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Text С. Our Future Profession


In Russia hundreds of thousands of young people study at different medical institutes. They study numerous theoretical and special subjects. They have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors. Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat people.

- But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy. He must love people and have a kind heart. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his

time to people, to the protection of their health.

— One of the prominent Russian therapeutists Prof. M.P. Konchalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter (худож­ник) or an actor but a man cannot and must not be a bad doctor.

Medical students must understand well all the difficulties of their future profession. They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it. But a good doctor will always do his best1 to gain his patient's confidence.2 And the confidence of a patient in his doctor is a "valuable remedy".

Did you hear about Hippocrates Oath3 before you entered the Institute? What does it read? It reads, "I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm" - these are the words from Hippocrates Oath. And they must be not only words for medical students. They must become the motto (девиз) of their life.

Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art (искус­ство) but not an ordinary trade (ремесло). It is one of the professions which requires a real calling4 for it.



1. to do one's best - делать вес возможное

2. to gain confidence - завоевать доверие

3. Hippocrates Oath [hi'pDkreti:z эив] - клятва Гиппократа to make (take) oath - дать клятву

4. calling - призвание


XVIII. Explain the pronunciation of the letter combinations in bold type:

thousand, which, with, them, chart, phase, show, chill

XIX. Explain the pronunciation of the suffix '-ion' in the following:

conclusion, function, formation, occasion, eruption, discussion, occlusion, production, contraction, invasion

XX. Give full answers to the following questions:


1. Can you cure a disease? 2. Do you" consider that you will pass your examinations successfully? 3. Must you remember all Latin anatomical terms? 4. Is the word 'skeleton' an anatomical term?

XXI. Put questions to the words in bold type:


1. We need this particular time for the experiment. 2. We entered the Institute last year. 3. Sometimes professors deliver lectures at the clinic. 4. He is in poor health. 5. We must give all our knowledge and abilities to people.


XXII. Define the parts of speech of the words in bold type:

1. Where do you study? 2. The Institute where I study has different departments. 3. When are people in good health? 4. People are in good health when they take care of it. 5. Who entered the Institute several months ago?

6. My sister who entered the Institute two years ago studies successfully.

7. What are you? 8. What prominent anatomist do you know? 9. What do you remember well? 10.1 remember well what the professor told us at the last lecture. 11. Which month is January? 12. The month which comes after April is May. 13. How do you speak English? 14. We know how he speaks English.

XXIII. Translate into English:


1. На какой предмет вы должны в особенности обращать внимание на первом курсе? 2. К сожалению (unfortunately), врачи еще не могут вылечи­вать больных от некоторых заболеваний. 3. Я думаю, что мой друг может сдать экзамен по биологии на отлично, так как у него хорошие способнос­ти к этому предмету. 4. Вы должны заниматься спортом, чтобы быть здо­ровым. 5. Хирургия является одним из многих предметов, который может представлять особый интерес для студентов.

XXIV. Try to understand the meaning of the words in bold type from the context. Memorize them:

1. She has a high temperature. It is 39.4°C. 2. Now we study at a higher school, that is at the Institute. 3. In six years we shall get higher education.

XV. Read Text D. Make the plan. Retell the text:



A week ago I read a very good book by Professor Vladimir Kovanov who was the vice-president of the Academy of Medical Sciences. The title of the book is "The Calling For".

Prof. V. V. Kovanov was a prominent scientist, a specialist with deep knowl­edge and great experience in the field of surgery. He was a well-known public figure and a person of great culture.

Vladimir Kovanov entered the Medical Faculty of Moscow University in 1927. According to a special decree on the organization of public education in Soviet Russia, which was adopted in 1918, education in the higher schools be­came free of charge. The students got stipends and could live in hostels. This decree meant that the children of the proletarians could enter the higher schools.

Prof. Kovanov writes that in his time those young people who really cared to be doctors studied in the Medical Faculty. The students worked hard, all day long they were ready to dissect corpses, to learn Latin terms and to make differ­ent analyses in chemical laboratories.

I consider that it is necessary for all medical students to read this book because it will increase the knowledge of our future profession. It will help us to understand and love our future work.

XXVI. Pick out the sentences corresponding to the contents of the text:


1. Professor V.V. Kovanov was a prominent scientist, a specialist in the field of therapy. 2. In 1927 V. Kovanov entered the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. 3. A special decree on the organization of public education in Soviet Russia was adopted in 1917. 4. The students worked hard, they learned Latin terms and made different analyses in chemical laboratories.





1. Буквосочетание air обычно читается [еэ]: chair [tfea] стул, кафедра.

2. Буквосочетания ear, eer читаются [ю]: appear [э'рю] появ­ляться, казаться; engineer [,end3i'ni3] инженер.

3. Буквосочетание ear перед согласной читается [з:]: early [*3:ll] рано.

