Text A. The Oath of the Doctor of Russia
Receiving the lofty title of the doctor and beginning the medical practice, I solemnly take the oath: - То devote all my knowledge and strength to the protection and improvement of the people's health, to the treatment and prevention of diseases, to work honestly wherever the interests of the society require; » To be always ready to give medical assistance, to deal with the patient attentively and carefully, to keep the medical secrecy; To perfect the medical knowledge and professional skill, to promote the development of medical science and practice by honest labour; To consult the colleagues wherever the interests of the patient may require and never to refuse an advice or assistance to anybody; I swear to be true to this oath during the whole life. XIV. Прочитайте и запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их: candidate ['keendidit], basis ['beisis], function ['fXrjkJh], physiology [/izi'oladsi], pharmacology [,fa:m3'kt)l3d3i], pathologic(al) [,pre03'lpd3ik(3l)], procedure [prs'si:d3o], psychology [sai'kt>bd3i] XV. Прочитайте текст В: Text В. Medical Education in the United States
In the USA the young man who has the secondary education1 must pass through seven or eight years of hard study before he begins his work as a doctor. First he has three or four years of premedical training at a university. Here he learns the main sciences. Only those students who show good results in their premedical training can become candidates for higher medical education. Those who do not continue their education can work as nurses. The higher medical education is difficult. The students must study four years in the medical faculty of the university. During the first two years the student masters laboratory sciences. To learn2 the structure of the human body the student studies Anatomy. The student must get deep knowledge of biological chemistry because it is the basis for clinical laboratory diagnosis and therapy. The student learns the functions of the body theoretically from books and by laboratory experiments in classes of Physiology. In the USA the curriculum3 of medical faculties, has such a subject as Psychology which teaches the student to deal with patients4 and understand human behaviour (поведение). The student learns all other theoretical subjects such as Pharmacology and Pathologic Physiology before he begins to treat a patient. In his third and fourth years the student gets instruction and practical experience in the treatment and care of the patient. During these years the student has the possibility to work at the hospital and learn much of main medical procedures and different diseases to be well prepared for his work.
Notes The secondary education - среднее образование 2. to learn - зд. чтобы узнать 3. curriculum [ks'nkjolam] - учебный план; программа (института, университета)
To deal with patients - обращаться с больными CLASS ASSIGNMENTS XVI. Read the following and explain the pronunciation of the letters and letter combinations in bold type: Leave, last, tooth, teeth, circle, yellow, chair, appear, prepare, pure, while, whole, early, become, want, chest, short XVII. Form and translate the new words using the given suffixes: -ion(-ation), -sion, -tion: fix, prepare, decide, add, inform, infect, protect -ment: require, achieve, treat, appoint, excite -(i)ty: responsible, human, special, possible -(i)ly: day, successful, necessary, clear, deep, main -y: word, sleep, health, air, ease XVIII. Substitute the words in bold type for the words of the close meaning: M. Sechenov is a well-known Russian physiologist. 2. At present we study some premedical subjects. 3. The researcher will finish his experiment in a week. 4. The operation was over at five o'clock in the afternoon. 5. Our first term will last till the middle of January. XIX. State the part of speech of the words in bold type. Translate the sentences: A. 1. Last month they had practical classes at the Chair of Therapy. 2. These experiments usually last for about two hours. 3. There are two terms in the academic year. 4. The first-year students study many anatomical terms. 5. In summer I usually rest in the village. 6. My friend and I went to the theatre and the rest of our group went to the cinema. 7. What kind of books do you like? 8. We know that this doctor is a very kind and intellectual person. B. 1.1 need your help very much. 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed (действительно). 3. The nurses take care of the patients. 4. She nurses the patients with great care. C. 1. At the end of the winter term we shall take two examinations and at the end of the spring term we shall have five. XX. Answer the following questions: What do we call: 1. a person who takes care of patients? 2. a doctor who operates on patients? 3. a doctor who treats patients with different medicines and remedies? 4. a person who discovers something new in the field of science? 5. a house where the students live? 6. a grown-up person? 7. the organ which pumps (нагнетает) blood (кровь) through the arteries and veins? 8. a fixed period of time during which the students study? 9. the completion of the course of studies at the Institute? XXI. Supply questions to these answers: 1. Yes, we can dissect corpses. 2. Yes, they may fix the date of their consultation. 3. Yes, I must complete this work in time. XXII. Turn the following sentences into negative:
1. My friend left the town for his summer holidays. 2. They are resting now. 3.1 return to the hostel at two p.m. 4. He feels tired after his classes. XXIII. Put special questions to the following using the given interrogative words:
1. My fellow-student got a good mark in English, (what какую) 2. Modern methods of treatment help the doctors to treat people successfully, (how) 3. The surgeon was working at the clinic from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. (where) 4. My sister looks ill. (who) 5. He is tired because he works hard, (why) XXIV. Read the passages and answer the questions. Explain your answers:
1. Fred is in the dissecting-room. He is preparing for his Anatomy class. He is dissecting the corpse. 2. Boris is often in the dissecting-room. There he prepares for his Anatomy classes. He dissects corpses. Кто из них в данное время готовится к занятиям по анатомии?
