Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. В частности, интересоваться; опыт работы; достигать чего-либо; начинающий; оборона; работодатель; приобретать опыт; заканчивать институт; широкая специализация; профессиональная квалификация; заочное обучение; зарабатывать деньги; совмещать, выбор карьеры, большое разнообразие, электротехника, опыт работы, оборудование, устройство, иметь дело с, местный, удостоверение (свидетельство) Exercise 6. a) Match the words to get word combinations.
b) Fill in the gaps using the words from a) and answer the questions. 1. What practical _____ can students get at the university? 2. Do you think that students should have a period of work _____ at the university? 3. Is it difficult to _____ work with studies? 4. What education is better _____ time or part time? 5. Does your university offer a wide _____ of qualifications? 6. What areas can students do ______ at your university? 7. Can students _____ money while studying at the university? In which way? Exercise 7. Are the statements True or False? 1. Christina decided to study to earn money as soon as possible. 2. She is interested in digital communications. 3. All degrees take three years to complete. 4. Christina studies German because she wants to live in Germany. 5. There is a wide career choice for graduate engineers. 6. Okan studies part-time. 7. Having a qualification helps to get the job you want. 8. Colleges provide vocational qualifications. 9. Alessandro is an apprentice in a telecommunications company. 10. Employers pay for education. Exercise 8. Answer the questions using the information from the text. 1. Why did Christina decide to study at university? 2. What subjects does Christina study? 3. What is she going to be? 4. Why is Okan studying at college? 5. What can colleges offer? 6. Where does Alessandro work? 7. Can he work and study at the same time? Exercise 9. Report these quotes. Use the words: explained, said, assured, warned, announced, told, mentioned. 1. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. ” ( Benjamin Franklin ) 2. “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ” ( Malcolm X) 3. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ” ( Albert Einstein)
4. “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. ” ( Jim Rohn) 5. “Wisdom…. comes not from age, but from education and learning. ” ( Anton Chekhov) 6. “The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth” ( Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus) 7. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. ” (Henry Ford) 8. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” (Alvin Toffler) Exercise 10. a) Match the verbs with prepositions.
b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from a). 1. Институт занимается исследованием и разработками. 2. Выпускники конкурируют друг с другом на рынке труда. 3. Выпускники университета работают во многих отраслях промышленности. 4. В статье рассматриваются проблемы высшего образования. 5. Билл Гейтс окончил Гарвардский университет. 6. Получение степени занимает 4 года. 7. Многие студенты оплачивают свое образование. Exercise 11. Read the text “Student Mobility” and answer the questions. 1. What is student mobility? 2. Why are such students preferred? 3. What are the advantages of studying abroad? 4. What is the problem with student mobility? Student mobility is the overseas movement of students, which helps them to improve their employability skills, develop international networks, broaden their cultural outlook, learn in a different environment and gain a new perspective. National governments support the idea of international education and recognize the benefits that their students get while studying overseas. Students who graduate with internationally relevant degrees are required by industries, companies and other enterprises in their own countries. They help their countries to compete internationally. Therefore, those students are preferred employees everywhere and employers indicate that an overseas study experience is becoming more and more important. Fortunately, all the credits earned at overseas universities are accepted in transfer by universities back home. There are many student-exchange programs, which are a vehicle for those young people who are keen to experience education abroad. These programs do not just provide opportunities to take courses in other institutions, but also to experience how these courses are taught elsewhere. If the exchange program is in an overseas institution, students get the benefit of experiencing life in a different country, living in a different culture or among several cultures, learning a foreign language. For those who are interested in this option, funding may be the only problem, as many exchange programs generally require that the exchange students pay their own way to and from the overseas institution. The expenses can come up to a large sum including the prices of return air tickets, travel, and room and board.
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