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Специальности: «Экология природопользования»

«Прикладная гидрометеорология»



Вариант 1


Задание 1. Сделать письменный перевод текста.

Forces Governing Winds

Horisontal air movement or wind occurs on many scales, from small eddies to major circum – planetary wind systems. The basic impulsion to air movement is provided by the inequalities in the atmospheric energy budget. Variable heating sets up variations in pressure, and this becomes one of the basic forces governing air movement. Once air is in motion, factors come into play, including Coriolis force, the deflection caused by the Earth’s rotation; centripetal force, which acts around circulatory pressure systems; and the frictional force exerted by the Earth’s surface.

Pressure is normally measured in millibars, spatial variations of pressure being depicted on maps by isobars, lines connecting places having the same barometric pressure. The gradual change of pressure between areas is known as the barometric slope or the pressure gradient. The pressure gradient force always acts down the pressure gradient, attempting to cause the general movement of air from high - pressure towards low – pressure areas.

Coriolis force is named after the French physicist Coriolis, who in the 19th century formalized the concept of the Earth’s deflecting force. This causes a deflection of moving air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern, whatever the original direction. The phenomenon affects all freely moving objects, including ocean currents and projectiles. To the observer on the ground, the deflecting force varies with the speed of the moving air and with latitude: the faster the wind, the more ground it covers in a given time, and the greater the effect of rotation can be. Near the equator the Coriolis force is very slight, but it has marked effects in higher latitudes.

In the atmosphere, above the level of flow affected by surface topography, the flow of wind parallel to the isobars indicates that the two forces are exactly balanced. This sort of air motion is known as the geostrophic wind. A qualitative expression of the geostrophic situation is Buys Ballot’s Law, which states that if one stands with one’s back to the wind, then in the Northern Hemisphere low pressure always lies to the left, and high pressure to the right. The reverse applies in the Southern Hemisphere.

Centripetal force applies to winds when the isobaric pattern is markedly curved. Wind which is in balance with these three forces is known as the gradient wind. Motion around a low – pressure area, anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, is termed cyclonic, and in this case the result of the centripetal force is to make the Coriolis force weaker than the pressure gradient force: the wind is subgeostrophic. The anticyclonic flow in the high – pressure case is supergeostrophic, since the Coriolis force exceeds the pressure gradient force. Frictional forces will apply in both these cases if the winds are near the surface.

Задание 2. В двух первых абзацах текста найдите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. движение воздуха

2. небольшие вихри

3. ветровые системы

4. энергетический баланс

5. изменения давления

6. находиться в движении

7. отклонение

8. вращение Земли

9. центростремительная сила

10. сила трения

11. пространственные изменения

12. давление

13. постепенное изменение

14. наклон изобарических поверхностей

15. сила барического градиента

16. область высокого давления

Задание 3. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, содержащихся в последнем абзаце текста.

1. изобарическая модель 1. inthiscase

2. изогнутый (криволинейный) 2. near the surface

3. градиентный ветер 3. toexceed

4. северное полушарие 4. frictionalforce.

5. в этом случае 5. cyclonicmotion

6. сила барического градиента 6. isobaricpattern

7. циклоническое движение 7.curved

8. превышать 8. gradientwind

9. сила трения 9. Northern Hemisphere

10. вблизи поверхности 10. pressure gradient force

Задание 4. Заполните графы приводимой ниже таблицы существительными и прилагательными из текста относящимися к следующим понятиям:


Wind Pressure Force


Задание 5. Составить 5-6 вопросов по тексту (используя все типы вопросов).



Вариант 2


Задание 1. Сделать письменный перевод текста.


A cloud with its base at the ground or very close to it is called FOG. Fog inter with all modes of transportation. Persistent thick fog, reducing to a crawl for many hours is notorious in the interior valleys of California. Some super-highways in the Eastern United States and elsewhere have been built without concern for fog dangers. Almost every winter the headlines report chain-reaction accidents involving cars or more in fog on crowded high-speed arteries.

