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Text B. A Case of Bronchitis

Patient Smirnov called in a physician from the local polyclinic. He could not go to the polyclinic himself because his temperature was about 38°C. In a few hours doctor Belova, an experienced therapeutist, came to the call.

Doctor Belova wanted to know the patient's complaints. When the patient was being questioned by the physician on his condition he said that a short, painful dry cough associated with rapid respiration had developed two days before. In addition to that the patient complained of the pain both in the throat and behind the breastbone.

While the patient was being examined the physician listened to his heart and lungs and then measured his blood pressure. Neither the blood pressure nor the heart sounds were abnormal. But both dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs. The respiratory rate was considerably increased and the patient breathed with difficulty. The physician also determined that the patient felt discomfort in the chest.

On the basis of all the findings the physician made the diagnosis of acute bronchitis in a mild form. She thought it was neither a catarrh nor a cold. The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane was large. It accumulated in the bronchial tubes and made the patient cough. Passing through this fluid in the bronchial tubes the air which was breathed in and out produced moist and dry rales.

It was not necessary to admit the patient to the hospital, he was allowed to follow home treatment. The patient had to be on a sick-leave until his temperature became normal and all the symptoms were controlled. He was to follow a bed regimen and a light diet. He was also recommended to drink either warm milk or have warm applications to his chest. These procedures had to control the cough and impaired breathing.

The doctor administered the patient two tablets of tetracyclin to be taken orally and a cough mixture to be taken three times a day.




Суффикс -less образует прилагательные от существительных, указывает на отсутствие чего-либо или какого-либо качества: use польза — useless бесполезный; child дитя — childless бездетный.

I. * Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

sleepless, careless, helpless, homeless, lifeless, painless, hopeless, restless

II. Определите словообразующие элементы в данных словах. Переведите и запомните их:

breathlessly, unaided, unpreparedness, sleeplessness

III. 1. Проработайте текст С со словарем. 2. Выпишите и выучите выделенные слова. 3. Озаглавьте текст и перескажите его:

Text С

Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, almost of relief.

He reached 7 Glydar Place, knocked breathlessly upon the door, and was immediately admitted to the kitchen, where the patient was lying. She was a young woman, wife of a steel worker named Williams, and as he approached the bedside with a fast-beating heart he felt the significance of this, the real starting-point of his life.

How often had he thought of it as in a crowd of students, he had watched a demonstration in Professor Lamplough's wards! Now he was alone, confronted by a case which he must diagnose and treat unaided. Immediately he understood his complete unpreparedness for such a task.

Andrew Manson examined the patient with scrupulous care. There was no doubt about it, she was ill. She complained that her head ached intolerably. Temperature, pulse, tongue, they all spoke of trouble, serious trouble. What was it? Andrew asked himself that question1 again and again. He was afraid to make a bad mistake or not to be able to make a correct diagnosis. It seemed to him that he had missed nothing, yet it was very difficult to group all the symptoms under the name of some definite disease.


1 Andrew asked himself that question — Эндрю задавал себе этот вопрос (himself— возвр. местоим.). (См. таблицу 10 стр. 277.)

IV. * Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова и переведите их:

1. The patient had a bad ache in his ear. 2. My head aches so badly that I cannot read. 3. The X-ray examination did not reveal any lung trouble. 4. The doctor wants to know what troubles the patient. 5. I do not doubt that the patient will feel well after the treatment. 6. There is no doubt that the pain will be controlled soon. 7. During the operation the approach to the diseased portion of the colon was difficult. 8. The surgeon approached the valve on which he had to operate.

V. * Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слова 'as':

1. My brother wants to become a surgeon as he likes surgery. 2. As the physician was examining the patient he revealed moist rales in the lungs. 3. In the human being the size of the heart is as large as his fist (кулак). 4. My father works as a therapeutist at the polyclinic.


VI. Analyse the word-building elements of the following words and translate them:

A. 1. ache, headache, earache, stomachache, toothache; 2. trouble, lung trouble, heart trouble, liver trouble; 3. a ward, a ward doctor, a ward nurse; 4. an immediate response, an immediate relief, immediate measures

B. 1. doubt, doubtful, undoubtful, undoubtfully; 2. approach, approaching, approachable, unapproachable; 3. definite, definitely, indefinite, indefinitely; 4. dry, to dry, dried, drying, dryish, dryness, dryly; 5. warm, to warm, warmed, warming, warmish, warmly, warmth; 6. moist, moistly, moisture, moistness

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of the word 'bad':

1. He has a bad cold. 2.1 have a bad pain in the left side. 3. He is in a bad health. 4. The dentist has revealed two bad teeth. 5. He developed a bad cough. 6. She gota bad wound of her arm. 7. Why do you feel bad? 8. This juice tastes bad.