I. Прочитайте:


1. air, hair, pair, chair, impair

2. hear, clear, near, ear, dear, steer, smear, deer

3. learn, earth, earn, research, heard;

II. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

admission [ad'mijh] n прием, поступление; on admission при поступлении

graduation [,gr3edju'eifn] n окончание (вуза)

responsible [n'spcnsabl] а ответственный; be responsible for smth не­сти ответственность за что-л.; способствовать, содействовать, обус­ловливать

achieve [a'tjiiv] v достигать, добиваться

decide [di'said] v решать(ся)

fix [fiks] v устанавливать, назначать, укреплять; fixed а установлен­ный, назначенный

addition [a'dijn] n прибавление, дополнение; in addition to в дополне­ние к; кроме того

contain [kan'tem] v содержать в себе, вмещать

mark [ma:k] n оценка, отметка; v отмечать; marked а заметный; ясно выраженный

tired ['taiad] а усталый, утомленный

rest [rest] и отдых, покой; v отдыхать; at rest в покое; the rest of осталь­ное; остальные

III. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:


1. responsible [n'sptmsabl]: a responsible decision, doctors are responsible for the patients' lives

2. achieve [s'tjiiv]: achieves, achieved, to achieve success, to achieve good results

3. contain [kan'tem]: contains, contained, this scientific article contains much valuable information

4. rest [rest]: a long rest, a short rest, a complete rest, the rest of the time, she needs rest, to have a good rest

IV. Прочитайте и переведите II форму глаголов:


achieved, decided, fixed, contained, rested


V. * От данных существительных путем конверсии образуйте гла­голы и переведите их:


mark, aim, date, rest, group, act, cure, harm


VI.* Переведите и запомните глаголы, от которых образованы су­ществительные:

to admit - admission; to graduate - graduation; to add - addition; to examine - examination; to protect - protection; to situate - situation

VII.* Переведите выделенные слова:


1. He has a clear head. 2. I see chairs at the entrance to the hall. 3. Prof. Savin is the Head of the Anatomy Chair. 4. Who is responsible for the protection of our health and lives? 5. My fellow-student lives in Kurgan. 6. First you must read this article. 7. We have the first practical class in the dissecting-room today.


VIII. 1. Прочитайте следующие предложения и ответьте на вопросы:

A. This article is interesting. That article is not interesting.

Эта статья интересная. Та статья неинтересная.

These articles are interesting. Those articles are not interesting.

Эти статьи интересные. Те статьи неинтересные.

Б. This is a student. Это - студент.

These are students. Это - студенты.

That is a therapeutist. To - терапевт.

Those are therapeutists. To - терапевты.


1. Какой частью речи являются слова this, that и как они переводятся на русский язык? 2. Какую форму имеют указательные местоимения во множественном числе? 3. Какие функции выполняют указательные место­имения в предложениях группы А и Б? (см. с. 257)

IX. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

that person, this nurse, those articles, this hostel, these fields, that department, those adults, these marks

X. Переведите письменно следующие предложения:


1. Это - медицинская статья. 2. Это - необходимые предметы. 3. То - студенческое общежитие. 4. То - мои родственники.

XI. Обратите внимание на перевод выделенных английских и рус­ских слов. Ответьте на вопросы:

Have you any books? Есть ли у вас какие-нибудь книги

(сколько-нибудь книг)? Yes, I have some books. Да, у меня есть несколько книг.

No, I have not any books. No, I have no books.

Какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, и в каких пред­ложениях употребляются: a) some, б) any, в) по? (см. с. 257)

} Нет, у меня нет (никаких) книг.

XII.* Заполните пропуски местоимениями 'some', 'any', 'no':


1. Will you deliver... lecture tomorrow? 2. He has... experience in the field of medicine because he is a student now. 3. Our assistant doctor knows... foreign languages. 4. The students will gain... knowledge of Surgery in the third year.

XIII. Обратите внимание на выделенные прилагательные и от­ветьте на вопросы:


The pen is long. Ручка длинная.

The story is long. Рассказ длинный.

The field is long. Поле длинное.

The pens are long. Ручки длинные.

The long pens are on the table. Длинные ручки на столе.

Изменяются ли английские прилагательные по родам, числам и па­дежам, и какие синтаксические функции в предложении они выполня­ют? (см. с. 253)

XIV. Познакомьтесь с таблицами 2,3 образования степеней срав­нения прилагательных и наречий (см. с. 253). Ответьте на вопросы:


1. Сколько слогов у прилагательных long, big, large, easy, и каким спо­собом они образуют степени сравнения? Какие изменения происходят при этом в односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся одной согласной, и в двусложных, оканчивающихся на у? 2. Сколько слогов у прилагатель­ных difficult, interesting, и каким способом они образуют степени сравне­ния? 3. Как образуют степени сравнения прилагательные good, bad, many, much, little и наречия well, badly? Запомните их.

XV. Обратите внимание, как образуются степени сравнения на­речий. Ответьте на вопрос:


soon - sooner - soonest

late- later-latest

correctly - more correctly - most correctly

Каким способом образуют степени сравнения наречия? (см. с. 254)

XVI. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагатель­ных и наречий (письменно):


well, responsible, deep, happy, high, early, great, new, easy, much, clear, interesting, little, bad

XVII. Переведите следующие словосочетания:


1. better knowledge of Biology; 2. you must know this better; 3. to carry out less experiments; 4. the most responsible work; 5. to know worst of all

XVIII.* Определите, при помощи каких слов происходит сравне­ние в предложениях, и переведите их (см. с. 254). Запомните эти сою­зы:


1.1 am as tired as he is. 2. You must be more responsible for your work than he is. 3. He knows Latin worse than his friend does. 4. Solomin's knowledge of Anatomy is not so deep as Petrov's. 5. They came to the Institute earlier than usual.


XIX. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

on admission, graduation from, to graduate from, to be responsible for, in addition to, at rest, the rest of, to prepare for, most of, to wait for, on examination of the patient

XX. 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст Е. 2. Выпишите из текста а) предложения с глаголами 'to decide', 'to contain', 'to fix', стоящими во II форме; б) прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной сте­пени. 3. Найдите предложения, содержащие указательные и неопреде­ленные местоимения. 4. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следую­щих слов и словосочетаний:


зачеты, досрочно, все изученное, большинство студентов


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