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Windows of the Soul: Eye Magic Part One

Windows of the Soul: Eye Magic Part One

What a person’s eyes can tell us.


The most important eye cues are:


Visual –

  • UP (either right or left = Visual accessing)


  • Staring straight ahead – Visual Accessing


  • Rapid blinking – Visual Accessing


Auditory –


· Horizontal (either left or right = Auditory)


Kinesthetic –

· Down (either to the left or to the right = Kinesthetic Accessing)


Positive and Negative Experiences


· Generally speaking, positive experiences are stored above the horizontal plane of the eyes.


· Negative experiences below the horizontal plane of the eyes


· Learn to look for where they store past, present and future

Note: When a subject’s eye patterns and words conflict go with their words

Verbal Rapport-

Understanding the Three Main Coding Systems in Verbal Communication


· Characteristics of a visual dominant Speaker


· Tempo- Fast


· Uses a lot of Visual Predicates


· Talk with their hands



  • Characteristics of an auditory dominant Speaker


  • Use a lot of voice inflections and tonal shifts


  • Uses a lot of auditory predicates and phraseology


  • Taps – pens, feet, fingers—any rhythmic movement that creates sound



  • Characteristics of a Kinesthetic Speaker


  • Tend to speak more slowly


  • Use a lot of kinesthetic phraseology and predicates


  • Look down a lot


  • Have a plodding gait


Important Understandings:

  • There is no such thing as an Auditory, or a Visual, or a Kinesthetic


  • All human beings use all modalities.


  • The more modalities you use in your speaking and other communication the more channels your message is received on.


Echo Technique:

This technique involves feeding or echoing back persons very own words practically verbatim.

Simply choose some of the person’s words and repeat them back to them verbatim

Used with precision, rapport and presuppositions and this technique is practically irresistible


Benefits of using the Echo technique

  • Reinforces the thought in the other person’s mind
  • Automatically keeps you talking in the same rep system as your subject
  • You can use this technique to selectively and externally reinforce the thoughts you want them to reinforce internally


When pacing moods – make sure that when pacing a negative emotion that you direct the negative emotion at the object that the subjects’ negative emotions are aimed at.

For example:

If your subject is angry, you show anger as well but you must show it at the same thing for which the subject is angry about. Do not get angry at the subject, this will only result in loss of rapport and needless bloodshed (joke)

When pacing beliefs always find something within the other persons’ statement you can agree with even if you have to chunk down or up to do it.

Basic Calibration


  • Assume gross physiology
  • Choose a partner
  • Have that partner talk about what they will be doing, having or otherwise experiencing as a result of using the Killer Influence techniques, what will the Killer Influence training do for them specifically
  • Pay attention to your partners Volume, (insert any of the elements we are going to pace and lead.


  • Talk in the same Volume as your partner


    • (Insert whatever element of verbal communication we are going to pace and lead)


Representational Systems/Modalities


  • V isual:     ex. “I see what you mean. ”
  • A uditory: ex. “I hear what you’re saying. ”
  • K inesthetic ex: “I feel I can get a hold on that. ”
  • O lfactory ex: “The sweet smell of success. ”
  • G ustatory ex: “You can almost taste the victory. ”


(Plus “Unspecified” words that overlap 2 or more modalities)

§ Ex. “You can experience whatever you see or feel. ”

VAK Process Mode “Languages


· Visual


· Auditory


· Kinesthetic

VAK Level 1

· Global


· “Modal Speaking”


· Uses and covers all sub-modalities.


· Reaches greatest range of people.



VAK Level 2

· Identify speaker’s Dominant Modal Language

(V, A, or K? ).

· Match Speaker’s Dominant Modal Language.


Processing Processes or Process Processing:


  • Everyone has a unique code that directly mirrors his or her mental processes.


  • Mental processes are reflected in the content as expressed.


  • Be aware of their process codes.


  • Decipher their process codes.


  • Mirror their processes.


  • Intensify rapport.


  • Pace and lead.



Some really fun exercises to help you understand…

Learning to Pay Attention Differently

  • Break up into groups of two, a person A and person B.


  • Person A will describe what made him or her decide to come to this training and how they arrived at that decision.


  • Person B will pay attention to person A and listen for the process oriented words within Person A’s description.


  • Person B will write down the process words within A’s description:


    • Notice what system is preferred


    • Notice what System is least preferred


    • Notice the order of the process words


i. This gives you the structure of their thought process for deciding to attend a training

Switch and Repeat Exercise with Person B now describing what made him or her decide to take this training and how they arrived at the decision to come here.


Now that you have learned to pay attention to process, it’s time to learn how to talk in the language of Rep Systems…



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