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1. industries where mechanical engineering students can work

1. industries where mechanical engineering students can work

2. transferable skills students can obtain

3. the importance of working in a team.

Exercise 17. Refer to the site of your department and write a review on the following: general information about the department, teaching staff, its specialties, your own area of study, characteristics, curriculum, future job opportunities, additional education opportunities.  

Get ready with the presentation

“The Importance of Engineering Education”

Consider the following points:

- where you can get engineering education;

- the specialist knowledge required;

- how long it takes to get profound knowledge;

- the necessary skills needed;

- if work experience increases employability;

- career opportunities.


Exercise 1. Connect with the topic.

a) What makes a successful engineer? Here are some things, which could be important. Rank them from 1 to 7. Explain your choices.

 education  hands-on experience  on-going training  personal traits impersonal skills management skills communication skills

b) What other things do you think are important for a successful engineer?

Exercise 2. Match the words (1-10) with their meaning (a-j)  

1. curriculum a. experience gained from doing a job rather than studying it
2. related branch b. people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
3. hands-on experience c. branch belonging to the same family, group, or type
4. profound d. relating to the special skills, training, that you need for a particular job or occupation
5. in short supply e. the subjects comprising a course of study in a college or university
6. crucial f. not easily obtainable; scarce
7. vocational g. a thing that must be seen or done, it is absolutely necessary
8. executive h. of great importance
9. personal traits i. showing great intellectual depth and understanding
10. must j. a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Exercise 2.

1. _____are given a lot of powers.

2. Engineers can work in _____.

3. Time management skills are a _____ in this profession.

4. Many subjects are included in the university _____.

5. We stopped at the nearest gas station because petrol was _____.

6. _____ may influence the choice of the career.

7. Apprenticeships help students gain _____.

8. Our course is designed to provide _____ training in engineering.

9. He took all _____ decisions all by himself.

10. The university course provides students with _____ theoretical knowledge.

Exercise 4. Read the text and say what is necessary to succeed in the engineer career.

Education Requirements for Engineers

Engineer is a most sought-after profession in the modern world because of the ongoing development of industry and new technologies. Engineering occupations are found in many fields such as electric and heat power engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics, power engineering, metallurgy, IT technology, civil engineering, etc. Engineers transform scientific discoveries into commercial applications that help consumers and society in general. Russian engineering universities offer high-level education, which attracts applicants from all over the world. They gain profound theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

A four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering is required for most entry-level engineering positions. The undergraduate engineering program typically includes coursework in general engineering along with courses in math, physical and life science. In a typical 4-year curriculum, the first 2 years are spent studying mathematics, basic sciences, introductory engineering, humanities, and social sciences. In the last 2 years, most courses are in engineering, usually with a concentration in one branch. The curriculum also incorporates the basics of other engineering disciplines, such as chemical, electrical and civil engineering. Typical studies include calculus, thermodynamics, physics, materials science, statics, dynamics and fluid dynamics, and laboratory sections. Engineers trained in one branch may work in related branches. This flexibility allows employers to meet staffing needs in new technologies and specialties in which engineers may be in short supply. It also allows engineers to shift to fields with better employment prospects or to those that more closely match their interests.

  If you want to do research in any of areas, or make new findings, you need a Master's and a PhD. Ongoing training is crucial for engineers, especially those who wish to advance in the field. An advanced degree such as a master’s in engineering is usually required for those who want to pursue advanced research and development positions.

Apart from the formal education requirements, engineers also need hands-on experience that includes practical problem solving. Vocational schemes and apprenticeships can help you gain this experience.

 Many engineers obtain graduate degrees in engineering or business administration to learn new technology and broaden their education. Many high-level executives in government and industry began their careers as engineers.

While engineering education provides the foundation needed to land a job, there are a few personal traits as well as educational requirements you should have to succeed in this work field. These traits include good analytical and problem solving skills, creativity, and designing innovation, the ability to adapt quickly to any changes, and extreme focus and determination. Engineers should be detail-oriented, systematic and highly computer-literate.

Additionally, many employers require engineers to demonstrate effective interpersonal and time management skills, as they work with teams on specific projects. Spoken and written skills are also must, as this career requires you to communicate findings, present recommendation and discuss issues. These traits will help you since engineering is a difficult job both onsite and in the office.     

These are just the bare minimum requirements for engineering, and it is always better to gain as much work experience as possible after graduation. The more experience you gain, the better off you will be, and the more you will be able to succeed in this fast paced, ever changing career.


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