Unit 4. The diseases of the liver and bile ducts
Грамматика: Самостоятельный причастный оборот. LESSON 44 HOME ASSIGNMENTS I. Прочтите предложения, ответьте на вопросы и выполните задания: а) Suffering from a severe pain I called in a doctor. б) My friend suffering from a severe pain, I called in a doctor. I.* Найдите общее подлежащее в предложениях. 2.* Найдите сказуемое в предложениях. 3.* Какой неличной формой глагола является слово suffering в предложениях? 4.* Какую синтаксическую функцию выполняет слово suffering в предложениях? 5.* Переведите предложение (а) и скажите, кто страдал от сильной боли и кто вызвал врача. 6.* Кто страдал от сильной боли и вызвал врача в предложении (б)? 7. Следовательно, чем могут служить слова my friend по отношению к причастию suffering, и как надо перевести причастие? П.* Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот. Предложения переведите: 1. The abdominal incision having been made and the stomach opened, the ulcer was found to involve the posterior wall of the stomach. 2. There being profuse external haemorrhage, the patient was immediately taken to the hospital. 3. The digestion being considerably impaired, the patient constantly complained of epigastric pains. Ш.* Укажите, что опущено в самостоятельных причастных оборотах. Переведите предложения: 1. The patient's condition better, he was allowed to sit up. 2. The procedure over, the nurse left the ward. 3. The surgeon out, I could not talk to him. 4. The retention of stool noted, the patient was administered a light diet. IV. * Определите форму причастия в самостоятельном причастном обороте и время глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения: 1. The patient being admitted to the hospital, the doctor on duty examined him in the reception ward. 2. The female having been hospitalized, the generalized abdominal pain was controlled in three hours. 3. Generalized abdominal pain having increased, the doctor asked the nurse to give the patient another injection. V. * Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот. Определите в нем слово, играющее роль подлежащего: 1. The majority of the patients with hepatitis were between the ages of 41 and 55 years, the highest incidence of the disease being between 46 and 50 years. 2. Of the total number of the patients forty-eight have been relieved of digestive symptoms, four having died of other pathologic conditions. 3. Three patients have had symptoms of recurrence, one having died of a gastro-intestinal bleeding.
VI. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже: hepatitis [,hepa'taitis], viral ['vaiaral], infective [in'fektiv]. инфекционный, гепатит (воспаление печени), вирусный VII. Выучите следующие слова: hepatic [hi'paetik] а печеночный bile [bail] и жёлчь duct [dAkt] и проток Jaundice ['d3o:ndis] и желтуха, желтушность advance [ad'vans] v выдвигать (теорию, идею); продвигаться вперед effort ['efat] и усилие elderly ['eldali] а пожилой survive [sa'vaiv] v выживать, остаться в живых, уцелеть; перенести (операцию) source [sd:s] и источник entire [in'taia] а весь, целый subsequent ['sAbsikwant] а последующий simultaneous [,simal'teinjas] а одновременный VIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: 1. jaundice ['d3o'.ndis]: severe jaundice, to suffer from severe jaundice, jaundice was clearly marked; 2. survive [sa'vaiv]: to survive an injury, the patient survived the operation well, some viruses survive at a high temperature; 3. source [sd:s]: a source of infection, a source of knowledge, the source of virus is a sick person; 4. inadequately [in'aedikwitli]: inadequate, the patient was given an inadequate dose of medicine, inadequately treated; 5. subsequently ['sAbsikwantli]: subsequent, subsequent examination, to invade other organs subsequently; 6. simultaneously [,simal'teinjasli]: simultaneous, simultaneous impairment, to be impaired simultaneously IX. 1. Прочтите текст A. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения: а) с самостоятельным причастным оборотом; б) с причастным оборотом; в) с усилительным оборотом 'it is... that'. 3. Переведите текст: Text A. Botkin's Disease Botkin's disease, or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts. The prominent German scientist Virchow believing it to be due to obstruction of the common bile duct with mucus during inflammatory processes in the duodenum, the disease was called catarrhal jaundice. But in 1880 the prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin having advanced the idea of an infectious origin of this disease, proved his suggestions by such facts as the involvement in this pathologic process not only of the liver but also of the nervous system, the kidneys, the enlargement of the spleen, etc. But it was not before 1940 that the term "Botkin's disease" was introduced into medicine due to the efforts of the well-known Soviet physician M. Konchalovsky. Botkin's disease occurs in epidemic form. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too. Botkin's disease is known to be due to a filterable virus present in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As this virus cannot be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly virulent virus survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks.
