Liability Article 77. General Rules of Procedure. The Executive Bureau approves the General Rules of Procedure, which shall deal with details concerning the internal operation and regulation of the World Organisation
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 LIABILITY Article 77 The World Organisation is liable as a legal entity only to the extent of its assets; members are not individually liable for such corporate debts and liabilities.
GENERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE Article 78 The Executive Bureau approves the General Rules of Procedure, which shall deal with details concerning the internal operation and regulation of the World Organisation. They shall be ratified by the World Council. Article 79 Any point which is not dealt with in these statutes shall be ruled by the law of Spain.
AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION, MERGER, DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION OF THE WORLD ORGANISATION Article 80 Any proposal for a revision of the Constitution or the merger, dissolution or liquidation of the World Organisation shall emanate from the Executive Bureau or from six or more local government members from different countries. Article 81 The members of the World Organisation shall be notified in writing of the proposals at least two months before the meeting of the General Assembly at which they shall be considered. Article 82 No decision on amendments to the Constitution or merger, dissolution or liquidation of the World Organisation shall be adopted unless two-thirds of the Local Government members are represented and it is approved by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast. Article 83 If less than two-thirds of the local government members were represented at the first meeting, the General Assembly shall at the subsequent meeting be entitled to make a binding decision irrespective of the number of the local government members represented. Article 84 In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly shall make the necessary and adequate arrangements to determine the destination of the goods and rights of the Association. The Assembly will also make arrangements related to the ending, winding down and liquidation of any pending activity of the Association. The net residues resulting from the liquidation will be given directly to a non-profit public or private entity in the same territory, and active in a similar field, to the Association, or dedicated to charity. The Association will be dissolved by decision of its members explicitly expressed in a special session of the General Assembly called to this effect. At least two thirds of the local government members need to be in agreement, and express their consent with two-thirds of the valid votes, as established in article 82 of this constitution and according to the causes contained in article 39 of the Civil Code and by Court Order.
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Article 85 The initial official languages of the World Organisation shall be English, French and Spanish. The World Council may make subsequent decisions on official and working languages, taking into account the development of membership and resources available.
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