Translate from Russian into English using the verbs in Present Simple Active.
Стр 1 из 9Следующая ⇒ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ Для студентов 3-4 курсов Специальности № 120703 «Информационные системы обеспечения градостроительной деятельности» /составитель О.В. Рожкова/ Иркутск
ОДОБРЕНО Составлено в соответствии Цикловой методической с Государственными комиссией иностранных языков требованиями к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускника по специальности № 120703 «Информационные системы обеспечения градостроительной деятельности»
Протокол № 5 от 24 февраля 2011г.
Председатель цикловой методической комиссии «Иностранных языков» О.В. Рожкова Составитель: О.В. Рожкова
Учебно-методическое пособие рассчитано на 50 часов аудиторных занятий и 20 часов самостоятельной работы. Данное учебное пособие включает тематический лексический минимум, задания, упражнения и тексты по специальности.
Тексты заимствованы из CD “Encyclopedia. Britannica 2008. Deluxe Edition”. CONTENT UNIT 1. LAND REFORMS. Земельные реформы. 4 UNIT 2. SURVEYING. Геодезия. 13 UNIT 3. MAPS. Картография 17 UNIT 1. LAND REFORMS
Study the models of Possessive Case and translate.
the methods of cultivation – the cultivation’s methods that area's population – the population of that area the relation of agriculture the rest of the economy A) Revise the Verbs’ Forms.
to own, owned, owned, owning to become, became, become, becoming
B) Make all forms of the given verbs. to comprise, to hold, to proclaim, to mean Translate the text. Introduction. What is a reform? Reform - a purposive change in the way in which agricultural land is held or owned, the methods of cultivation that are employed, or the relation of agriculture to the rest of the economy. Reforms such as these may be proclaimed by a government, by interested groups, or by revolution. The concept of land reform has varied over time according to the range of functions which land itself has performed: as a factor of production, a store of value and wealth, a status symbol, or a source of social and political influence. Land value reflects its relative scarcity, which in a market economy usually depends on the ratio between the area of usable land and the size of that area's population. Historically, land reform meant reform of the tenure system or redistribution of the land ownership rights. Land reform has therefore become synonymous with agrarian reform or a rapid improvement of the agrarian structure, which comprises the land tenure system, the pattern of cultivation and farm organization, the scale of farm operation, the terms of tenancy, and the institutions of rural credit, marketing, and education.
Find definitions for terms.
Answer the questions. 1. What is reform? 2. In what spheres of life can reforms be? 3. What does land reform mean? 4. What are reforms you have ever heard?
Find equivalents. 1. перераспределение прав землевладения 2. источник общественного и политического влияния 3. методы обработки 4. заключает в себе условия и сроки землевладения 5. целенаправленное изменение 6. относительная нехватка
Translate the text. Types of reform Whether it is called land reform or agrarian reform, the operational concept covers five main types of reform, classified according to whether they deal with land title and terms of holding, land distribution, the scale of operation, the pattern of cultivation, or supplementary measures such as credit, marketing, or extension services. Reforms concerned with the title to land and the terms of holding reflect a transition from tradition-bound to formal and contractual systems of landholding. Their implementation involves property surveys, recording of titles, and provisions to free the landholder from restrictions or obligations imposed by tradition. Property surveys are conducted wherever land is held by a tribe or clan or where reallocation of cultivable land routinely follows tradition. In these situations the landholder may lack the incentive to improve the land because the right of disposal belongs to the tribe, clan, or feudal lord, as in medieval Europe and in parts of present-day Africa and the South Pacific islands. Such reform affects landholding in at least three ways: it may increase security of tenure and hence incentives; it may reorganize the system of inheritance in favour of offspring; and it may bring land onto the market so that land transactions become possible. This reform, however, has little immediate effect on the scale of operation, but it does facilitate future land concentration and fragmentation. In countries where the terms of holding and tenancy are regulated by tradition, reform may seek to convert tenancy into a contractual agreement that offers some protection to the tenant and more security and incentive to improve the land and advance technology, as in Japan, India, and Pakistan. The most common type of reform involves the redistribution of land titles from one individual to another, from individuals to a group or community at large, or from a group to individuals. The land of one landlord may be redistributed to many individuals, as in Egypt, Iran, or Ireland. Or the land of individuals may be reallocated in favour of the community at large by abolishing private ownership, as in Cuba and China. Or, again, public land may be distributed to individuals, as in various parts of Latin America. The impact of redistribution on the scale of operations and on marketability of the land depends on the form it takes and the restrictions attached to it. If the redistributed farm was previously operated as a unit, its division means fragmentation and reduction of scale; however, if it was operated in fragments by tenants, transfer of title to the tenants would not affect the scale. The final results depend on the measures taken to prevent adverse effects. Land-tenure reform, of course, can improve the scale of operations by enlarging the farm or by reducing it. Enlargement applies when the holding is increased in size, either by adding to it or by consolidating its fragmented parts. Farm consolidation involves reallocation of the total farmland within a region by land exchange, sale, or lease such that no one loses and all gain by increasing efficiency. The scale of operations may be increased by pooling resources, as in farm cooperatives and collectives that offer facilities otherwise inaccessible to a small farm.
Answer the questions. 1. What reform can improve the scale of operations by enlarging the farm or by reducing it? 2. When are property surveys conducted? 3. What does the impact of redistribution on the scale of operations and marketability depend on? 4. What countries are the terms of holding and tenancy regulated by tradition?
Find equivalents. 1. договорная система 2. землемерная съемка 3. защита арендатора и безопасность 4. реорганизовать систему наследования
5. может быть перераспределена среди многих физических лиц
Translate from Russian into English using the verbs in Present Simple Active.
1. Собственность за рубежом дает право получить гражданство. (to be admitted to citizenship) 2. Потомки великого ученого хранят (to keep) его рукописи. 3. Землевладельцы часто сдают (to lease out) землю в аренду. 4. Наследство иногда приносит (to give) выгоду. 5. Арендатор обрабатывает (to cultivate) землю.
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