IV. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by the synonyms from the box.
1. Your colleague will answer a telephone call by picking up the receiver. 2. When you need to telephone somebody you look for his phone number in the directory. 3. If a person is speaking on the phone when you call him, his number is busy. 4. Taking messages demands both writing and listening skills particularly when a caller is speaking quickly. 5. When using the telephone, many people do not care to monitor a tone of the voice. V. Practice in using phrasal verbs and insert the proper adverbs. 1. When the phone rings, pick … the receiver. 2. If you are busy I can call you … later. 3. I dialed his number several times, but I can’t get …. 4. Please, stop speaking on the phone, hang …! 5. When pronouncing telephone number, you should call … each figure separately. through, out, back, up (2) VI. Answer the following questions. 1. What is a telephone directory? 2. What is called toll-free number? 3. What numbers should you dial in an emergency situation – in Russia, in the USA? What are the examples of emergency? 4. What skills are particularly important when taking messages on the phone? 5. What is necessary to remember when pronouncing telephone numbers and spelling names or words over the telephone in the English language? 6. How to avoid conflicts speaking on the phone? VII. Complete the statements using the information from the text or your own experience. 1. If you pronounce a number in which 7 is used twice …. 2. To place an emergency telephone call in the USA …. 3. To place an emergency telephone call in Russia …. 4. If a surname is difficult to write … 5. Use a friendly tone of the voice if …. 6. Conflicts related to tone occur because …. 7. If you control tone and emotions speaking on the phone …. VIII. Practice in making up telephone calls using the phrases below.
IX. Act out telephone conversations.
Act out telephone conversations and translate them. A Secretary: Good morning. General Electronics. How can I help you? Mr Newman: Hello. My name is Ted Newman. I’d like to speak to Mr Robbins, please. Secretary: Please, hold the line, Mr Newman. I’ll put you through. She is contacting her boss. Secretary: Mr Newman is on the line. Mr Robbins: Put him through. She is putting Mr Newman through. Mr Robbins: Hello, Mr Newman. Mr Newman: Hello, Mr Robbins. How are you? Mr Robbins: I’m very well, thank you. How are you? Mr Newman: I’m fine. I’m calling about our meeting. Mr Robbins: Yes. I’m ready to see you in an hour. Mr Newman: Thank you. B Mrs Farris: Hello. Man: Speaking. Who is this? Mrs Farris: I’d like to speak to Mrs Casper. Man: You’ve got the wrong number. What number do you dial? This is a private residence. Mrs Farris: I’m sorry. Mrs Farris dials again. The line is busy. She tries again. Secretary: Good afternoon. Mrs Casper’s office. How can I help you? Mrs Farris: This is Helen Farris from Dosco Ltd. May I have a word with Mrs Casper? Secretary: I’m afraid Mrs Casper is not available at this moment. Mrs Farris: I’d like to arrange a meeting some time next week. Secretary: Well, Mrs Casper can see you at 11 o’clock on Friday. Is that all right? Mrs Farris: I’m afraid I can’t come on that day. Could we fix another day? Tuesday? Secretary: No, I’m sorry. On Tuesday she has a meeting in the morning. Mrs Farris: Well, is the afternoon possible? Secretary: Yes, five o’clock p.m. is the best time. Mrs Farris: All right. Thank you. Secretary: Good-bye.
C Secretary: Hello, this is Mr Green’s secretary. What can I do for you? Mr McGregor: Could I speak to Mr Green? Secretary: Who’s calling, please? Mr McGregor: My name is Vincent McGregor. I’m from Hewlett-Packard Company. Secretary: I’m afraid Mr Green is not in the office at the moment. He is in a meeting right now. Can I give him a message? Mr McGregor: No, thank you. I’ll phone again. When do you think he will be back? Secretary: Not until 4 p.m. I’m afraid. Mr McGregor: Oh, what a pity! I’m calling to confirm our appointment for Monday morning 10 o’clock. Secretary: All right, I’ll find out and confirm it today at 5 p.m. Mr McGregor: Thank you very much! Secretary: Let me put down your number. Mr McGregor: The number is 8 923 605. Then 88 72. Secretary: How do you spell your name? Mr McGregor: It’s M-C-G-R-E-G-O-R. Secretary: Thank you. Good-bye.
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