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Article 59. Article 60 President  . Article 61 Co-Presidents. Article 62 Vice-Presidents . The President is the principal representative of the World Organisation and chairs the meetings of the General Assembly, the World Council and the Executive Bureau

Article 59

Candidacies for the President and Co-Presidentsmay be presented by:

a. the Executive Bureau; or

b. at least 6 Local Government members from different countries and at least two different world regions.

Article 60 President  

The President is the principal representative of the World Organisation and chairs the meetings of the General Assembly, the World Council and the Executive Bureau. She/He shall ensure the continuity of the policies of the organisation between meetings of the Executive Bureau.

Article 61 Co-Presidents

The Co-Presidents assist the President in carrying out her/his responsibilities and when necessary assume the role of President.

Article 62 Vice-Presidents 

The World Organisation has Vice-Presidents, one being nominated by each of its sections. Vice-Presidents shall also represent the World Organisation when appropriate and so mandated, and carry out other responsibilities as necessary.  

The Vice-Presidents fulfil their function without remuneration.

Article 63

Members of the Presidency shall hold a local electoral mandate; they must also be at the head of a) a local government or b) a national association of local governments.

In the case offices described under a) or b) are lost; their function within the Presidency will terminate at the date of the next meeting of the Executive Bureau.

The Executive Bureau shall declare the vacancy and hold the responsibility of organising, if need arise, the process for electing his/ her replacement.

Article 64

The President, the Co-Presidents and the Vice-Presidents have the right to resign.



Article 65

The World Organisation shall derive its finances from membership fees, income from activities, grants and other sources.  

Article 66

The operational and financial year will coincide with the calendar year and will be closed on 31 December each year. The accounts should be closed on 31 December each year.

Article 67 The Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for the oversight of the financial strategy, accounting and management of the World Organisation’s finances. Every year, she/he shall present to the Executive Bureau:

a. the accounts of the previous financial year, certified by an independent external auditor appointed by the Executive

Bureau which shall be submitted to the World Council for final approval;

b. the budget for the next financial year;

c. other significant financial reports.

The Treasurer fulfils his/her functions without remuneration.

Article 68 The Financial Management Committee

The Financial Management Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Bureau, chaired by the Treasurer and composed of representatives of the 6 members paying the highest membership fees and 6 elected representatives of other members, taking into account the geographical diversity and representation of the local government membership.  

The members of the Financial Management Committee fulfil their function without financial remuneration.

Article 69

The Financial Management Committee’s role is to advise the Treasurer and the Executive Bureau on financial matters. The Committee shall be consulted on the preparation and execution of the budget, and may propose a mechanism for internal audit to the Executive Bureau including the appointment of a maximum of 3 Honorary Auditors.



Article 70

The Secretary General is the chief executive officer of the World Organisation. She/he directs the daily activities of the World Organisation and carries out the decisions of the General Assembly, the World Council and the Executive Bureau. The Secretary General manages the General Secretariat and the activities, programmes and finances of the organisation under the guidance of the Presidency and the responsibility of the Executive Bureau.

Article 71

The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Bureau and may be dismissed by the Executive Bureau.

Article 72

The Secretary General is responsible for the employment of the General Secretariat’s personnel.

Article 73

In his/her daily activities, the Secretary General has a general authorization to represent the World Organisation on behalf of the Executive Bureau. Article 74

The Secretary General, as the duly authorised representative of the World Organisation, is authorised to work with banks and other credit institutions, to order payments and execute all kinds of contracts as allowed under civil, mercantile and administrative law.

The Secretary General may also represent the World Organisation before public administrations and courts, and have power to appoint legal counsel and court attorneys.



The Electoral Procedure Rules, annexed to this constitution, shall have effect for regulating the conduct of elections to the World Council and Executive Bureau, and for defining the role of the Committee on Statutory Affairs. Article 76

The Electoral Procedure Rules may be amended by the World Council, by a majority of not less than two-thirds of those voting, upon a resolution of the Executive Bureau recommending such amendment. All members of the World Organisation shall have at least two month’s written notice of the meeting of the World Council at which any proposed amendment to the Electoral Procedure Rules is to be voted on.  



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