Manuscript, newspapers and Printed primary sources
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Bureau of Military History Witness Statements: Aghlas (Ashe), Nora: Statement 645. Aherne, Maurice: Statement 483. Archer, Liam: Statement 819. Barrington, Gilbert: Statement 773. Barry, Dr Alice: State- ment 723. Barrett, Annie: Statement 1133. Barton, Ducibella: Statement 936. Bar- ton, Robert C.: Statement 979. Bé aslaí, Piaras: Statements 261, 675. Beaumont, Seá n: Statement 709. Begley, Flor: Statements 32, 1771. Berry, Patrick: Statement 942. Blythe, Ernest: Statement 939. Bolger, John: Statement 1745. Booker, Joseph: Statement 776. Bourke, Dr F. S.: Statement 172. Bratton, Eugene: Statement 467. Breen, Dan: Statements 1739, 1763. Brennan, Robert: Statements 125, 779, 790. Brennan, Timothy: Statement 584. Browne, Msgr Patrick: Statement 729. Broy, É amon: Statements 1280, 1284, 1285. Bulfin, É amon: Statement 497. Bryan, Annie: Statement 805. Bryan, Dan: Statement 947. Byrne, Bernard C.: Statement 631. Byrne, Christopher: Statements 167, 642. Byrne, James: State- ment 828. Byrne, Joseph: Statement 461. Byrne, Tom: Statement 564. Byrne, Vin- cent: Statement 423. Carragher, Thomas: Statement 681. Carrigan, James: Statement 613. Clancy, Mary: Statement 806. Clarke, James: Statement 1026Clarke, Dr Josephine: Statement 699. Clifford, Seá n: Statement 1279. Cogh- lan, Francis X.: Statement 1760. Colley, Harry: Statement 1687. Connolly, Cor- nelius: Statement 602. Cope, Sir Alfred (Andy): Statement 469. Cordial, Michael: Statement 1712. Cosgrave, William T.: Statements 268, 449. Cronin, Cornelius: Statement 1726. Cronin, Jeremiah: Statement 1020. Crowe, Patrick: Statement 775. Crowe, Tadgh: Statement 1658. Crowley, Tadgh: Statement 435. Culhane, Seá n: Statement 746. Cullen, James: Statement 1343. Cummins, Michael: State- ment 1282. Cunningham, James W.: Statement 922. Curran, Revd M. J.: State- ment 687. Dalton, Charles: Statement 434. Dalton, Richard: Statement 1116. Daly, Denis: Statement 110. Daly, Madge: Statements 209, 855. Daly (O’- Daly, Ó Dalaigh), Gen. Patrick: Statement 387. Daly, Patrick G.: Statement 814. Daly, Una: Statement 610. Davis, Francis (Frank): Statement 496. De Barra, Leslie Price, Bean: Statement 1754. De Roiste (Roche), Liam: Statement 1698. Deasy, Liam: Statement 562. Desmond, William: Statement 832. Dolan, Joseph: Statements 663, 900. Donnelly, Simon: Statements 113, 433, 481. Dore, É amon: Statements 153, 392, 515. Doyle, James: Statement 1640. Duffy, John: Statement 580. Duggan, George C.: Statements 1071, 1099. Duggan, Revd
Thomas: Statement 551. Dwyer, Tadgh: Statement 1356. Early, Hugh: Statement 1535. Egan, Patrick: Statement 327. Ellis, Dr Vincent Cornelius: Statement 682. Enright, Dr James J.: Statement 1580. Fahy, Frank: Statement 442. Farring- ton, Annie: Statement 749. Feely, Michael J.: Statement 68. Fehilly, Patrick: State- ment 604. Finn, Martin: Statement 921. Fitzgerald, George: Statement 684. Fitzgerald, John (Jack): Statement 560. Fitzpatrick, Michael: Statement 1433. Fitzpatrick, Patrick: Statement 