1. On Fridays Nick went to the clinic. He helped the nurse. He took the patients' temperature. He gave patients some remedies. 2. It was Friday yesterday. George was at the clinic for the whole day. He was helping the nurse. He was taking the patients' temperature. He was giving patients some remedies. Кто из них обычно ходил в клинику по пятницам?
XXV. Read and translate Text С: Text С. Oxford Colleges
Oxford is one of the oldest universities in England. This university has 32 colleges - 27 for men and 5 for women. There are 16 faculties there, among them the medical, humanitarian and others. A large college has about 500 students; about one hundred students study at a small college. Most of the students of Oxford are those young people who finished private schools. During the first days after his entrance to Oxford the student meets his tutor (teacher) and begins to work. At the first interview the tutor asks his student many questions. This helps the tutor to understand the general intellectual development of his student. The tutor tells him about the lectures which he must attend and gives the list of books which the student must read during the term. At the beginning or end of each term the student must take college examinations in written form. In many colleges of Oxford the tutors meet with the head of the college regularly and discuss the students' work. At Oxford the working hours of the student are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. At 9 o'clock he sees his tutor or goes to the library or to the lectures. From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. he goes in for sports and does different exercises. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. he works in the library or in the laboratory. At 7 p.m. he has dinner. After dinner the students have club activities or attend different societies. At about 10 p.m. the student begins to work again and works for about two hours. XXVI. Answer the following question:
What have you learned about higher education in England and about the daily regimen of an Oxford student?CYCLE II. ANATOMY
Правила чтения: Буквосочетания igh, ild, ind; cial; oi, oy; ou; au, aw; буквы с, s, t перед сочетанием гласных ia, ie, io.
Словообразование: Суффиксы -age, -ive; префиксы in-, im-, il-, ir-, un-.
Грамматика: Образование причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle). Времена группы Indefinite Passive. Согласование времен (при одновременности действия). Инфинитив и его функции. LESSON 9
1. В буквосочетаниях igh, ild, ind буква i читается [ai], а сочетание gh не читается: right [rait] правый. 2. Буквы с, s, t перед сочетанием гласных ia, ie, io читаются [Г]: facial ['feijal] лицевой. 3. -age суффикс существительного: passage ['paesid3] проход; проток; bandage ['bcendid3] повязка. 4. Префиксы un-, in- указывают на отрицание или отсутствие того, что выражается в корне слова: usual обычный - unusual необычный; organic органический - inorganic неорганический, im-, il-, ir- - фонетические варианты префикса in-.
I. Прочитайте:
1. night, light, slight, fight, thigh, high, bright, might, sight, child, mild, kind, mind, find, blind 2. social, sufficient, initial, patient, Russian, artificial, potential, official, special, professional
II. Прочитайте и переведите:
1. village, cartilage, haemorrhage, bandage, language, usage, damage 2.* impossible, indefinite, irregular, undone, unhappy, illegal, unwritten, ineffective
III. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова. Ответьте на вопросы (см. с. 280):
The studied subject is new. The examined patient is ill.