VIII. Put the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate tense. Translate the sentences:

1. While the properties of filterable viruses (исследовались) the scientist (проводил) numerous experiments. 2. When the physician (приближался) the patient's bedside loud coughing (послышался) in the ward. 3. Now the professor (читает) a lecture in which the properties of anaerobic microorganisms (анализируются).

IX. 1. Read Text D. 2. Try to understand the meaning of the words in bold type from the context. 3. Retell the text:

Text D. Tracheitis

Tracheitis [,treiki'aitis] is the disease in which the mucous membrane of the trachea [trs'kia] is impaired. The disease usually develops in a weak organism, after a person has been in the cold environment for a long period of time, or after some infectious disease.

In such conditions the microorganisms such as pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci which usually invade the upper respiratory tract, multiply rapidly and produce the inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The main symptom of tracheitis is the cough, usually dry at first. But in a day or two it becomes productive. After the attack of cough the patient feels pain in the substernal area and in the throat. The general condition becomes worse. When the attacks of cough are particularly long, a bad headache may develop. In the adults the temperature may not be high, but in the children it may be as high as 39°C.

The patient with tracheitis usually follows home treatment receiving a sick-leave for the period of his disease. The patient must be in a warm room well aired. He may be administered aspirin or codein which gives some relief. He may also be recommended to have warm milk with soda several times a day.

Словообразование: Префиксы intra", over-.

Грамматика: Формы причастий. Отглагольное имя существительное. Герундий, его форма и функции.




1. Префикс intra- [intra] означает внутри: cellular клеточный — intracellular внутриклеточный.

2. Префикс over- ['ouva] придает слову значение сверх, чрез­мерно: dosage дозировка — overdosage передозировка.

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

a) intracranial, intramuscular, intravenous, intracardiac, intrapleural, intrathoracic, intratracheal, intraspinal 6) overweight, overgrowth, overestimate, overgrow

II. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их: hospitalize ['hospitalaiz], intravenous [mtra'vi:nas], instruction [in'strAk/n],

electrocardiogram [i'lektro(u),ka:diagraem], intramuscular [,intra'mAskjula], result [n'zAlt]

III. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

department [di'pa:tmant] п отделение; in-patient department стационарное отделение; outpatient department амбулаторное отделение reception ward [ri'sepJan'wo:d] приемная, приемный покой initial [i'ni/al] а начальный, первоначальный; предварительный apply [a'plai] у применять, прикладывать; to apply cups ставить банки prescribe [pns'kraib] v прописывать, предписывать dose [dous] n доза; dosage ['dousid3] n дозировка indicate ['indikeit] v указывать, показывать; обозначать keep (kept, kept) v держать; хранить

poisonous ['poiznas] а ядовитый, отравляющий, токсический cause [ko:z] v причинять, вызывать; h причина death [de0] n смерть; death rate смертность

round [raund] n обход (больных врачом); to make one's daily rounds делать ежедневный обход

relieve [n'li:v] о облегчать; освобождать; снимать (боль) prevent [pri'vent] v предотвращать, предупреждать recovery [п'кдуэп] и выздоровление; восстановление

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

to be admitted to the in-patient department, to fill in a case history, to make an initial diagnosis, to estimate the initial findings, to apply a new method of treatment, overdosage of a drug may cause death, to take the patient's temperature, to give injections, to take an electrocardiogram V. Найдите корень и определите часть речи корня и производного:

hospitalize, unfavourable, instruction, injection, poisonous, reaction, direction

VI. Переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

prevent, prevention, preventive, preventing; indicate, indicated, indicating, indicative, indication; apply, applied, applying, application; recovery, recover, recovered, recovering

VII. Сгруппируйте парами слова, близкие по значению (письменно):

a disease, to start, not to be able to do smth, to hospitalize, a medicine, a polyclinic, a hospital, to produce, a response, a trouble, a reaction, to begin, to cause, in-patient department, to admit to the hospital, a drug, an out-patient department, to fail to do smth

VIII. * Измените время глагола-сказуемого придаточного предложения. так, чтобы оно выражало действие, предшествующее действию в главном предложении:

1. We thought that you were hospitalized to the surgical in-patient department. 2. The surgeon considered that the new remedy was hot indicated in that particular case. 3. The patient said that the prescribed dose of the drug failed to relieve the pain.

IX. * Определите выделенные ing-формы и их синтаксические функции. Переведите их:

1. Any drug causing a strong reaction must be taken only if the doctor has administered it. 2. Hospitalizing a patient the doctor on duty examines him in the reception ward. 3. The approaching car will take the patient to the hospital. 4. The nurse was applying cups when the ward doctor entered the ward.

X. 1. Прочтите текст А. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых глагол 'to be' выполняет роль модального глагола (3). 3. Выпишите и переведите слова с префиксами 'intra-' и 'over-' (3). 4. Напишите план текста и перескажите его:


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