Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Факультет машиностроения; за последние годы; одни из лучших; играть важную роль в развитии; соединить теорию и практику; находить решения проблем в жизненных ситуациях; приносить пользу компании; давать стипендию; применение в промышленности; превосходный старт для дальнейшей карьеры; выпускник, недавний, человечество, технический процесс, что касается (относительно), применение, работа в команде, иметь отношение, производство энергии, осуществлять (приводить в жизнь), поощрять (одобрять). Exercise 6. a) Match the words to get word combinations.
b) Fill in the gaps using the words from a) and answer the questions. 1. What _____students’ employability? 2. Does your university have _____ links with regional enterprises? 3. Who influenced your career _____? 4. What professions are always in _____ demand in the modern society? 5. Why is it necessary for students to analyze case _____? 6. Are ______ skills necessary for all specialties? 7. Which companies can students get industrial _____? 8. Does mechanical engineering play a key _____ in industry? 9. What spheres should you _____ knowledge to get a well-paid job? 10. Where can students gain work _____? Exercise 7. Are the statements True or False? 1. The Department of Mechanical Engineering was the top-rated the previous year. 2. Nowadays Mechanical Engineering surrenders the top position. 3. Mechanical engineers need management skills. 4. Mechanical engineering study deal only with engineering. 5. There is a consistent demand for mechanical engineering graduates. 6. During the first and second years of study, students have a mix of lectures, practicals and case studies. 7. Students are not paid for industrial training. 8. The department doesn’t encourage students to gain work experience. 9. The department has a lot of links with employers. 10. On graduation students don’t have challenging employment opportunities. Exercise 8. Answer the questions using the information from the text. 1. Why is the Department of Mechanical Engineering so popular?
2. Does mechanical engineering play an important role in industry? 3. What do mechanical engineers do? 4. Is it necessary for engineers to be skillful? 5. Do you like to study mechanical engineering? Why? 6. Which subjects do you study? Are there any subjects you would like to drop? 7. Is your course practical? Do you like this way of working? 8. How are you assessed? Do you think this is fair? Exercise 9. Match each engineering branch with one of the processes.
Exercise 10. a) Match the verbs with prepositions.
b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from a). 1. Преподаватель попросил студентов сосредоточиться на главной проблеме. 2. Во время стажировки на нашем предприятии вы можете применить свои знания на практике. 3. Мы не можем положиться на результаты одного эксперимента. 4. Старшекурсники принимают участие в междисциплинарных проектах. 5. Студенты хотели выяснить количество экзаменов в летнюю сессию. 6. Нас попросили прокомментировать представленную информацию. 7. Этот вопрос интересный, но он не относится к нашему предмету.
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