Специальность «Менеджмент»
Вариант 1 Задание 1. Прочитайте текст:
OUTSTAFFING Outstaffing market nowadays is one of the most dynamically developing: the average annual demand increment comprises 30-35 per cent. What is the reason for that? First of all, companies want to balance their budget. The availability of these or those ‘established posts’ in accounting controls obliges too much. A staff member has a full right for different social packs: benefits, additional payments, the preservation of a part of salary in case of illness, vacation bonus etc. Medium and big companies face the following problem: a big number of employees are hired temporarily. For example, students during summer vacations find a job of delivery persons. Temporary jobs are usually offered to junior staff. Besides, the work with such employees encroaches a big amount of time upon the personnel department, the majority of season employees later lay claim to be transferred to permanent staff that leads to labor disputes. Besides, the Russian law regulates minimal terms of making temporary labor agreements. If the project is quite lengthy it will automatically mean that the invited employees will have to be hired permanently. This arouses problems connected with the situation when the employees will learn that their position is subject to reduction because of the project completion. Another aspect influencing the relationships between the employee and the employer is staff reduction. The Russian labor code stipulates payments of substantial indemnities. And, at last, tax payments: the bigger is the company the more substantial are sums transferred to the state or a federal entity budget. Outstaffing lets solve most problems. The main advantages of outstaffing are: - Reduction of employees number in the staff list; - Reduction of administrative and financial load preserving the ultimate direction of employees; - Relief of the company of employment agreement obligations; - Maximal flexibility in personnel management and adequacy of manpower amount to a real volume of work; - The possibility of remaining within the allotted budget with an increased number of employees. Задание 2. Письменно переведите на русский язык 1-ый абзац текста.
Задание 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. What are the reasons for dynamic development of outstaffing market nowadays? 2. Is it problematic for season employees to be transferred to permanent staff? Why? 3. Does the Russian law regulate all the terms of personnel employment? What are the gaps? 4. Why does outstaffing give a company flexibility in personnel management? Задание 4. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Headhunters often attend trade shows and other meetings nationally or even internationally that may be attended by potential candidates and hiring managers.
2. Headhunters are often used to recruit very specialized individuals. 3. How do you have to develop the potentials of the employees in order to ensure that your company stays successful? 4. No wonder, it is the big companies who are lobbying for pro-outsourcing. 5. Introduce yourself and explain that you have been chosen to be interviewed for a position in their company and would like some information. Задание 5. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие I, II, герундий). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Today’s recruitment industry is fairly competitive, therefore agencies have sought out ways to differentiate themselves and add value by focusing on some area of the recruitment life cycle. 2. A large employer may choose to outsource all or some of its recruitment process. 3. The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to document the actual or intended requirement of the job to be performed. 4. Online recruitment websites can be very helpful to find candidates that are very actively looking for work and post their resumes online. 5. To avoid being fired as a cost-cutting measure, an employee may agree to take time off without pay.
Вариант 2
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст:
STAFFLEASING Leasing service let the client involve the personnel selected in accordance with all requirements for the work on temporary projects out of the actual staff of the company. When you need personnel leasing: - The company needs additional employees for temporary projects but has no resources for high quality search and evaluation of the specialists; - Company needs additional employees because of the season grow of work volume; - For the period of long-term absence of indispensable specialists (maternity leaves etc.); - Performing of the new projects not connected with the main profile of the company; - Staff quantity and salary budget limits; - The client wants to transfer obligations and risks concerned with personnel to the qualified provider. Obligations of the staffing agency on the project: - Search, selection and recruitment of the personnel in accordance with the client’s requirements; - Registration of legal relations with the employees selected by the client; - Performing all procedures in the field of personnel in accordance with the RF Labor Code; - Calculation and providing an employee with a salary, calculation and transferring taxes and payments stated by the RF Labor Code; - Resolution of questions and conflicts with the employees; - RF norms and lows observance. Staff exchange in case of preliminary valid requirements of the client: Service advantages: - Saving the time on the search and evaluation of the personnel; - HR service is released from the administrative tasks connected with employees’ registration; - Reduction of the personnel paperwork volume; - Exclude expenses connected with calculation of salary; - Reducing expenses for all kinds of compensation packages (they are either not presupposed or are minimal for temporary employees);
- Reducing of legal risks and obligations out of labor relations with temporary staff; - Opportunity to exchange the employees in case they do not satisfy the requirements for some reasons; - Replacing the employees for the period of illness or vacation; - Exclude the costs on personnel recruitment in case the client wants to transfer the employee he likes to the permanent staff after the year of his work in the company.