1.'Какой формой глагола являются выделенные слова? 2. Как переводится Past Participle?
IV. Выпишите из словаря инфинитивы от следующих причастий и переведите их: formed, located, published, called, connected, found, made, said, seen, chosen, taken, kept, spent
V. Выпишите и выучите неправильные глаголы в трех формах (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов, с..296): leave, be, begin, come, do, give, go, get, have, hear, know, make, meet, read, see, take, teach, tell, think, write, become, lose, feel, lie, hold, mean
VI. Прочитайте предложения и ответьте на вопросы:
I examined. He examined. We examined. I was examined. He was examined. We were examined.
1.* В каком времени и в какой форме стоит сказуемое в левой колонке, и как переводятся эти предложения? 2.* Из чего состоит сказуемое в колонке справа? Переведите предложения. 3.* Какая разница между переводом в колонке слева и справа? 4. Дайте формулу страдательного залога (Passive). 5. Что изменяется в этой формуле при изменении по временам, лицам и числам? 6. Что остается неизменным в этой формуле? 7. Поставьте глагол to be в нужной форме для образования Present и Future Indefinite Passive. 8. Как образуются отрицательная и вопросительная формы в страдательном залоге? 9. Как переводятся предложения в страдательном залоге? (см. с. 268)
VII. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. These operations are performed by me. 2. Anatomy is taught in practical class. 3. The lecture in Biology is delivered on Monday.
VIII.* Найдите предложения в страдательном залоге:
1. This textbook is experimental. 2. Many experiments are carried out by students. 3. He is happy because he studies at the Medical Institute. 4. Interesting lectures are delivered by Prof. Lukin. 5. Physiology is taught at the Medical Institute. IX. Переведите следующие предложения (письменно): 1. Нам дают книги. 2. Мне часто задают много вопросов. 3. Операции производятся хирургом. 4. Учебники пишутся для студентов. 5. Нас часто видят в библиотеке. 6. Курсовые собрания обычно проводятся в конце семестра.
X. Прочитайте и запомните следующие термины: cranial [Ta-emial] черепной facial ['fei/al] лицевой spinal column ['spamal 'кгЛэт] позвоночный столб cervical [S3:'vaikl] шейный thoracic [Go:'raesik] грудной lumbar ['Lvrnba] поясничный sacral ['seikral] крестцовый vertebra fv3:tibr9] позвонок (pi (-ae) [i:]) coccyx ['koksiks] копчик arch [airtj] дуга thorax ['0o:raks] грудная клетка basic [Ъешк] основной cartilage ['ka:tilid3] хрящ pelvis ['pelvis] таз ligament ['ligamant] связка substance ['sAbstans] вещество, субстанция XI. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: bone [Ьэип] п (pi bones) кость (мн. ч. скелет, кости) skull [sbvl] n череп, черепная коробка consist (of) [kan'sist] v состоять (из) part [part] n часть; take part in smth принимать участие в чем-л. trunk [trArjk] n туловище spine [spam] n позвоночник chest [t/est] n грудная клетка rib [rib] и ребро breastbone [brestbaun] n грудина side [said] n сторона, бок; in the side в боку; on each side с каждой стороны compose [kam'pauz] v составлять; be composed of состоять из connect [ka'nekt] v соединять, связывать free [fri:] а свободный; бесплатный neck [nek] n шея, шейка lower extremity ['1эиэ(г) ik'stremati] нижняя конечность upper extremity ['лрэ(г) ik'stremati] верхняя конечность thigh [6ai] n бедро, бедренная кость forearm ['fo:ra:m] n предплечье shoulder ['Jaulda] n плечо, плечевой сустав joint [d3omt] n сустав; а совместный, объединенный XII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
1. arch [aitfj: arches ['a:tjiz], the arch of the vertebra, the arch of the aorta [ei'o:ta] 2. breastbone ['brestbaun]: the breastbone is a long bone, the breastbone is in the middle of the chest 3. extremity [ik'stremati]: the lower extremity, the am is an upper extremity, the leg is a lower extremity 4. shoulder ['Jaulda]: the right shoulder, the left shoulder 5. joint [d3Oint]: to be connected together by the joints, some bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints, joint experiments XIII. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:
to consist of, in the side, on each side of, to be composed of, to take part in, in the adult, to be connected with XIV. 1. Прочитайте текст А. 2. Найдите предложения в Present Indefinite Passive и переведите их. 3. Озаглавьте 3-й и 4-й абзацы текста: Text A. The Skeleton