In spite of many control devices, low clouds and fog remain a primary obstacle for air traffic: even when traffic is not shut down entirely, it is greatly slowed down because landings must be carried out with great care. Fog may be light, restricting visibility to perhaps one or two miles; or it may be thick to very thick, with visibility only a few hundred feet or less. The infamous London pea-soup fog was the prime example of thick yellow fog that could shut down one of the world’s largest cities. This fog no longer exists. Produced in part by heavy contribution from city pollution sources it disappeared when London successfully introduced stringent pollution-control measures.

Most fog formation involves actual withdrawal of heat from the air, mainly through radiation cooling and movement of air over colder ground. The temperature is cooling to the dew point along the ground when saturation is reached. In contrast we have seen that stratus and cumulus clouds form when air is lifted the condensations level.

Задание 2. Укажите английский эквивалент приведенных глаголов.

влиять становиться

prevent penetrate

protect become

affect come

supply encourage

препятствовать возникать (из)

pretend ensure

obstruct encounter

apply inhibit

support arise from

заставлять оказывать (влияние)

impose interfere

interfere impose

cause form

expand mark

Задание 3. Из правой колонки подберите антонимы к следующим словам:

1.difference 1. high

2.heating 2. encourage

3.strong 3. stand

4.low 4. plain

5.contract 5. cooling

6.prevent 6. expand

7.mountair 7. similarity

8.uniform 8. horizontally

9.vertically 9. weak

10.move 10. irregular

Задание 4. Составить 10 вопросов по тексту.

Вариант 3

Задание 1. Сделать письменный перевод текста.


The layer between 10 and 50 km (on the average) is called the stratosphere, and the surface separating troposphere and stratosphere is the troposphere. More precisely, the height of the troposphere varies from about 9 km at the poles to 16 km at the equator. In the lover stratosphere, the temperature is essentially constant with, near the stratosphere, where it immediately increases upward. Higher up, the temperature generally increases with height. The stratosphere, is hydrostatically stable, and therefore poorly mixed and the variables in it tend to tend to be stratified. Also, the stratosphere, contains about 97% of ozone in the atmosphere.

The stratosphere, at about 50km height, separates the stratosphere from the mesosphere, a region where the temperature again falls with height. Here, the lapse rate is positive. This is a region of strong winds, steady from the east in the summer and variable from the west in winter. Also, in this region, ionization is strong enough to reflect very long radiowaves sent up from the surface.

At the top of mesosphere lies the mesopause, the coldest layer of the atmosphere. Here, also, clouds (called noctilucent clouds) are sometimes seen in arctic or antarctic summers. The reason is that the temperature is so low that even the small amount of water there will sometimes freeze.

In the temperature, above the mesopause, the temperature again increases upward, eventually reaching 1,000º and more above 100 km. In the older references, this region in also called the ionosphere because ionization increases to a peak at about 250 km. This region has long been explored by radiowaves. It is controlled by solar activity. When the sum is active, auroras are produced here, as well as disturbances in the electric characteristics of the thermosphere, which are responsible for magnetic storms and difficulties with broadcasting.

Задание 2.В первой колонке найдите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. windbelt 1.зависеть от чего-либо

2. trade winds 2.опоясывать

3. high pressure zone 3.поясветров

4. to have a bearing on 4.постоянствоветров

5. constancyofwinds 5.зона высокого давления

6. equatorialtroigh 6.западный перенос в средних широтах

7. mid-latitudewesterlies 7.экваториальная зависимость (ложбина)

8. incontrast 8.крупномасштабная конвергенция

9. netconvergence 9.иметь отношение к чему-либо

10. encircle 10.в отличии от

11. dependon 11.струйное течение

12. jetstream 12.пассаты

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты приведенных слов:














в направлении к

по отношению к

в связи с







этот же самый


Задание 4. Составить 5 вопросов по тексту.


Вариант 4


Задание 1. Сделать письменный перевод текста.



Rain is formed when air is cooled beyond its saturation point and the cooling continues. The cooling causes the water vapour in the air to condense - usually around dust particles floating in the air - and form droplets of water.

The droplets undergo a process of accretion and enlargement until they become big enough to fall as rain.

