Article 36 Participation and Voting
Article 36 Participation and Voting Each member shall assign a delegate to represent it at the General Assembly and may also assign a substitute. The latter may only participate in the meeting as a voting member if the named delegate is absent. The substitute should hold a political mandate. All members are entitled to participate in the sessions and to express their opinions and proposals publicly. If there are numerous requests to participate, the Chairman may moderate their length. The Chairman may also grant participating members the right to respond. Local Government members who are up to date in payments of their membership fees, up until the year preceding the meeting, shall have voting rights in the General Assembly. The President of each regional section or his/her mandated representative shall have one vote, and the same applies in relation to international organisation members. Associate members and honorary members shall not have voting rights in the General Assembly of the World Organisation. Article 37 Each voting member of the General Assembly shall have an equal vote. Article 38 Except in special cases provided for in the Constitution, decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority of the votes cast.
THE WORLD COUNCIL Article 39 Role The World Council is the principal policy-making body of the World Organisation. It decides the World Organisation’s policies and ensures that general policies decided by the General Assembly are implemented. Article 40 The World Council shall conduct its activities in accordance with this Constitution and the decisions of the General Assembly. Article 41 The World Council shall in particular: a. elect the President, the Co-Presidents and the Treasurer of the World Organisation and ratify nominations for the Vice-Presidents; b. appoint members of the Executive Bureau from among its members, after considering a report from Committee on Statutory Affairs in relation to the validity of elections for this purpose to be duly held within each world region, as set out in the Electoral Procedure Rules; c. approve the annual budget and accounts submitted by the Executive Bureau; d. decide on applications, suspensions and cancellations of membership; e. decide on the level of membership fees; f. appoint any committee to consider particular problems and issues concerning the World Organisation, or to deal with any matters or issues it deems appropriate, and delegate tasks accordingly. It may delegate this function to the Executive Bureau. Article 42 Composition The World Council shall comprise the following members: a. the President, the Co-Presidents and the Treasurer; b. the Vice-Presidents; c. 340 local government members appointed by the General Assembly after elections held in each region on the basis of two colleges representing the two types of local government members, for the term between two ordinary sessions of the General Assembly;
d. a political representative of the city which hosts the seat of the World Secretariat; e. the Secretary General (non-voting and ex officio); f. designated representatives of international local government organisations and associate members (both nonvoting); The Mayors or Deputy Mayors and Presidents or Vice-Presidents of regional authorities (or those holding equivalent office) and the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of associations, representing members of UCLG, may participate in the World Council (non-voting). The members of the World Council fulfil their function without remuneration. Article 43 Representatives in the World Council must hold a political mandate from a local government. Article 44 Substitutes Each member of the World Council may have one duly appointed standing substitute. The latter may only attend meetings as voting member in the absence of the full member. The substitute should hold a political mandate. Article 45 Sessions The World Council shall meet at least once a year, as convened by the President or at the request of at least one third of its members. The announcement of ordinary and extraordinary meetings must be sent to members of the World Council at least one month in advance, indicating the agenda items. The session will be chaired by the President of the World Organisation who will direct the discussions and give attendees a chance to speak. The Secretary General will act as the Secretary of the World Council, noting the resolutions passed in the meeting minutes. All members of the World Council are entitled to participate in the sessions and to express their opinions and proposals publicly. If there are numerous requests to participate, the Chairman may moderate their length. The Chairman may also grant participating members the right to respond.
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