The skeleton is composed of bones. In the adult the skeleton has over 200 bones. The bones of the skull consist of cranial and facial parts.1 There are 26 bones in the skull. The bones of the trank are the spinal column or the spine and the chest (ribs and the breastbone). The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae and the coccyx. The vertebra is a small bone, which is formed by the body and the arches. All the vertebrae compose the spinal column or the spine. There are 32 or 34 vertebrae in the spine of the adult. In the spinal column there are seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar, five sacral vertebrae and from one to five vertebrae which form the coccyx. The cervical part of the spine is formed by seven cervical vertebrae. Twelve thoracic vertebrae have large bodies. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest vertebrae in the spinal column. They have oval bodies. The chest (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs (nap) of ribs. The breastbone is a long bone in the middle of the chest. It is composed of three main parts. The basic part of the chest is formed by the ribs. On each side of the chest seven ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages. The cartilages of three other ribs are connected with each other and with the seventh rib. But the cartilages of these ribs are not connected with the breastbone. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either (также). They are not connected with other ribs, they are free. Each rib is composed of a head, neck and body.
Thelower extremity consists of the thigh, leg and foot. It is connected with the trunk by the pelvis. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm and hand. It is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle (пояс). The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments. The bones consist of organic and inorganic substance. Note
1. consist of cranial and facial parts - состоят из мозгового и лицевого отделов
XV. Form and translate Past Participle of the following words:
leave, feel, think, become, lose, complete, require, achieve XVI. Translate into English:
врач, обследующий больного; больной, обследуемый в рентгеновском кабинете; студент, встречающий своих друзей; студент, встреченный своими друзьями; хрящ, соединяющий плечо и предплечье; хрящ, соединенный с плечевым суставом XVII. Translate into Russian:
1. The skeleton is composed of bones. 2. The spinal column is formed by the vertebrae. 3. The cervical part of the spine is composed of seven cervical vertebrae. XVIII. Make these sentences interrogative:
1. The upper extremity is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle. 2. The lectures in Physiology are attended by all the students. 3. On each side of the chest the breastbone is connected with seven ribs. XIX. Put the verbs in Present Indefinite Passive: 1.Seven cervical vertebrae compose the cervical part of the spine. 2. Cranial and facial bones form the skull. 3. The pelvis connects the lower extremity with the trunk. XX. Translate into Russian paying attention to the word 'if:
1. He wants to know if the skeleton is composed of over 200 bones. 2. My fellow-student asks me if each rib is composed of a head, neck and body. 3. I do not remember if the ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages or by ligaments. XXI. Ask each other questions and answer them: Ask your friend if
1. cartilages connect the joints; 2. the chest is composed of the breastbone and 24 ribs; 3. the man has two lower extremities; 4. the upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm, and hand; 5. the spinal column is composed of the vertebrae; 6. the skull is composed of facial and cranial parts XXII. Translate into English:
1. Мой друг принимает активное участие в конференциях по химии. 2. С каждой стороны грудной клетки имеется семь ребер. 3. Из чего состоят ваши занятия в институте? 4. Нижняя конечность состоит из бедра, голени и стопы. 5. Сердце находится в левой стороне грудной клетки. 6. Кости черепа соединяются с шейными позвонками. 7. У взрослых кости конечностей длиннее, чем у детей. ХХШ. Translate into Russian and memorize the words given in bold type:
1. One of the books by Tolstoy is called Anna Karenina. 2. We see with our eyes. 3. The brain is the organ of thinking. 4. The brain is in the cranial cavity. 5. The teeth are in the oral cavity. 6. The Urals separate Europe from Asia. XXIV. 1. Read Text B. Entitle it. 2. Find and translate the sentences in Present Indefinite Passive. 3. Ask each other questions on the text and answer them:
Text В
The main part of the head and face is called the skull. The skull is composed of twenty-six bones. These bones form two basic parts of the skull, that is facial and cranial parts. The bones of the skull are connected with the first cervical vertebra. The bones of the skull are connected together so firmly ['f3:mh] (крепко) that it is very difficult to separate them. The bones of the skull form one large cavity and some smaller cavities. The large cavity is called the cranial cavity (мозговая полость). The brain is in the cranial cavity. One of the smaller cavities is the cavity of the nose. The other two cavities are the orbits. The eyeballs are in the orbits. LESSON 10 HOME ASSIGNMENTS I. Выпишите в две колонки существительные и прилагатель ные, подчеркните суффиксы:
facial, scientific, spinal, formation, pelvic, connection, basic, special, composition, experimental, anatomical, sacral II. Сгруппируйте слова, обозначающие части скелета (письменно):
1. череп, 2. туловище, 3. конечности
skull, lower extremity, orbit, upper extremity, thigh, leg, shoulder, pelvis, spinal column, hand, rib, forearm, cervical vertebrae, foot, chest, arm III. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
to call, brain, eyeball, nose, cavity, to compose, to consist of, joint, on each side, trunk, neck, breastbone, to separate ■ составлять, глазное яблоко, разделять, мозг, шея, называть, туловище, нос, грудина, полость, состоять из, с каждой стороны, сустав IV. * Вставьте пропущенные слова: 1. The... is the largest and longest bone in the trunk. 2. The skeleton of the head is called the.... 3. In the Anatomy class medical students study the bones of the.... 4. In the... the bones of the extremities are longer than in the child. 5. On each... of the chest there are seven... which are connected with the....
V. Напишите предложения в Past и затем Future Indefinite Passive:
1. This textbook is composed for practical classes in Anatomy. 2. These experiments are carried out by the members of our scientific society. VI. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: age [eid3] n возраст; at the age of в возрасте; a man aged 30 мужчина 30 лет grow [дгэи] (grew, grown) v расти; становиться rapid ['raepid] а быстрый; частый; rapidly adv быстро slow [slao] а медленный; slowly adv медленно length [lerjG] n длина; длительность number ['гшпЬэ] п число, количество; номер; a number of ряд {некоторое количество); the number of число, количество research [n's3:tfj n исследование, научное изыскание use [ju:z] v употреблять, применять; [ju:s] " употребление, применение artificial [,o:ti'fifal] а искусственный instead of [in'sted] adv вместо, взамен; instead of going (reading) вместо того, чтобы пойти (читать) case [keis] и случай; in case of в случае; case history (report) история болезни. VII. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги: at the age of, instead of, a number of, in case of, in the boys (girls), to be about, the operation on smb (smth), in length VIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
1. age [eid3]: at the age of 20, at an early age, people of all ages, a patient aged 2. grow [дгэи]: grew [gru:], grown [graun], to grow rapidly, to grow slowly 3. length [lerjO]: the necessary length, the length of the bone, to increase the length, to measure the length, the length of an extremity, three metres in length 4. number ['плтЬэ]: a great number, a small number, the number of, to increase the number, the number of people, a number of people IX. 1. Прочитайте текст С. 2. Найдите в тексте а) предложения, в которых говорится о росте позвоночника; б) о количестве позвонков; в) в которых дается характеристика некоторых из них: Text С Two students meet after classes. They want to prepare their homework in Anatomy. A.: How do you do, Boris! В.: How do you do, Afec! A.: Are you free now? В.: Yes, I am. Let us prepare our Anatomy lesson for tomorrow. A.: Tomorrow we shall have the lesson on the bones. В.: I do not know well the spinal column. A.: I can help you if you like. Can you answer my questions? В.: I am ready. A.: So, at what age does the spine grow most rapidly? В.: In the girls the spine grows most rapidly to the age of 15. In the boys it grows to the age of 19. After the age of 19 the spine grows very slowly. The length of the spinal column is about 40% of the body. A.: That's all right. Now the second question. What do you know about the number of the vertebrae in the spine? В.: The number of the vertebrae may be 32 or 34. Sometimes it may be 37. But I don't know why. Can you tell me? A.: It is because the number of the sacral vertebrae may be five and the number of the vertebrae which compose the coccyx may be from one to five. В.: Thank you. Can you tell me which of the vertebrae have the form different from the others? A.: They are the first and the second cervical vertebrae. The form of these two vertebrae is different because they take part in the flexible connection of the skull and the spine. В.: Thank you. I think tomorrow I shall answer well. