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Name, headquarters and legal status Article 1


By the present constitution, a non-profit association, with full legal and operational capacities, governed by Spanish law is formed. Its name shall be the World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments, (from here onwards referred to as ‘the World Organisation’).  

Its legal seat shall be based at 15 Carrer Avinyó in Barcelona, Spain.  

The World Organisation shall be a non-profit international organisation with no affiliation to any political party or religion.

The association will be established for an indefinite period and its coverage will be worldwide.



Article 2 Mission

The mission of the World Organisation is:

To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community.

Article 3 Objectives

To achieve this mission, the World Organisation shall pursue the following objectives:

a. To promote strong and effective democratic local self-government throughout the world;

b. To promote unity and cooperation amongst members;

c. To ensure the effective political representation of local government to the international community, in particular the United Nations and its agencies;

d. To be the worldwide source of key information and intelligence regarding local government;

e. To be the worldwide source of learning, exchange and capacity-building, supporting the establishment and strengthening of free and autonomous local governments and their national associations;

f. To promote economic, social, cultural, vocational and environmental development and service to the population based on the principles of good governance, sustainability and social inclusion;

g. To promote race and gender equality, and to combat all forms of discrimination that are illegal with regard to international law, and/or illegitimate in relation to the values and policies of the organisation;

h. To be a strong democratic organisation, reflecting in its composition and functioning the diversity of the local spheres of governance;

i. To promote decentralised cooperation and international cooperation between local governments and their associations;

j. To promote twinning and partnerships as a means for mutual learning and friendship between peoples;

k. To develop policies, programmes and initiatives within the framework of the World Organisation’s mission, values and objectives, this implies seeking appropriate means to implement them, within the internal rules of the organisation.

Article 4 Tasks

In pursuance of these objectives, the World Organisation shall undertake such tasks and enterprises as may be determined appropriate and desirable in order to achieve its missions and objectives, including in particular:

a. Engaging actively in lobbying and advocacy work to promote the role and status of local government in the international arena and to influence international policy making;

b. Developing and promoting policies and positions on issues of key interest and importance to local government before the international community;

c. Collaborating actively with the United Nations and its agencies, and other relevant international organisations;

d. Developing initiatives and action programmes based on the principles of local self-government and international cooperation, particularly through decentralised cooperation/development projects between local governments and associations of local governments, seeking funding and the creation of financial tools to support these projects;

e. Building an international platform of exchanges and partnerships, in order to strengthen the capacities of local governments and their associations;

f. Supporting a strong network of local government members and developing services and global products to meet their needs and demands;

g. Becoming a major world source of information on local self-government, local authorities, international solidarity and the exchange of know-how;

h. Disseminating information amongst its members, through publications, seminars and new information technologies, on the situation and the evolution of local government all over the world;

i. Organising congresses, other events and activities, and increasing the number of members, in order to reinforce the World Organisation’s political influence and its financial autonomy.

Article 5 Adherence to the principles of international law and United Nations decisions

In pursuing its mission, objectives and tasks, and in dealing with issues of membership and other decisions under this constitution, the World Organisation shall act in accordance with, and be guided by, the principles of international law and relevant decisions of the United Nations on recognition of states and other related matters.



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