Rainfall is produced in three main ways, corresponding to three different origins of rain-producing clouds:

a) convectional or instability rain. This type, as the name implies, is produced by convection currents. Whenever the land is intensely heated, the hot air near the surface rises vertically. If the relative humidity of this air is high, as often is, and if it ascends rapidly, it is likely to give rise to thunderstorms when carried aloft and cooled. Equatorial regions experience convection rains. Summer thunderstorm rain, as sometimes occurs in Britain, is also of this kind.

b) orographic or relief rain. This type of rainfall is produced when moisture-laden air is compelled to rise when it meets a relief barrier. The consequent ascent, expansion and cooling of the air leads to condensation of the water vapour in the air and its precipitation. The leeward sides of mountain barriers, where the air is descending, undergoing compression and is being warmed, are much drier than the windward slopes and are said to be in the rain-shadow.

c) cyclonic, frontal or convergence rain. This results from the meeting and ascension of warm, moist air with and over colder, denser air producing condensation.

It is not always possible to define which factor is the cause local precipitation, e,g. in Britain, cyclonic and relief rain are closely connected; in India the monsoon rainfall may be convectional, orographic or convergent in form.

In considering the rainfall of any place it is necessary to know the following:

a) the total annual amount;

b) the seasonal distribution;

c) the variability of the rainfall;

d) the reliability of the rainfall;

e) the nature of the rainfall, e.g. torrential, gentle, etc.

f) theevaporationrate.

Выполнить задания по тексту.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What information is necessary to know about the rainfall of any place?

2. May there be any local factor of precipitation?

3. Where does the water vapour usually condense in the air?

4. What kind of rains is typical of equatorial regions?

5. What factors are necessary to know when considering the rainfall of any place?

Задание3. В правой колонке найдите русские соответствия английских слов и словосочетаний.

1.saturation point a) осадки

2. cooling б) гроза

3. dropletsofwater в) конвективный поток

4. rain-producingcloud г) относительная влажность

5. convectioncurrent д) точка насыщения

6. relativehumidity е) наветренная сторона

7. orographicrainfall ж) подветренная сторона

8. precipitation з) циклонический дождь

9. thunderstorm и) охлаждение

10. leewardside (slope) к) дождевое облако

11. windwardslope л) орографические осадки

12. cyclonicrain м) капли воды

Задание 4. Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав подходящий по смыслу вариант.

1. Rain is formed when air is……

- cooled

- heated

- polluted

2. Rainfal1 is produced in three main ways, corresponding to three different origins of……..

- rain-producing clouds

- the evaporation rate

- the saturation rate

3. Convectional rain is produced by ……-

-convection currents

- moisture-laden air

- relief barrier

4. Orographic or relief rain is produced whe……

- moisture-laden air rises

- moisture- laden air descend

- warmer air rises

5. The leeward sides of mountain barriers are…..

- much damper

- much drier

- much colder

6. Cyclonic rain results from the meeting and ascension of warm moist air with and over …….

- colder mountain

- warmer water

- colder, denser air

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из списка.

1. When air is cooled beyond its saturation point... is formed.

2. The cooling causes the water vapour to... and form... of water.

3. Equatorial regions experience... rains.

4. The expansion and cooling of the air leads to condensation of the water vapour in the air and its...

5. The leeward sides of mountains, where the air is... are much drier than the windward slopes.

condense, rain, precipitation, droplets, descending, convection, clouds.

Задание 6. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

1) необходимо знать следующее;

2) не всегда возможно определить;

3) могут влиять на погоду Земли;

4) измерить давление и температуру воздуха;

5) принимать во внимание;

6) действовать во всех направлениях;

7) влиять на радио волны;

8) требовать точную информацию;

9) зависеть от ряда факторов;

10) уменьшаться (увеличиваться) с высотой.


Вариант 5


Задание 1. Сделать письменный перевод текста.


Air and air temperature.

Air has weight, and because of the height of the atmosphere its weight exerts a pressure of 0.9 kg per square centimetre upon all surfaces. Since air is fluid, this presure acts not only downwards but in all directions. Air pressure is measured by means of a barometer. Normal barometric pressure at sea-level is 760 mm. or 29.9 inches or 1,013 millibars, but pressure decreases with height.

Pressure is not uniform over the Earth's surface but varies considerably from region to region. These differences result from:

a) variations in air temperature; and

b) variations in water-vapour content of the air.

Any increase in temperature causes air to expand, this, in turn, causes the air to rise, a process known as convection. Air containing water-vapour is lighter than dry air because water-vapour is lighter than dry air.