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS X. Read the words with the same root. State the part of speech and translate these words:
face - facial; slow — slowly; connect- connection; pelvis - pelvic; compose -composition; rapid - rapidly; base - basic XI. Put the proper numeral in the blanks:
1. There are... vertebrae in the cervical part of the spine. 2. There are... vertebrae in the thoracic part of the spine. 3. There are... vertebrae in the lumbar part of the spine. 4. There are... vertebrae in the sacral part of the XII. Read the pairs of sentences. State the grammar difference between them:
1. The student is asked many questions at the lesson. The student asked many questions at the lesson. 2. Cranial and facial bones compose the skull. The skull is composed of cranial and facial bones. 3. The joints connect some bones of the skeleton. Some bones of the skeleton are connected by the joints. XIII. Answer the following questions:
1. Are you a research worker? What does a research worker do? 2. What do you use to write down the lectures? Do you use a pencil or a ball-pen? 3. What do you do in case of the grippe? Do you use any medicine in case of a bad headache? 4. Do Russian doctors use artificial organs? What artificial organs are used in medicine? 5. What general subjects are medical students taught in their first year? 6. What lectures will be delivered next Monday? 7. What field of medicine will your future profession be connected with? 8. What medicine is often used in case of the grippe? XIV. Read text D, using the dictionary and entitle it. What interesting method of treatment is discribed here? Text D
The patient had the disease of the coxofemoral (тазобедренный) joints, the biggest in the body. The patient could not walk for six years. Doctor of Medicine Prof. K.M. Sivash, a research worker of one of Moscow Institutes, examined the patient. He wanted to use a new method of treatment. Before the operation on the man Doctor Sivash carried out a great number of experiments on animals usi'ng artificial metal joints. During the operation Doctor Sivash used the artificial metal joints instead of the diseased coxofemoral joints of the patient. The operation was successful and soon the patient could walk. In April 1972 Professor S.T. Zatsepin worked out the method of total hip prosthesis1 to replace2 the whole femoral bone with artificial coxofemoral and knee3 joints. Such "total" hip prosthesis was worked out together with Professor K.M. Sivash, who had used artificial joints connected by titanic nail.4 This total hip prosthesis was successfully used on a patient with malignant tumour of the right femoral bone. During the operation 2/3 of the proximal part and the middle third of the femoral bone were excised.5 The length of the excised bone was 22 cm. The postoperative course was smooth and the functional results were good. Now artificial metal joints are used in many cases of the diseases of different joints. Notes 1. total hip prosthesis ['prusGisis] - эндопротез (внутренний протез) 2. to replace - заменять, замещать 3. knee [ni:] - колено 4. titanic nail [tai'tasnik] - титановый стержень 5. to excise [ck'saiz] - удалять, иссекать XV. Translate into English:
1. Вчера хирург сделал сложную (complex) операцию на сердце. 2. Завтра у нас будет лекция по физике вместо лекции по биологии. 3. В случае сердечного заболевания врач должен обследовать больного особенно внимательно. 4. Моя сестра окончила медицинский институт в возрасте 23 лет. 5. Главная улица нашего города около восьми километров в длину. LESSON 11 HOME ASSIGNMENTS Запомните:
