Purpose and tasks of laboratory works
Kanseitova E.T, Berdembetova A. T., Kobeyeva Zh.K., Balabekova A.S
METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS on performance of laboratory works on discipline "Technology of milk and dairy products"
Shymkent- 2016
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN M. AUEZOV SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY Department «Technology and food safety» Kanseitova E.T., Berdembetova A. T., Kobeyeva Zh.K., Balabekova A.S. METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS Laboratory works On discipline "Technology of milk and dairy products" For students in the specialty 5B072700 - "Technology of food products"
Shymkent- 2016
UDK 355.65 BBK 36
Originators: Kanseitova E., Berdimbetova A. T., Kobeyeva Zh.K., Balabekova A.S. Methodical instructions to laboratory works on discipline "Technology of milk and dairy products" - Shymkent: SKSU after M. Auezov, 2016. - 66 pages. Methodical instructions are made according to requirements of the curriculum and the program of discipline "Technology of milk and dairy products" and include all necessary data on performance of laboratory works of a course.
Laboratory works contain theoretical bases of standard technological processes, work performance techniques, safety measures of performance of work and control questions for each work. Methodical instructions are intended for students of the specialty 5V072700 Technology of Food Products Reviewer: Shambulova G.D. - Cand.Sci.Tech., docent
It is considered and is recommended for printing a faculty meeting of PI and PPB (the protocol No. ___ from "___" _________ 20 ____ and the methodical commission of faculty the Higher school "Textiles and food engineering" (the protocol No. ___ from "__" _____ 20 ___)
It is recommended to the edition Educational and methodical council of SKSU after M. Auezov, the protocol No. ___ "___" _________ 2016 y.
© M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, 2016
Responsible for Berdimbetova A. T release.
Introduction In training of bachelors of specialty 5B072700 – "Technology of food products" of one of basic disciplines of the curriculum "The technology of milk and dairy products" are. This discipline consists of a lecture rate, a laboratory practical work and practical works. The laboratory practical work is an important, integral part of studying of this discipline. On laboratory researches skills of the practical experimental and settlement analysis of engineering procedures take root, the main regularities of their course, influence of process parameters on the main indicators – extent of transformation, speed of process and a product yield are studied and acquired. Based on it optimum conditions of conducting process are chosen, the major factors characterizing cost, technological and ecological efficiency of the studied technology are calculated. The educational and methodical benefit covers content of all rate and contains 15 laboratory works, each of which includes: work purpose; the theoretical data explaining essence of the studied process; description of installation; the used equipment, technical and tools; technique of performance of work and analyses; procedure of payments of technological indicators of process; control questions for self-checking of knowledge and abilities; safe engineering in case of performance of work. During a semester students perform works according to the scope of laboratory works on modules given in a syllabus. On the first occupation students get acquainted with safe engineering during the work in laboratories which shall be observed strictly in case of accomplishment of each work. Laboratory works are performed by crews on 3-4 persons after receipt of the admission of the teacher which provides knowledge of a technique of carrying out work and the scheme of installation. After performance of work each student carries out calculations according to a task, draws conclusions about efficiency of process and arranges the report. The report constitute according to requirements of the SMQ SKSU named by M. Auezov 7.04.2012 – "Studies. General requirements to the organization, content and training" also arrange in a hand-written or printing type. Protection of the report consists in the answer to control questions on theoretical bases of processes.
Laboratory works are constituted according to contents of programs of discipline "Technology of milk and dairy products" for students of specialty 5V072700 – Technology of food products and according to requirements of the SMQ SKSU named by M. Auezov F.7-03-2012 – "Management of educational and methodical processes". PURPOSE AND TASKS OF LABORATORY WORKS The purpose of laboratory researches – fixing and deepening of the gained theoretical knowledge in the course of accomplishment of experiments, mastering practical skills of carrying out laboratory researches and the analysis of results of work. Tasks of laboratory researches: ü mastering a technique and acquisition of experience of conducting pilot studies of engineering procedures with use of modern computer technologies; ü acquisition of abilities of operation of technical means and laboratory equipment; ü forming of skills of handling of the experimental data, registrations and representations of results of work; ü development of creative capabilities and independence in the analysis of results of researches and a formulation of conclusions about efficiency of process. Studying of methods of pilot study of the main characteristics of raw materials, determination of components of raw materials, carrying out standard testing on establishment of physical and chemical indicators of properties of raw materials, quality requirements, a quality evaluation. During the course of performance laboratory works students master methods of determination of general indicators of quality of foodstuff – humidity, acidity, density, etc. - by their comparative experimental assessment. The main part of a laboratory practical work is devoted to the analysis of milk and milk canned food. The received results are compared to requirements of standards, the conclusion about quality becomes. In training process the tabular materials, posters and other visual aids corresponding to scope of the given classes and also technical means of training are used.
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