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Important books in this article

Igor Wladimiroff, De kaart van een verzwegen vriendschap, Nicolaes Witsen en Andrej Winius en de Nederlandse cartografie van Rusland, Groningen 2008, Baltic Studies 10, ISBN 978-90-812859-1-9, copyright Igor Wladimiroff en het Instituut voor Noord- en Oost-Europese Studies.

In the rear of the book are 53 maps and drawings, some in the possession of mr.Wladimiroff:

No.11 map of Tartaria by Jodocus Hondius

No.17 map of Russia by Isaäc Massa

No.24 map of the river Wolga by Adam Olearius

No.25 map of the Caspian Sea

No.26 map of the Caspian Sea with Astrachan by Jan Jansz. Struys made in 1668

No.36 map of Siberia to China Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperium by Nicolai Witsen

No.37a new map of the Russian Empireby Nic. Wit z en dedicated to Imperatori Petro Alexewitz

No.44 map of the Caspian Sea by Carl van Verden in the year 1719,1720 and 1721

No.53 map of Muscovy and Siberia Magnae Tatariae Tabula – Carte de Tartarie by Guillaume de L’Isle published in Amsterdam

Marion Peters, De wijze koopman, het wereldwijde onderzoek van Nicolaes Witsen (1641 – 1717), burgemeester en VOC-bewindhebber van Amsterdam, Amsterdam 2010, ISBN 978-90-351-341-2-6, copyright Marion Peters.

In chapter 5 one can find a lot of information about Witsen’s Scheepsbouw en Bestier, his maps and Noord en Oost Tartarije. She reproduces images of ancient ships (in the editions of 1671 and 1692), views on a jolly, a fluyt and a galleon (in the 1692 edition, the Architectura Navalis) and foreign vessels (both editions).

The bulk of the books of Nicolaes Witsen such as Scheepsbouw en Bestier and Noord en Oost Tartarije should be available in the main archives and public libraries in Russia. The same goes for his cartographic labour.


1) For Dmitrij Gerasimov see A. Langeler, Maksim Grek, Byzantijn en humanist in Rusland (Maksim Grek, Byzantine and Humanist in Russia), Amsterdam 1986, pp.146 – 148. For old descriptions of the Caspian Sea, the Don, other rivers and the mountains of the Caucasus see Plinius the Elder, Natural History, Book 6, vi – v.

2) For their adventures see Jan Willem Veluwenkamp, Archangel, Nederlandse ondernemers in Rusland 1550 – 1785 (Archangel, Dutch entrepreneurs in Russia 1550 – 1785), Maastricht 2000, pp.23 – 25. It came to my notice that some years ago an edition in Russian translation has been published. On the cover of the Dutch edition one can see two unarmed fluyts in the port of Archangel.

3) I. Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., pp.21 – 23.

4) ibidem, pp.29 – 30 noticed some progress, see also Nicolaes Witsen, Moscovische Reyse 1664 – 1665. Journaal en Aantekeningen (Voyage to Moscow, diary and annotations 1664 – 1665 - in the text and the annotations called the Diary) ed. by Th.J.G. Locher and P. de Buck, 3 vol., The Hague 1966 – 1967. For the drawings see A.N. Kirpichnikov, Rossia XVII veka v risunkach i opisaniach gollandskogo putesjestvennika Nikolaasa Vitsena, St.Peterburg 1995,

5) I. Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., pp.32 – 33.

6) ibidem, p.95.

7) ibidem, p.95, Olearius published his map of the Volga as annex to his diary Vermehrte Moscowitische und Persianische Reisebeschreibung (1647). In my possession is a Dutch translation by Dirck van Wageninge made for Jacob Benjamin, bookseller in the Raamsteeg (steeg = alley), Amsterdam 1651, without the map showing the Volga (see the text), but proving the popularity the work by the many translations in several languages. See also The Travels of Olearius in 17th-Century Russia, translated and edited by Samuel Baron, Stanford 1967.

8) ibidem, p.106.

9) For an account of the events around Astrachan see Struys’s own description in The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys....To which are added 2 narratives sent from Capt. D.Butler, relating to the taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacs, London 1683. In the same year of the appearance of Wladimiroff’s book (2008) Kees Boterbloem published The Fiction and Reality of Jan Struys, A Seventeenth Century Dutch Globetrotter, New York, based on Struys’s ventures. Obviously, Wladimiroff and Boterbloem were not informed about each other’s research.

10) In the possession of the author – Collectie Wladimiroff nr. 910309,illustration 26.

11) I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., p.131. This omgedoopte (= converted to the Russian Orthodox belief) friend that pointed Witsen on several mistelinge (mistakes) made by Olearius, pp.131 – 132. At the end of his Diary Witsen enumerates them. On p.134 Wladimiroff provides the reader with a rather flat description of Witsen’s secret visit to patriarch Nikon in his New Jerusalem monastery in Istra. According to the Diary Witsen poked around in the main church, the Voskresenskij sobor, during a short absence of Nikon. He compared the buildings of the monastery with the estate Franckendael in the Watergraafsmeer, a polder in Amsterdam. He showed by this a typical Amsterdam nosey behaviour. Wladimiroff does not mention the Verbael (account) of the embassy made by Boreel for the General States of the Dutch Republic.

12) ibidem, pp.138 – 139. For a connexion between William and Witsen since 1672, see Steve Pincus, 1688, The First Modern Revolution, Yale 2009, p.314. King of England, William offered Witsen a baronet; he refused.

13) Marion Peters, De wijze koopman.Het wereldwijde onderzoek van Nicolaes Witsen (1641 – 1717), burgemeester en VOC-bewindvoerder van Amsterdam (The wise - savant - merchant, The world-wide investigation of Nicolaes Witsen (1641 – 1717), mayor and VOC-administrator of Amsterdam), Amsterdam 2010, p.152 and p.441.

14) ibidem, pp.158 – 159.

15) ibidem, pp. 164 – 165, I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., p153 – 154.

16) I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., p.159, Diary, vol.III, 473.

17) ibidem, p.168. For the adventures of Lodewijk Fabricius during and after the taking of Astrachan by Stenka Razin, see A.G.Man’kov, Zapiski inostrancev o vosstanii Stepana Razina, Leningrad 1968, pp.14 – 46.

18) I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., p.168 – 169, the map of 1723 is in the private collection Wladimiroff, nr.850501.

19) ibidem, p.169.

20) ibidem, p.222. Wladimiroff mentions the names of the sailmaker and adventurer Jan Struys and Karsten Brand(t), able seaman and gunner, who should later the young tsar Peter teach the principles of shipbuilding. His source for this is Boris Raptschinskij, Peter de Groote in Holland 1697 – 1698, Zutphen 1925, pp.30 – 33. For the difficulties defining a pinas, see one of my earlier notifications.

21) I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., pp.230 – 231. The iron foundry in Sweden belonged probably to the family De Geer.

22) ibidem, pp.254 – 256.

23) ibidem, pp.256 – 257, illustration 52, fasc. copy of the frontispiece with added Dutch translation, Public Library Moscow, fond 256, no.346, l. 23. Winius fell into disgrace by manipulations of Aleksandr Danilovitsj Mensjikov, a good friend of tsar Peter.

24) ibidem, pp 249 and.282 – 283. M Peters, De wijze koopman,... p.106, the book was sent to Winius “with the fleet”.

25) M.Peters, De wijze koopman...., p.105 and n. 18.

26) I.Wladimiroff, De kaart van een...., pp.269 – 270.

27) ibidem, pp.277 and 346.



Д.С. Кидирниязов

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