1. Буквосочетания oi, oy читаются [oij: point [point] точка, место; boy [boi] мальчик. 2. Буквосочетание ou обычно читается [аи]: sound [sarnid] звук, тон; amount [a'maunt] количество. 3. Буквосочетания аи, aw читаются [э:]: cause [кэ:г] причина; причинять, вызывать; nausea ['no:sj9] тошнота; law [b:] закон. 4. Суффикс -ive образует прилагательные от глаголов: connect соединять — connective соединительный. I. Прочитайте:
1. moist, poison, joint, voice, join, destroy, enjoy 2. found, out, about, round, mouth, count, loud 3. daughter, jaw, author, raw, autumn, auricle, auscultation, automatic, autopsy, gauze, nausea, pause, saw
II.* Прочитайте и переведите:
attentive, constructive, collective, active, illustrative, relative, effective, decisive, protective III. Напишите следующие предложения в Past Indefinite Passive и переведите их:
1. Many scientific experiments will be carried out at our Institute laboratories, 2. His experimental work will be connected with the operations on joints. 3. The method of artificial metal joints will be used in many cases. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы (см. таблицу 21, с. 275):
1. Какой формой глагола являются выделенные в таблице слова в английских предложениях? 2. На какие вопросы отвечают инфинитивы, и какими членами предложения они являются? 3. Как переводятся инфинитивы в каждом из этих предложений? V.* Определите синтаксическую функцию инфинитива:
1. The doctor wanted to examine the patient in the morning. 2. To know Anatomy well is necessary for every surgeon. 3. Our students came to the Institute to listen to the lecture on bones. 4. My friend was the first to take the examination in Biology. 5. The surgeon will begin to operate on this patient at ten o'clock. VI. Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите время глагола:
1. This book will be read with great interest by all of us. 2. The thoracic cavity was examined by X-rays. 3. Artificial joints were used by the surgeon. 4. The bones of the skull are connected together very firmly. VII. Обратите внимание на перевод сказуемого в дополнительных придаточных предложениях. Ответьте на вопросы:
My friend said that he lived Мой друг сказал, что он живет in Lenin Street. на улице Ленина.
1.* Совпадает ли время сказуемого в английском и русском главных предложениях? 2.* В каком времени стоит сказуемое в английском и русском дополнительных придаточных предложениях? 3. Следовательно, каким временем нужно переводить сказуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения, если сказуемое главного стоит в Past Indefinite? Какому правилу подчиняется употребление времен в придаточных дополнительных предложениях?(см.с. 291)
VIII. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. We learned that the lower extremity consisted of the thigh, leg, and foot. 2. The doctor saw that the patient's eyes were reddened (покрасневшие). З. Не knew that I studied at the Medical Institute. IX. Запомните чтение следующих слов: universal [ju:ni'v3:s3l] универсальный, общий fiber ['faiba] волокно cell [sel] клетка agent ['eid39nt] агент; фактор; возбудитель X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: muscle ['mAsl] n мышца; radiated muscle веерообразная мышца establish [I'stasblifJ v устанавливать introduce [,intra'dju:s] v вводить change [tfemd3] v изменять(ся), менять(ся); п изменение weight [weit] n вес divide [di'vaid] v делить, разделять wide [waid] а широкий direction [di'rekfn] n направление; указание (на выполнение чего-л.) tissue f'tisju:] n ткань; connective tissue соединительная ткань vessel ['vesl] и сосуд blood [bkd] n кровь find [famd] (found, found) v находить; find out обнаруживать determine [di't3:min] v определять; устанавливать contraction [kan'trsekfn] n сокращение XI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие а) словосочетания:
1. the contraction of muscles; 2. the blood vessel wall; 3. the body weight; 4. connective tissue cells; 5. to determine the blood group; 6. a rapid change; 7. to divide into groups; according to the structure б) предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова: 1. Please find the pulmonary artery in this picture. 2. The scientists found that blood had vitamins. 3.1. M. Sechenov is the founder of Russian physiology. 4. The first Russian university was founded by M. V. Lomonosov. 5. It was found out that when a person died his body continued to live for some time. XII. 1. Прочитайте текст Е. 2. Напишите план текста. 3. Найдите а) инфинитивы, определите их функции и переведите предложения; б) предложения на правила согласования времен и переведите их:
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