X. Выпишите из текста А эквиваленты следующих значений: 1. закупорка общего желчного протока; 2. благодаря усилиям; 3. а также пожилые люди; 4. печеночные клетки; 5. выживают в воде и пище; 6. увеличение селезенки; 7. острое вирусное заболевание; 8. воспалительный процесс CLASS ASSIGNMENTS XI. Translate the following words with the same root: obstruction, obstruct, obstructive; survive, survival, survivor; suggest, suggestive, suggestion; contribute, contribution, contributory, contributor XII. Give the words of the close meaning: to put forward, origin, whole, at the same time, to stay alive, in a wrong way, some time later, rather old, quite easily XIII. Choose the sentences with Absolute Participle Construction: 1. Gastric and duodenal ulcers having been proved to result from disturbances in the central nervous system, the corticovisceral theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was developed. 2. Being followed by erosion of the affected area of the stomach, spastic contractions of vessels result in trophic disturbances of this organ. 3. The patient having survived the operation well, the danger of peritonitis was eliminated. XIV. Define the functions of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences: 1. The prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin was the first to advance the idea of an infectious origin of hepatitis. 2. The patient was known to have been operated on for gangrenous appendicitis a year before his admission to this hospital. 3. The physician did not expect the tissues of the spleen and gallbladder to become involved simultaneously with the liver. 4. The patient had to follow a strict diet to prevent the recurrence of the bile duct obstruction and jaundice. XV. Read the words and translate the sentences: 1. incubation [,inkju'beifh]: Incubation period is the time during which pathogenic microorganisms grow in the body. 2. prodromal [,ргэс1го(и)т(э)1]: Prodromal period is the time when the characteristic sympToms of an infectious disease have not appeared yet, but the patient feels a general malaise. 3. parenterally [pa'rentarali]: All intramuscular and intravenous injections are given parenterally, i.e. directly into the organism but not orally. 4. serum ['siaram]: Serum is the watery fluid which remains after blood has coagulated. XVI. Answer the following questions: 1. What do pathogenic microorganisms do in the human body during the period of incubation? 2. During what period of an infectious disease haven't its characteristic symptoms appeared yet? 3. What does the term "parenterally" mean? 4. What is the watery fluid which remains after blood has coagulated called? XVII. 1. Read Text B. 2. Entitle it. 3. Say how infection spreads in this disease. 4. Put 10 questions to cover all the text: Text В In hepatitis the source of virus is a sick person who may spread the infection by personal contact from the last days of the incubation period during the entire course of the disease. But the infection is particularly virulent in the prodromal period and in the first week of the disease. The patient's blood being highly infective, even a small dose of 0.1 ml may be dangerous for a person. In case of Virus A hepatitis infection enters the body through the mouth when eating infected food or drinking water. In case of Virus В hepatitis infection enters parenterally during transfusions of blood, plasma and serum, prophylactic vaccinations or is due to inadecuately sterilized instruments.
Epidemic (Virus A) hepatitis most commonly occurs late in autumn, early in winter, or in spring. The incubation period lasts from 14 days to 50 days, but in Virus В hepatitis it is from 2 to 6-8 months. Botkin's disease causes inflammatory changes and degeneration of hepatic cells and damage to the bile ducts due to which bile enters the lymph flow and subsequently the blood. The tissues of the spleen, gallbladder and the nervous and endocrine systems become involved simultaneously with the liver. LESSON 45 HOME ASSIGNMENTS
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