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1. If budgetary reforms are ever to be achieved, the EU leaders will have to bind themselves to use qualified majority voting, not consensus, for such matters.

2. In the year ahead the Danish premier will have to tread a careful line, both in terms of domestic policy and in airing the campaign to join the euro.

3. The probability that many more innocent people would also be executed would have to be weighed against the benefits of deterrence.

4. Among his many roles, the Spanish politician has to play the American to Europeans, and the European to Americans.

5. The free trade purists contend that various industries have to sink or swim on their own and that providing relief through Japanese export restraints would provide an umbrella for higher American automobile prices, which would hurt consumers and harm the battle against inflation.

6. Motorists will have to prove they have scrapped their car in an environmentally friendly way to get an authorised Certificate of Destruction.

7. Most EU countries have yet to pass the domestic laws needed to implement the directive, so it is difficult to say how it will work in practice.

8. “We see NATO as a bicycle that has to keep moving or else the rider falls off, so there's a feeling that we need to be very forward-leaning,” an American official said.

9. Schooling (in Egypt) was never entirely free at the best of times: a parent had to pay a tiny entry fee, buy a school uniform, provide a bite of food. What is disastrous now is the need for private tutoring.

10. Unless the Bill passes through all its stages in the Commons and the Lords before the session ends it will have to be started all over again in the new session in November.

11. The Chancellor of the Exchequer told Labour MPs on Tuesday night that public spending will have to be cut to avoid a “tough Budget” next year.

12. Most of the imported mobile phone sets operate on a wave-band used by a number of authorized radio services in Britain and can cause serious interference. When they cause interference they have to be traced and their owners are prosecuted.

13. United Nations economists warn that something drastic has to be done, or developing countries will be forced to reduce their rate of social and economic expansion.

14. In larger communities – nations, states, provinces and cities – there has to be a division of labour. Some persons have to make the important political decisions for the whole society, and specially trained administrators and civil servants have to perform the tasks of management and administration for society as a whole.

15. Diplomats said Canada and other nations eager to have the dead lock broken had been outmanoeuvred by the United States.

16. The big problem is the difference between the fastest and slowest vehicles on a stretch of highway. The safest thing safety researchers suggest, is to have everyone driving at roughly the same speed.

17. The committee gave overwhelming approval to a separate resolution that would have the Assembly urge all states to take such separate and collective action as is open to them in conformity with the Charter.

18. Any other activities of the world organization will be financed by the whole membership only by their unanimous and active support. And even in those rare cases it will be by having the Secretary-General solicit voluntary contributions.

19. Using language heard frequently in the past from Iraq and Russia, the French proposal said that this commission would have “its independence ensured and its professionalism strengthened.”

20. If the speculative excesses of the last few years are finally wrung out of the market — and they always are, sooner or later — it will take time for investors to regain the kind of confidence that has everyone dreaming of instant riches.

21. Few things are likelier to give free trade a bad name than to have it associated with the foisting on consumers of potentially unsafe food.

22. In Piedmont, the regional government has been fighting an unsuccessful battle against the central government in Rome in an attempt to have the Piedmonese dialect taught in schools.

23. A university student who wrote his graduation paper in Sardinian had it turned down.

To do

Глагол to do представляет некоторую трудность при переводе, когда он выполняет следующие грамматические функции:

1) функцию эмоционально-усилительную: а) глагол to do подчеркивает факт совершения действия или усиливает значение действия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым в утвердительной форме Past или Present Indefinite. На русский язык передается словами действительно, все-таки, же, ведь и т. п.; б) подчеркивает побуждение к действию или просьбу (в повелительном наклоне-нии).

In fact his words did show that he was reluctant to get involved. Ha самом же деле его слова действительно показали, что он не хочет участвовать в этом (иметь с этим дело).

Примечание. В инвертированных предложениях (обычно после отрицательных наречий и союзов nowhere, not, no sooner, nor, not only... but и др.) глагол to do не переводится. Эмфаза инвертированного предложения на русском языке передается лексическим способом.

2) функцию слова-заместителя, во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого глагола или целого предложения. В зависимости от сочетаемости слов в русском языке переводится соответству-ющим глаголом, предложением или не переводится вообще. В сочетании со словом so чаще всего переводится сделать это (так).

Did the Foreign Secretary know that such an arrangement existed? His replies in Parliament yesterday clearly implied that he did. Знал ли министр иностранных дел, что существует такая договоренность? Из его ответов в парламенте вчера можно было ясно понять, что он знал.


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