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Process Drill # 2 – Contextualization

Process Drill # 2 – Contextualization

· In this Drill Person A is the Persuader, person B is the Subject, Client Etc.


· In this scenario you are now sitting in front of a client who is interested in using your product or service


· Elicit their process for how they decide to purchase your product or service


· Talk about your product or service using their process


· Switch


· Give Feedback


Convincer Strategies

People have strategies for everything they do. We even have a structure or process to the way we become convinced about something. By learning their process, we can use it to have them convince themselves that what we are offering is desirable and worth acting upon to acquire

Question #1

" How do you know _________ is good? "

When you ask this question pay close attention to the response that you get some of the answers you may receive are:


1) " I have to see it. "

2) " I have to read about it. "

3) " I have to hear about it. "

4) " I have to do it/ feel it/work with it. "


There is no such thing as a wrong answer when you’re dealing with process, however a person undergoes the process is exactly right for them. Avoid the mistake of projecting your own internal process onto your subject. It’s a sure fire way to break rapport. No matter what process they give you simply agree with them and…

Do unto them the way they want to be done onto… Savvy?

Once you have their process all you have to do is deliver it to them in a congruent manner exactly the way they told you it needed to be done in other words…


- If they have to see it, show it to them.

- If they have to read about it, have written material for them to read.

- If they must hear about it, give them contact information or be ready to introduce them to people who can attest to the value of your product or service.

- If they must do or feel it have something ready for them with which they can interact.

Question #2

”How many times or for how long do you have to see it/read about it/hear about it/do it before you are convinced it's good? "

The next step in the process gives you information for how many times they need to run through the above mentioned strategy before it “clicks” and they act on it Here are some of the answers your likely to get.

" I just have to see it/read about it/hear about it/do it once and I'm convinced. "

" I have to see it/read about it/hear about it/do it X number of times and I'm convinced. "

" I have to see it/read about it/hear about it/do it for X length of time and I'm convinced. "

" I'm never convinced. "

Regardless of which response you receive, you have their personal process to be convinced and all that is needed is to fulfill their strategy. It's that simple.

In hypnotic work we use a variant of this to install powerful permanent change. It can be delivered in the form of a Mental Bind that locks the change in place… more on binds later…


Simple way to use convincer strategy in trance:

  • Ask them how many times they need to rehearse something in order to have the change locked in.


  • Give their unconscious mind instructions to run through it the required number of times or more until they are absolutely convinced the change is permanent and when they are sure it’s locked in to just go ahead and give a signal that it’s completed.


  • Once their unconscious mind gives you the signal finish whatever other work you need to do.


  • Emerge them and Test the results.

In Killer Influence you can do a similar tactic with a pattern like:

“As we sit here reviewing this material and your naturally mulling things over in your mind, I’d like you to simply (whatever mode they use) the material however many times you need to in order to “feel absolutely convinced” that this program is right for you and as you logically and intuitively focus on all the right reasons for getting started now. You can feel really good recognizing that what you have been reviewing perfectly matches the criterion that is most important to you. ”


Drill # 1 Knowing when You Have Got It

  • Break up into groups of two or three.
  • Person A is the Persuader, and Person B is the Subject.
  • Elicit the convincer strategy for when they know they have achieved a certain skill.


  • How long will it take?
  • How many repetitions etc.
  • Record the strategy.
  • Create a pattern for installing these skills utilizing their convincer strategy.

Drill # 2 – Contextualization

· In this Drill Person A is the Persuader, person B is the Subject, Client Etc.


· In this scenario you are now sitting in front of a client who is interested in using your product or service


· Elicit their process for how they become convinced that something is good enough for them to take action on


· Talk about your product or service using their process


· Switch


· Give Feedback

Hitting the Persuasion Bulls Eye:
The Magic of Criteria and Values!


· In order to irresistibly move someone to take the action you desire you must activate his or her “What’s in It for Me Factor. ”


· Eliminates Objections.


· In the realm of sales, we would call them “hot buttons”, for persuasion and influence we call them Criteria and Values.


· Criteria and Values are “elements” within a person’s mind that must be satisfied before a person is willing to take action or accept something as being good, right or proper for themselves.


· All Criteria and Values are extremely context dependent and change as the context changes.


· All Values and Criteria are linked to one or more emotions.




· Criteria and Values have a hierarchical structure within a person’s mind.


· The Higher the Value the More Control it exerts on the levels below it.


· People love the labels they use to name their criteria.


· If you can effectively link your outcome to a subject’s criteria and values, in most instances the subject will feel absolutely compelled take action and do what you want them to do.


· Use this new power with respect and with the full understanding that with the skillful use of this mechanism you can practically get anyone to do almost anything you want.


· Always leave the client; subject, etc. better off than you found them.


· Deliver what you promise.


· If your values and outcomes don’t match theirs – Don’t use this technique, because doing so borders on manipulation not persuasion.


· Criteria and Values elicitation perfectly targets your persuasion message to the particular individual you’re seeking to persuade, hence it consequently screens out everyone else who doesn’t share the exact same criteria. Although not as useful in general persuasion situations or group settings, it’s practically irresistible on a one to one basis.


· When dialoguing with your clients use their criteria/values as often as you can.


· When you elicit criteria you deepen rapport and generate good feelings within the client.


· Because you’re the one eliciting those good feelings, those feelings and the ability to get those values are powerfully linked to you simply by doing the elicitation process.


· This creates tremendous customer/subject loyalty.


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