Задание 2. Письменно переведите на русский язык 1-ый, 2-ой абзацы текста. Задание 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. Is personnel leasing obligatory for a company? 2. Can you suppose at least a couple of negative points for a company concerning personnel leasing? What are they? 3. Are there any benefits for employees in case they are leased? Задание 4. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. In spite of the absence of specific legal regulations, staff leasing is not prohibited by the law. 2. In almost all fields of activities of the financial services industry, there is fierce competition for qualified staff. 3. What is the future of personnel outsourcing? Will it be banned by law or is it there to grow in the coming years? 4. How would you rate the level of support you received to perform your job duties? 5. An employer who accommodates the need to make time during the business day for employees’ medical emergencies or school functions will be rewarded with more productive, loyal and happy employees. Задание 5. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие I, II, герундий). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. 2. Headhunters may use advanced sales techniques, such as initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts, as well as visiting candidate offices. 3. In some countries, employers are legally mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring. 4. Fast-growing high tech companies were hard-pressed to locate and hire the technical specialists they required, and so had little choice but to pay large fees to highly specialized external recruiters in order to staff their projects. 5. Unjust firings may result from a workplace manager or supervisor wanting to retaliate against an employee.
Вариант 3 Задание 1. Прочитайте текст:
Personnel evaluation is the basis for professional human resources management in any organization Goals and objectives of Personnel Assessment. It is aimed at examining of the psychological potential and professional skills of an employee that are necessary for them to perform the duties that they are assigned. Personnel evaluation is the basis for making the right decision in many fields of activities that are connected to human resources: - Recruiting new personnel; - Organizational work with the personnel; - Personnel training; - Organizational and human resources planning; - Concluding compensation and benefits agreements; - Providing bonuses for the employees. Selection of a specific method depends on the specific needs of the company; no matter what, it should be aimed at solving a definite problem, getting the desired measurable result; the method chosen should be adapted to the actual needs of the company, the specific character of its activity, its organizational structure and competitive environment. Express diagnostics. General evaluation of the personality structure that helps determine the aptitude of a person to certain activities, predict his or her successfulness and evaluate individual personality features. Interviewing also includes the candidate’s professional background evaluation.
Psychological testing. Personality analysis is carried out with a view to determine the behavior model, emotional intelligence and general intellectual abilities of a candidate and their suitability for effective execution of a specific role in their present or new position Professional testing. Evaluation of professional skills and knowledge of the candidate in the selected field is carried out with the use of specially developed tests and interviews with an expert in the given field. Assessment center. The evaluation tasks offered within the frame of such examination enable the company to receive comprehensive and reliable information that helps anticipate and prevent unwanted situations with the employee. They also help anticipate his or her specific behavior in situations that are of vital importance to the company. These tasks also help the company reach conclusions about the abilities and individual/personal characteristics of this employee. This method makes it possible to identify, analyze and evaluate the degree of manifestation of professional qualities and competencies of the candidate with the help of specifically modeled situations, typical for the field of activity being examined. Задание 2. Письменно переведите на русский язык 1-ый, 2-ой, 3-ий абзацы текста. Задание 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 1. What are the aims of employers and employees in personnel assessment process? 2. What’s important for choosing a personnel evaluation method? 3. What personnel assessment methods are mentioned in the text? Do you know any other? Задание 4. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The new person you’ve just hired had an impressive resume. 2. Many candidates are also very well educated about what type of salary they can expect, as a good deal of information is available from governmental and online publications. 3. The more you know about what’s happening across the company, the better you’ll be at making strategic suggestions and decisions. 4. The Trainer concern is to ensure that the training that has been provided is effective or not. 5. The actual act to source candidates can usually be split out into two clearly defined techniques: primary sourcing and secondary sourcing.
