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Основные предлоги направления

to the mill, the meeting the institute, Moscow на завод, на собрание в институт, в Москву
into the suit-case, the tube в портфель, в трубку
from the institute the plant, his work из института с завода, с работы
out of the box из коробки


I. Write the following:

2, 7, 11, 12, 17, 30, 42, 47, 105, 723, 1000, 3 791, 6 003, 325 619, 2 059 897.


II. Form the Ordinal Numerals from the following:

1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 23, 24, 54, 68, 97, 100, 425, 1000, 1075, 8597.


III. Write the following Dates in English:

7 ноября 1917 г.; 21 января 1921 г.; 15 мая 1935 г.; 20 июня 1987 г.; 1 апреля 1990 г.; 31 декабря 1991 г.; 26 марта 2006 г.; 8 мая 1945 г.; 11 апреля 1993 г; 1 сентября 2012 г.


IV. Fill in the blanks using the necessary word: to, past or sharp:

1. (7.45) – It is a quarter … seven. 2. (6.30) – It is half … six. 3. (9.23) – It is 23 minutes … nine. 4. (8.57) – It is 3 minutes … nine. 5. (8.00) – It is eigh o’clock …. 6. (4.30) – It is half … four. 7. (5.10) – It is 10 minutes … five. 8. (11.00) – It is 11 o’clock …. 9. (3.36) – It is 24 minutes … four. 10. (2.58) – It is 2 minutes … three.



V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to it:

1. It took me twenty minutes to get to the library, but it was closed.

2. It is too bad that you couldn’t come.

3. It is impossible to cross the river here.

4. It is difficult to imagine modern life without the telephone.

5. Will you please open the window? It’s so hot here.

6. It is not an easy task to test a new machine.

7. It is interesting to note that American education is more practical and less academic than British.

8. It is autumn and it often rains. It is getting dark though it is 6 o’clock p.m.


VI. Make up sentences using the following tables:

e.g. It often rains in October.

It often seldom always sometimes never rains snows in January. in February. in March. in April. in May. in June.

e.g. It doesn’t often rain in September.

It doesn’t often seldom always sometimes   rain snow in July. in August. in September. in October. in November. in December.



e.g. - Does it often rain in November?

- Yes, it does.

Does it often seldom always sometimes ever rain in September snow in February in London? in Moscow? in Odessa? in New York? in your native town?

VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. В этой комнате холодно.

2. Ещё совсем светло.

3. Тепло сегодня?

4. Сейчас половина шестого.

5. Шёл дождь вчера? – Да.

6. Уже поздно и совсем темно.

7. Трудно говорить на иностранном языке без ошибок.

8. Отсюда очень далеко до вокзала?

9. Очень приятно купаться в море.

10. Очень трудно переводить такие тексты без словаря.

VIII. Use some or any in the following sentences:

1. I have … interesting books in English.

2. You may take … book you like.

3. Give me … book to read.

4. He did not ask me … questions?

5. Have you written … exercises?

6. I will be at home all day long, you may come at … time.

7. Do they take … books with them?

8. Have you … magazines about navigation at home?

9. Be ready to tell the contents of … chapter of this book.

10. The teacher didn’t ask me … questions.


IX. Insert some, any or no in the following sentences:

1. They have not got … stamps. I can’t post my letter.

2. He has got … money. He can’t spend his holidays in Switzerland anymore and stay at luxury hotels.

3. Are there … new buildings in your street?

4. There are … people in the park because it is cold.

5. They brought … good books from the library.

6. Have you hot … time to spare? I’d like to ask you … questions.

7. There are … diagrams in the new book.

8. Were there … of our teachers at the stadium?

9. There were … students of our group at the consultation yesterday.

10. Are there … mistakes in my dictation? – Yes, there are ….


X. Insert something, anything, nothing or everything:

1. Mu husband taught his son … he knows.

2. Her patient has a bad memory. She can’t remember ….

3. The student didn’t understand …, because he heard ….

4. Does he know … about computers? – Yes, he knows … because he is the best specialist in computer science at Harvard University.