Resulting from these variations is a movement of air from cooler, drier areas,with high pressure, to warmer, damper areas, with low pressure.

Apart from a small amount of terrestrial heat - heat released from the centre of Earth - the sun is the sole source of heat, and the radiant energy received is termed insolation. The amount of solar energy received depends upon a number of factors or conditions:

1. The sun's output of radiation, which fluctuates slightly.

2. The Earth's distance from the sun, which varies seasonally.

3. The obliquity of the sun's rays, which varies seasonally.

4. The diurnal sun-period, which varies with latitude and the season.

5. The transmission, reflection and absorption of the atmosphere.

The solar energy which reaches the Earth's surface warms the land and water surfaces which, in turn, radiate energy back into the air, a process known as radiation. Land and water undergo differential heating. Land warms up 'more rapidly and intensely than water.because:

a) land has a lower specific heat;

b) there is no transmission to depth (as in translucent water);

c) there is no distribution of heat (as in mobile water);

d) there is less evaporation and therefore less loss of heat.

Trie air is warmed mainly by:

a) conduction, i.e. contact with the surface;

b) radiation from the Earth;

c) convection, i.e. the ascension of warm air.

Задание 1. Выберете правильный вариант ответа. Подведите свой выбор информацией из текста.

1. What is the air mainly warmed by?

a) by conduction, transmission and radiation;

b) by radiation, evaporation and conduction;

c) by convection, conduction and radiation.

2. What is insolation?

a) It is the radiant energy received.

b) It is the solar energy which is emitted back by the land.

c) It is the ability of the sun to emit energy.

3. What characteristics of the atmosphere influence the amount of insolation?

a) transmission, humidity and the level of transparency;

b) reflection, transmission and absorption;

c) reflection, pressure and humidity.

4. What factors controlling the amount of solar energy received vary seasonally? a) the sun's output radiation;

b) the Earth's distance from the Sun;

c) the transmission of the atmosphere.

5. What instrument is used to measure pressure?

a) thermometer;

b) barometer;

c) wind vane.

6. In what directions does air pressure act? a) downwards;

b) in an directions;

c) upwards.

Задание 2. Исправьте предложения, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. Pressure is uniform over the Earth's surface.

2. Air pressure acts only downward.

3. Any increase in temperature causes air to sink.

4. Air containing water-vapour is heavier than dry air.

5. The solar energy which reaches the Earth's surface cools the land and water surfaces.

6. Water warms up more rapidly and intensely than land.

Задание 3. Выберете подходящее по смыслу слово.

1. Since air is (fluid / solid) pressure acts in all directions.

2. Pressure (decreases / increases) with height.

3. Air pressure is (measured / calculated) by means of a barometer

4. Any increase in temperature causes air to (contract / expand).

5. Land (warms up / cools) more rapidly and intensely than water.

6. The solar energy which (reaches /leaves) the Earth's surface...

Задание 4. В правой колонке найдите перевод английских слов и словосочетаний.

1) source of heat a) водяной пар

2) to fluctuate б) распределение

3) solar energy в) широта

4) transmission г) источник тепла

5) reflection д) солнечная энергия

6) absorption e) отражение

7) specific heat ж) колеблется

8) conduction з) проводимость

9) distribution н) поглощение

10) evaporation к) удельная теплота

11) water vapour л) испарение

12) convection м) пропускание (света)

13) latitude н) конвекция

14) diurnal period o) суточный период

15) radiation п) излучение (радиации)

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.

1. Mesoscale wind information is required... estimation... concentration of pollutants, (for, of)

2. Attempts have been made to investigate changes... global… circulation... nature... man-produced. (both... and, in)

3. The great difference... the continental and the maritime climates... middle and high latitudes is mainly...... the fact that the solid earth, in contrast... the ocean, does not store any appreciable amount... heat. (due to, of, between, to, of)

4. The water vapour the air has a profound effect... the temperature... of the atmosphere. (on, in, of)

5. The coast of the Black Sea... the mouth of Dniester and the Crimea has... 12 inches of rain. (about, between)

6. The space… the universe is inhabited... stars which are similar... our sun. (by, throughout).



Контрольная работа № 2


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