1274. Fitzpatrick, Seá n: Statement 1259. Flood, James P.: Statement 606. Fogarty, Michael: Statement 673. Folan, Peter: Statement 316. Foley, Michael: Statement 539. Foley, Willie: Statement 1560. Fox, Colonel Thomas: Statement 365. Gavan-Duffy, George: Statement 381. Gaynor, Seá n: Statement 1369. Gerrard, Captain E.: Statement 348. Golden, Bernard: Statement 281. Gouldan, J. R. W.: Statement 1340Griffith, Maud: State- ment 205. Hales, Donal: Statement 292. Hales, Tom: Statement 20. Hales, William: Statement 666. Harte, Christopher: Statement 2. Hayes, Dr Richard: Statements 97, 876. Healy, Daniel: Statement 1656. Healy, Seá n: Statements 686, 1479, 1643. Henderson, Frank: Statements 249, 821. Hennessey, Jack: Statement 1234. Holland, Dan: Statement 1341. Holland, Robert: Statements 280, 371. Hor- gan, Edward: Statement 1644. Hurley-O’Mahony, Anna: Statement 540. Hyland, Joe: Statement 644. Hynes, James: Statement 867. Ibberson, Geoffrey: State- ment. Kavanagh, James: Statement 889. Kavanagh, Sé amus: Statements 208, 998. Keating, Jeremiah: Statement 1657. Kelleher, Edward: Statement 477. Kelle- her, John: Statement 1456. Kenny, James: Statement 174. Kenny, John: Statement 1693. Keohane, Timothy: Statement 1295. Knightly, Michael: Statements 833, 834, 835. Lalor, James: Statement 1032. Lawless, Sister Eithne: Statement 414. Lawless, Colonel Joseph V.: Statement 1043. Lawson, Patrick: Statement 667. Leahy, Michael: Statements 94, 555, 1241. Leonard, Joseph: Statement 547. Lordan, Denis: Statement 470. Lynch, Diarmuid: Statements 4, 120, 121, 364, 651. Lynch, Michael: Statement 511. Lynn, Dr Kathleen: Statement 357. McAleese, Daniel: Statement 1411. Macardle, Dorothy: Statement 457. Mc- Cartan, Patrick: Statements 99, 100, 766. McCarthy, Dan: Statement 722. Mc- Carthy, John: Statement 883. McCarthy, William: Statement 1255. MacCarvill, Eileen (né e McGrane): Statement 1752. McConnell, J. J.: Statement 509. McCor- mack, John P.: Statement 1400. McCrea, Patrick: Statement 413. McDermott, Sé amus: Statement 768. McDonnell, Andrew: Statement 1768. McDonnell, Daniel: Statement 486. McDonnell, Michael (Mick): Statement 225. MacEntee, Margaret (né e Browne): Statement 322. MacEntee, Seá n: Statement 1052. Mc- Gann, Art: Statement 431. MacGarry, Maeve: Statement 826. McGarry, Seá n: Statement 368. McGinley, Elizabeth (né e Brennan): Statement 860. McGuinness, David: Statement 417. McGuinness, Joseph: Statement 607. McHugh, Patrick: Statement 664. McKenna, Kathleen (né e Napoli): Statement 643. MacSwiney, Muriel: Statement 637. Maguire, Conor: Statement 708. Malone, Tomá s: State- ment 845. Mannix, Patrick: Statement 502. Mee, Jeremiah: Statement 379. Mee- han, Patrick: Statement 478. Mernin, Lily: Statement 441. Mills, Patrick: Statement 777. Moylett, Patrick: Statement 767. Mulcahy, Patrick: Statement 1468. Mullen, Revd E. J.: Statement 133. Murphy, Denis: 1318. Murphy, Eileen (né e Walsh): Statement 480. Murphy, Fintan: Statement 370. Murphy, Gregory: Statement 150. Murphy, James ‘Spud’: Statement 1684. Murphy, Jeremiah: State-
