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5. Прочитайте разделы 1 и 2 краткого изложения дела. Ответьте на вопросы.

5. Прочитайте разделы 1 и 2 краткого изложения дела. Ответьте на вопросы.

What is the name of the case?

Who is the defendant?

Who is the plaintiff (claimant)?

What is the defendant alleged to have done?


6. Прочитайте остальные разделы (3 - 7). Ответьте на вопросы.

    What was the lower court ruling?

    What was the decision of the Supreme Court and the reasoning for it?

7. Самостоятельная работа. Используя различные источники, найдите примеры дел и составьте краткое письменное изложение дела.



1. Прочитайте описание уголовного дела и ответьте на вопросы.

On June 17, 1987, at 10: 32 p. m., a call was received at the 911 service of the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D. C. The female caller said, " I just shot my husband, " and gave the address as 1799 Lamont Street, N. W. Detective Sal Palmer responded to the call and reached the house at 10: 38 p. m.

Detective Palmer met Martha Monroe at the door. Mrs. Monroe led the Detective to a bedroom upstairs. When Detective Palmer entered the bedroom, he saw a fully clothed man, later identified as George Monroe, Martha Monroe's husband, lying face down on the bed covered with a light blanket. The blanket had three bullet holes in it, and several blood stains.

Detective Palmer ascertained that the man on the bed was dead, and asked Mrs. Monroe who he was and what had happened. She responded " I shot my husband, " and pointed to the dresser near the bed on which was a revolver. Detective Palmer read Mrs. Monroe her Miranda rights, and placed her under arrest.

Later, at the station, Mrs. Monroe waived her right to counsel and to remain silent. Detective Palmer questioned her, after which he wrote up a statement. Mrs. Monroe signed it. The prosecution charges Mrs. Monroe with the First Degree Murder of her husband, George Monroe [D. C. Code, Sec. 22-2401].

Martha Monroe admits that she shot her husband, but now, through her attorney, asserts that the she acted in self defense. Mrs. Monroe now claims that for the entire time of her marriage to George Monroe she has been the victim of severe and continual physical and emotional abuse from him; she says the last time he beat her he almost killed her. She claims that because of this abuse she is suffering from Battered Woman Syndrome, and that she shot her husband because she had a reasonable belief that even though her husband was asleep, her life was in imminent danger. She claims she had no choice but to kill him.


What happened on June 17, 1987, at 10: 32 p. m.?

Who came to the place of the crime? What did he find?

Who is the defendant?

What did Martha Monroe say to Detective?

What did she claim later? How did she explain her action?



Indictment – обвинительный акт

Superseding Indictment – новый обвинительный акт, заменяющий предыдущий в связи с изменением обстоятельств дела

Probation Violation Petition – заявление о нарушении правил условного освобождения

Information – жалоба, обвинение

Superseding Information – новое обвинение, заменяющее предыдущее в связи с изменением обстоятельств дела

Supervised Release Violation Petition – заявление о нарушении правил освобождения под надзор

Violation Notice – уведомление о допущенном нарушении

Order of Court – судебный приказ

Complaint – официальное обвинение, иск

perjury – лжесвидетельство


NOTE: More serious criminal charges are called indictable offences. Major indictable offences include offences such as murder, rape, arson, perjury, threatening or endangering life and culpable driving causing death.


         1. Причастие в функции определения (Present Participle Active, Present Participle Passive, Past Participle Passive):

The judge presiding over the trial was totally impartial.

The witness being questioned by the prosecutor is giving false testimony.

The judgments made by the court should always be fair.

2. Причастие в функции обстоятельства (any Participle forms):

While hearing the case, the judge dealt with different evidence.

Being interested in this court trial, I follow all news.

Having given evidence, the witness left the witness box.

3. Объектный падеж с причастием после глаголов физического восприятия (to hear, to see etc. ), глаголов, выражающих приказание, мнение, предположение.

The public watched the trial being broadcast.

The defendant heard his sentence pronounced by the judge.

The victim saw the defendant coming into the courtroom.

Самостоятельным причастным оборотом называется такая конструкция, в которой причастие имеет свое собственное подлежащие, выраженное существительным (в общем падеже) или местоимением (в именительном падеже) и стоящее непосредственно перед причастием. Таким образом, в подобных предложения существуют два подлежащих: одно – в основном предложении, а второе – в виде одного из компонентов в причастном обороте.  

    Самостоятельный причастный оборот всегда отделяется запятой. Самостоятельный причастный оборот переводится с помощью придаточных предложений причины, времени и условия, а также с помощью союзов причем, при этом, поскольку, а, и в то время как.



The defendant being ill, the judge had to delay the trial.   The trial being over, everybody left the courtroom. Так как обвиняемый был болен, судья отложил судебное разбирательство.   Поскольку судебное разбирательство закончилось, все вышли из зала суда.



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