Задание 5. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие I, II, герундий). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The recruitment industry is based on the goal of providing a candidate to a client for a price. 2. Due to their higher costs, headhunters are usually employed to fill senior management and executive level roles. 3. Niche firms tend to be more focused on building ongoing relationships with their candidates as it is very common the same candidates are placed many times throughout their careers. 4. Job descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements. 5. The employer and employee make a joint decision to end employment.
Вариант 4
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст: PROS AND CONS OF EXIT INTERVIEWS Exit interviews with departing employees are often conducted in a perfunctory, haphazard manner. But these workers’ last words can provide valuable insights into corporate culture, dysfunctions and opportunities to do better at retaining top talent. It’s important to listen carefully during an exit interview; but more important is to act on the information you receive.
Some HR experts think the exit interview serves no purpose, coming far too late in the employment relationship to be useful. Regardless of your track record as a manager, however, take your exit interviews seriously and try to learn from what your employees have to say. In addition, use interviews as an opportunity to convince a valuable employee to stay. Exit interviews provide a unique chance to get candid feedback from employees, which can be very helpful for identifying ways in which HR management could improve. Departing employees have nothing to lose by being totally honest about their reasons for leaving, their experiences with co-workers or their opinions of company policy. One thing a leaving worker does have to worry about, however, is damaging relationships that extend beyond the term of employment. The employee may be less frank about management’s shortcomings due to fear of a bad job reference. Some staff may plan to stay in touch with former co-workers and don’t want to burn bridges. Others simply don’t feel comfortable bad-mouthing the people they will leave behind. Feedback, though illuminating, is not useful from just one exit interview. Only speaking with all departing employees will allow you to identify trends that point to chronic or systemic weaknesses in the company’s retention management. For this reason, it is important to design effective exit-interview protocols and administer them consistently. Задание 2. Письменно переведите на русский язык 1-ый, 2-ой, 3-ий абзацы текста.
Задание 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. In what case can an exit interview be conducted? Is it always possible? 2. What is important to do while you are exit interviewed? 3. Why can an exit interview be life guided for both employer and employee? 4. What opportunities does exit interview give for the company? Задание 4. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Flexible hours, or flextime as it’s commonly called, have been hailed by some as a revolution in the way that employees work because it allows them to strike a work-life balance that just isn’t possible under a rigid schedule. 2. Which staff competences are required for the tasks to be accomplished within the enterprise? 3. It should also be noted that even in slower economic times or higher unemployment, recruitment process outsourcing is still considered by companies to assist in an increasing need to screen through a larger candidate pool. 4. Candidates who don’t meet the requirements will be discouraged from applying, while qualified candidates will recognize that you're serious about looking for experienced candidates. 5. One of the main problems with the outstaffing business in Russia is that it does not have a special legal framework that regulates the rights and duties of the client company, outstaffing provider and the outsourced personnel.
Задание 5. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие I, II, герундий). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their human resources department, front-line hiring managers and recruitment personnel who handle targeted functions and populations. 2. Business management software is used by many recruitment agencies to automate the testing process. 3. Many companies have onboarding campaigns in hopes to retain top talent that is new to the company. 4. To allow the dismissed employee to ‘save face’ in a more ‘graceful’ exit, the employer will often ask the employee to resign ‘voluntarily’ from their position. 5. The candidate submittal service will often vet, edit or enhance the job seeker’s application before passing it on to the employer.