5. I saw … near the wood that looked like a tent.

6. I think there is … wrong with my watch.


XI. Insert somebody, anybody, nobody or everybody:

1. Has … in this group got a dictionary?

2. … left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.

3. The question was so difficult that … could answer it.

4. … knows that water is necessary for life.

5. Is there … here who knows English?

6. … knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.


XII. Insert somewhere, anywhere, nowhere or everywhere:

1. I can’t find my book …. I have looked all over the house.

2. This book can be found …. Let’s buy it.

3. I put my dictionary … yesterday and now I can’t find it …. – Of course, that is because you leave your books ….

4. I cannot find my glasses …. I always put them … and then look for them for hours.

5. Did you go … yesterday? – No, I went …, I stayed at home the whole day.


XIII. Complete the dialogue, using some, any and their compounds:

Boss: Good morning. Have you got … news about the shortage of raw material?

Assistant: Yes, we have found … alternative suppliers but there aren’t … contracts drawn up for now.

Boss: Are there … possibilities of delivery next week?

Assistant: I’m counting on it! We shall send … requests this afternoon, and then we hope … will say they can deliver.

Boss: Would you like … help with calculating the quantities?

Assistant: Yes, that’s a good idea. Is there … available to run the computer program through?

Boss: I think Bill could handle that. Let me know if … can be delivered in time, if not, we’ll have to put the pressure on.

Assistant: Thank you. I don’t know … else to turn.

Boss: Have you got … else to tell me?

Assistant: No, I don’t think there’s … at all.


XIV. Use the proper prepositions of location and direction:

1. I went … Canada to see my brother. 2. I went to see my brother … Canada. 3. Mr. Brown came … our town … London. 4. We usually meet … pub. 5. Let’s go … he cinema. 6. What is the easiest way to get … Kharkiv? 7. Where do you come …? 8. I want to go … Spain. 9. What time do you go … bed? 10. The best shops are … the city centre. 11. I met Mike … the airport. 12. We arrived … London last Monday. 13. What time did you arrive … the hotel?


XV. Translate the following sentences using the prepositions of location and direction:

1. Как мне добраться до Лондона? 2. Откуда вы? 3. Я ездил в Париж прошлым летом. 4. Я встретил его в Лондоне. 5. Мы приехали в Париж на прошлой неделе. 6. В аэропорт я ехал на машине. 7. Вчера Миша остался дома. Он не ходил на работу. 8. Ани не было вчера в университете. 9. На острове много гостиниц. 10. Когда вы приехали в отель? 11. Дом, который мы вчера искали, в конце улицы. 12. Напишите свое имя вверху страницы.

Additional task

I. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:

1) Where is Wales situated?

2) Has it always been governed by England?

3) What language is used in the country?


Wales is the country in the west of Great Britain. It is main­ly a mountainous land with a chiefly agricultural economy and an industrial and coal-mining area in the south.

Since 1536, Wales has been governed by England and the heir to the throne of England has the title of Prince of Wales, but Welsh people have strong sense of identity. There is a Welsh National party which wants independence from the United Kingdom. In the towns and villages of North Wales, many people speak English only as a second language. Their first language is Welsh. At the local primary schools children have nearly all their lessons in Welsh. So, the population is bilingual. It is not a problem for children to learn two languages at the same time.

Welsh is an ancient Celtic language, similar to Breton, spo­ken in Brittany, France. In the 60's Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and is used in the law courts. Now, only twenty per cent of all Welsh people speak Welsh. The reason is that in the nineteenth century people thought that Welsh language was an uncivilized language and, if you wanted to be successful in life, you had to learn English, the language of the British Empire. At the beginning of the twen­tieth century, many English and Irish people moved to South Wales to work in the coalmines and steel works. They did not speak Welsh and did not learn Welsh. So, English day by day pushed Welsh away.



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