ment 772. Murphy, Michael: Statement 1547. Murray, Sé amus: Statement 308. Myles, William: Statement 795. Neligan, David: Statement 380. Ni Bhriain, Má ire: Statement 363. Norris, William: Statement 595. Noyk, Michael: State- ment 707. Nugent, Lawrence: Statement 907. Nunan, Seá n: Statement 1744. O’Brien, Patrick: Statement 812. O’Callaghan, Cait: Statement 688O’Car- roll, Michael: Statement 1609. Ó Cathain, Padraig: Statement 1572. O’Connor, Bridget (Mrs Batt): Statement 330. O’Connor, Paddy: Statement 813. O’Donel, Geraldine: Statement 861. O’Donnell, Mrs Bernard (né e Eithne Coyle): State- ment 750. O’Donoghue, Daithi: Statement 548. O’Donoghue, Florence: State- ment 554. O’Donoghue, Humphrey: Statement 1351. O’Donoghue, Patrick: Statement 847. O’Donoghue, Very Revd Thomas: Statement 1666. O’Donovan, James: Statement 1713. O’Donovan, Julia: Statement 475. O’Driscoll, Seá n: State- ment 1518. O’Duffy, Seá n M.: Statements 313, 618, 619. O’Dwyer, Patrick: Statement 1432. O’Flanagan, Michael: Statement 908. O’Flynn, William: State- ment 1235. O’Hegarty, P. S.: Statement 26. O’Hegarty, Seá n: Statement 54. O’- Keefe, John (Jack): Statement 1291. O’Keeffe, Patrick (Paudeen): Statement 1725. O’Keeffe, Seá n: Statement 188. O’Keefe, William T.: Statement 1678. O’Kelly, J. J. (Sceilg): Statements 384, 427. O’Kelly, Fergus: Statement 351. O’Kelly, Seá n T.: Statements 611, 1765. O’Mahoney, John: Statement 1662. O’Malley, John: Statement 912. O’Neill, Edward: Statement 203. O’Reilly, Brigid: Statement 454. O’Reilly, Michael W.: Statement 886. O’Reilly, Stephen J.: Statement 1761. Ormond, Patrick: Statement 1283. O’Shaughnessy, Daniel: Statement 1956. O’Shea, Seá n: Statement 760. O’Sullivan, Diarmuid: Statement 375. O’Sullivan, Mary: Statement 465. O’Sullivan, Patrick: Statements 34, 878. O’Sullivan, Tadgh: Statement 792. O’Toole, James: Statement 1084. Peppard, Thomas: Statement 1399. Pinkman, Charles: Statement 1263. Prendergast, Seá n: Statement 1952. Price, General É amon: Statement 995. Purcell, Robert: State- ment 53. Quinlan, Dr Catherine: Statement 1364. Ramsbottom, James: State- ment 1512. Reidy, Thomas: Statements 1422, 1477. Reilly, Bernard: Statement 349. Reynolds, Peter: Statement 350. Roberts, George Henry: Statement 1045. Robinson, Sé amus: Statements 156, 1721, 1722. Ryan, Desmond: State- ments 724, 725. Ryan, Dr James: Statement 70. Saunders, Seá n: Statement 817. Saurin, Charles: Statement 288. Saurin, Frank: Statement 715. Sheehan, Patrick: Statement 1088. Slattery, Declan: Statement 1245. Slattery, James (Jim): Statement 445. Smyth, Eugene: Statement 334. Stack, Michael: Statement 525. Stack, Una: Statements 214, 418. Staines, Michael: Statements 284, 943, 944. Stapleton, William James (Bill): Statement 822. Thornton, Dr Brigid (né e Lyons): Statement 259. Thornton, Frank: Statements 510, 615. Thunder, Joseph T.: Statement 460. Traynor, Oscar: Statement 340. Walsh, John: Statement 966. Walsh, Richard: Statement 400Whelan, Patrick: Statement 1449. White, George: Statement 956. Wordsworth, Mrs A. K.: Statement 1242.
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