Вариант 5 Задание 1. Прочитайте текст: EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING When organization has invested in some training, how do we know if it has a success? Our gut feeling might be that skills and practice have improved. But in what ways and by how much has it improved, and did organization get value of money? Answer of these questions can be given by doing evaluation.
The evaluation of training forms is the remaining part of the training cycle which starts with the identification of training needs, establishing objectives and continues through to the design and delivery of the training course itself. It is the function of evaluation to assess whether the learning objectives originally identified have been satisfied and any deficiency rectified. Evaluation is the analysis and comparison of actual progress versus prior plans, oriented toward improving plans for future implementation. It is part of a continuing management process consisting of planning, implementation and evaluation; ideally with each following the other in a continuous cycle until successful completion of the activity. Evaluation process must start before training has begun and continue throughout the whole learning process. Functions of evaluation: There are basically two functions of evaluation, - Qualitative evaluation is an assessment process ‘How well did we do’? - Quantitative evaluation is an assessment process that answers the question ‘How much did we do’? Principles of Training Evaluation: - Training need should be identified and reviewed concurrently with the business and personal development plan process. - There should be correlation to the needs of the business and the individual. - Organizational, group and individual level training need should be identified and evaluated. - Techniques of evaluation should be appropriate. - The evaluation function should be in place before the training takes place. - The outcome of evaluation should be used to inform the business and training process. Why Training Evaluation: Training cost can be significant in any business. Most organizations are prepared to incur these cost because they expect that their business to benefit from employees development and progress. Whether business has benefited can be assessed by evaluation training. There are basically four parties involved in evaluating the result of any training: Trainer, Trainee, Training and Development (T&D) department and Line Manager. The Trainee wants to confirm that the course has met personal expectations and satisfied any learning objectives set by the T&D department at the beginning of the program. The Trainer concern is to ensure that the training that has been provided is effective or not. Training and Development want to know whether the course has made the best use of the resources available. The Line manager will be seeking reassurance that the time hat trainee has spent in attending training results in to value and how deficiency in knowledge and skill redressed. The problem for many organizations is not so much why training should be evaluated but how. Most of the organizations overlook evaluation because financial benefits are difficult to describe in concrete terms. Задание 2. Письменно переведите на русский язык 1-ый, 2-ой, 3-ий абзацы текста. Задание 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. What are the first main steps in the employee training cycle? 2. When the evaluation of the effectiveness of training should be started? 3. What training evaluation should be done for? 4. How many parties are involved in evaluating the results of any training? 5. Do you know any methods of training evaluation? Задание 4. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Bringing in an employee with an M.B.A. is sometimes perceived as a sign that ‘ordinary’ employees are not good enough to get the job done. 2. The opportunity to meet you and become acquainted first hand with the fine work you and your team have been doing, has strengthened my interest in working for Sealico. 3. Corporate incentive systems are considered the most effective method for motivating employees to work harder. 4. For more than a century, most workers have been tied to a nine-to-five schedule that they planned their lives around. 5. Specify whether the person is expected to work odd hours, be on-call or work in sensitive environments.
Задание 5. Найдите в предложениях неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, причастие I, II, герундий). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. With conduct problems, the firing is frequently (but not always) part of a ‘progressive step’ process, meaning the employee will have been warned and given an opportunity to improve before more severe measures are taken. 2. An employee getting charged with a crime will affect the employer’s ability to trust the employee. 3. The employee is sometimes offered some extended pay or benefits and a glowing reference in exchange for departure. In turn, the ex-employee agrees not to sue, file for unemployment, or take any other action that would hurt the employer. 4. In some cases, when an employee departed on good terms, they may be given special priority by the employer when seeking rehire. 5. Companies will generally employ a number of different methods to fill their recruitment needs including employee referral, company websites, recruitment agencies and job boards.
Контрольная работа № 2
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