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Exercise 12. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

Exercise 12. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Open University was found in 1969.

2. This college has be established recently.

3. The difficult job will do by specialists.

4. Our university was name after a great writer.

5. Local study centers and residential summer schools are sponsoring by the Open University.

6. Usually tests used by universities to measure students’ knowledge.

7. They will be admit to the university without exams.

8. Extension courses at the Open University is taught through television and radio programs.

9. Students’ essays was checked by the teacher.

10. The students numbering not more than four are instruct by a Don (a university tutor) at Oxbridge.

Exercise 13. Read the text and say what you call

- the money some students receive if they get a place at university;

- the qualification you get at the end of university;

- the name we give students during this period at university;

- teachers at university;

- students when they have completed their first degree;

- students studying for a second, higher degree;

- the study of one subject in great depth and detail, often to get new information;

- the talks/lessons that students go to while they are at university.


Studying at (a British) university

If you want to go touniversity, you must first pass examinations that most students take at the age of 18 (called ‘A’ levels). Students usually take three or four ‘A' levels (examinations in three or four subjects), and they must do well to get a place at university.

If you get a place, most students have to pay part of their tuition fees. Some students also get a government grant, but most students need a loan to cover the cost of university life. Students at university are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree.

Most university courses last three years, some courses last four years, and one or two courses, e. g. medicine, are five years. During this period students can say they are doing a degree, and when they finish and pass their exams, they can say they have a degree. This can be a BA or a BSc. For example:

He hopes to get a place at Oxford.

She's at university in Glasgow.

She's doing a degree in physics.

I've got a degree in German from York University.

She's got a BA in French.

He's got a BSc in computer science.

Postgraduate courses

When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. Some students then go on to do a second course or degree, called a postgraduate course/degree These students are then postgraduates and they often study for:

an MA (Master of Arts)

e. g. I'm doing a Masters in English

or an MSc (Master of Science)

e. g. She did a Masters in biology

or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) [minimum three years]

     e. g. He's got a PhD in computer science.

When people study one subject in great detail (often to find new information), we say they are doing research,

e. g. My sister is doing research into/on the effects of stress at work.


Exercise 14. Watch a video “Higher Education in the UK”

(https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=1IYy_xZEdPg) and answer the questions.

1. Why do students come to British Universities?

2. What are the traditions at Oxford University?

3. What subjects are taught at King’s college London?

4. What events do students organize?

5. Are students successful at finding jobs after British Universities?

Exercise 15. Make the Internet search on five leading British universities and complete the table.

University Date of establishment Mission statement Schools Famous graduates Flag, motto, emblem Interesting facts



Get ready with the presentation

“Essential Features of Education Abroad”

Consider the following points:

- the role of education;

- rules and regulations;

- types of higher education institutions;

- tuition fees;

- the organization of the academic year;

- the most prestigious universities.



Exercise 1. Connect with the topic.

What would you prefer:

- to do a course you enjoy OR to do a course that leads to a good job?

- to study in your home town and live with your parents OR to go to a

university in a different city? Why?

- to do what your parents think is best OR to do what YOU want to do?

- to start work straight after graduating OR to travel around the world a bit?

- get a job after you leave school OR to go straight to university?

Exercise 2. Match the words with their meaning   

1. digital communication a. comprehensive and extensive course covering many topics, offering an overview of the field
2. to take up b. a form of training which is provided at the work place during the performance of the actual job
3. broad-based course c. electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally
4. fault d. a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer
5. applied science e. to use or fill an amount of time or space
6. defense industry f. the application of existing scientific knowledge to practical applications
7. skilled g. government and commercial industry involved in research, development, production, and service of military materiel, equipment and facilities
8. on-the-job training h. having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well
9. to obtain i. something wrong or not perfect in a thing or person’s character
10. apprentice j. to get something

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