
5. go e. into
6. divide f. to
7. lead g. from
8. specialize h. to

b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from a).

1. Некоторые студенты продолжают обучение для получения степени магистра.

2. Университеты Британии подразделяются на четыре большие категории.

3. Программы технических вузов отличаются от гуманитарных.

4. Некоторые университеты были названы в честь выдающихся ученых.

5. Я надеюсь, комиссия даст положительный ответ на мой грант.

6. Недавнее исследование в области дистанционного обучения привело к неожиданным результатам.

7. Учебный год в британских университетах и колледжах делится на 3 семестра.

8. Он специализируется в компьютерных технологиях.


Exercise 11. Complete the text with the right form of the verbs (active or passive).

The United Kingdom _____ (have) many higher education opportunities. The autonomy of higher-education institutions is striking. Its universities _____ (have) almost complete autonomy from the National or local governments. The state _____ (not control) university syllabuses, but it _____ (influence) admission procedures through the Office for Fair Access. There are three kinds of higher education institutions in Great Britain: universities, colleges of higher education and colleges of further education. Some young people who _____ (decide) to leave school at the age of 16 may go to a further education college, full-time or part-time. Further education colleges _____ (have) strong ties with commerce and industry. After three years of study, a university graduate _____ (leave) with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. The degrees _____ (award) at public degree ceremonies. The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (A-level) _____ (require) for admission to all kinds of higher education institutions. Good A-level results in at least two subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. Many universities _____ (choose) their students after interviews.

The academic year in Britain’s universities and Colleges _____(divide) into 3 terms which usually _____ (run) from the beginning of October to the middle of December, the middle of January to the end of March, from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.


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