Conclusions. Abbreviations. References. CAS PubMed Article Google Scholar. Blood-epididymis barriers. CAS Article Google Scholar
Conclusions In the past few years, GFNs have been widely utilized in a wide range of technological and biomedical fields. Currently, most experiments have focused on the toxicity of GFNs in the lungs and livers. Therefore, studies of brain injury or neurotoxicity deserve more attention in the future. Many experiments have shown that GFNs have toxic side effects in many biological applications, but the in-depth study of toxicity mechanisms is urgently needed. In addition, contrasting results regarding the toxicity of GFNs need to be addressed by effective experimental methods and systematic studies. This review provides an overview of the toxicity of GFNs by summarizing the toxicokinetics, toxicity mechanisms and influencing factors and aimed to provide information to facilitate thorough research on the in vitro and in vivo haemo- and biocompatibility of GFNs in the future. This review will help address safety concerns before the clinical and therapeutic applications of GFNs, which will be important for further development of GFNs in biological applications. Abbreviations AMs: Alveolar macrophages BBB: Blood-brain barrier BEB: Blood-epididymis barriers BTB: Blood-testis barrier CR: Complement receptor FcgR: Fcg receptor FLG: Few-layer graphene GFNs: Graphene family nanomaterials GNS: Graphene nanosheets GO: Graphene oxide GO-COOH: Carboxylated graphene oxide GO-DEX: GO-dextran GO-MB: GO-molecular beacon GO-NH2: Aminated GO GO-PAA: Poly(acrylic acid)-functionalized GO GO-PAM: Poly(acrylamide)-functionalized GO GO-PEG: PEGylated GO derivatives GO-PEI: GO-polyethylenimine GQDs: Graphene quantum dots GSH-PX: Glutathione peroxidase GXVG: Carboxyl graphene LDH: Lactate and dehydrogenase MALDI: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MAPKs: Mitogen-activated protein kinase MDA: Malondialdehyde MØ: Macrophage MR: Mannose receptor MSI: Mass spectrometry imaging PC12 cells: Rat pheochromocytoma cells PCGO: Protein-coated graphene oxide nanoparticles PrGO: PEGylated reduced graphene oxide RES: Reticuloendothelial system rGO: Reduced graphene oxide ROS: Reactive oxygen species SOD: Superoxide dismutase TLRs: Toll-like receptor References 1. 1. Novoselov KS, Geim AK, Morozov SV, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos SV, et al. Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. Science. 2004; 306(5696): 666–9. CAS PubMed Article Google Scholar 2. 2. Sanchez VC, Jachak A, Hurt RH, Kane AB. Biological interactions of graphene-family nanomaterials: an interdisciplinary review. Chem Res Toxicol. 2012; 25(1): 15–34. CAS PubMed Article Google Scholar 3. 3. Yang XY, Wang YS, Huang X, Ma YF, Huang Y, Yang RC, et al. Multi-functionalized graphene oxide based anticancer drug-carrier with dual-targeting function and pH-sensitivity. J Mat Chem. 2011; 21(10): 3448–54.
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