Automaticnervous system (ANS)
The automatic nervous system plays a vital role in respiration, digestion, circulation of blood and the activity of glands of internal and external secretion.
Increased control over the automatic nervous system is a common characteristic in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a very powerful way to influence the ANS.
BRAID, JAMES (1795-1860) An English physician and the author of " Neurotheology" (1843); Braid believed hypothesized that the so-called " animal magnetism" had nothing to do with the trance state and consequently coined the term hypnosis after the Greek god of sleep thus giving the more commonly accepted modem name to the science of hypnotism.
To induce the hypnotic state Braid first used the method of fascination, but later turned to verbal suggestion.
CATALEPSY Forms of hypnotic phenomena in which the subject can obtain complete rigidity or flaccidity of muscle groups through suggestion: " Arm rigid, cannot bend. Eyes stuck tightly, cannot open. "
CHEVREUL PENDULUM A Device originally designed by M. Chevreul any weighted object suspended by a chain or string about 15 in long. It is used for determining the subjects' suggestibility or for uncovering subconscious information that is not available to the conscious mind. (See ideomotor)
CONSCIOUS LEVEL Refers to the " day to day, " non-hypnogogic state; the seat of our rational, judging, analytical mind. The conscious mind is the home of the critical factor.
The conscious level is that aspect of us that actively pays attention to things. The conscious mind also governs short-term memory and the internal dialogue.
This term " conscious level" is a misnomer because trance states are highly y fluid and people transition naturally from one type of mental state to another while still performing normal " day-to-day" functions. (See tri-phasic model of the mind)
COUNTER SUGGESTION A suggestion given to replace, offset, reframe or otherwise neutralize a previously existing belief, perception, idea or suggestion.
DETACHMENT When a person is aware of his environment, but does not participate or care to participate. (See dissociation or disassociation)
DISSOCIATIONS/DISSASOCIATION -The mental state characterized by feelings of detachment of the individual from his or her environment. The subject is aware of what is happening but is not an active participant but rather an observer of the event. This state often occurs as a self-defense mechanism to protect the individual from painful memories.
DREAM, HYPNOTIC A dream suggested by the hypnotist, whatever the purpose; i. e., guided imagery, visualization etc.
ECHO TECHNIQUE: A conversational hypnosis technique involves feeding or echoing back persons very own words practically verbatim.
EIDETIC IMAGERY Sensory based imagery, primarily visual, which practically reaches the clarity of actual perception. It is common in children and extremely rare in adults, but can be readily aroused in hypnosis.
ESDAILE, JAMES (1808-1859) Scottish physician living in India; Who, after hearing about the use of hypnosis for anesthesia used it to relieve the pain of a Hindu convict in need of surgery within several months, Esdaile reported having performed 75 successful and painless major operations and several thousand minor operations with uniformly painless results. This included nineteen amputations.
FASCINATION The method of hypnotizing by fixation of eyes on a small shining object held a little above the subject's eyes. The technique of Fascination was first introduced by James Braid, fascination and is now usually combined with verbal suggestion.
FIXATION Induction of a hypnotic state using concentration of attention on a single sensation or object
FRACTIONATION Fractionation is both a process and an effect of deepening hypnotic states. The process of fractionation relies upon first inducing the hypnotic state; then either fully or partially, emerging the subject and then immediately re-inducing the hypnotic state.
The effect of fractionation is that each subsequent re-induction causes the subject to become significantly more fully and deeply hypnotized
HALLUCINATION, (HYPNOTIC) A mental construct created within the mind of the hypnotized subject. Any form of mental construct is a hallucination. The hallucinations can have visual, auditory, olfactory or gustatory components.
This should not be confused with the psychological view of hallucinations, which tends to view them as a type of " pathological phenomena. " The harnessing of the hallucinogenic power of the mind is a cornerstone of hypnosis.
In hypnosis, there are many categories of hallucination; many of which were once thought to be indicative of a trance state. Thus, they were often used and still are by many as a gauge of how deeply a person is hypnotized.
HALLUCINATION, (NEGATIVE) A negative hallucination occurs when the subject is unable to see something that is clearly visible in front of them.
HALLUCINATION, (POSITIVE) A positive hallucination occurs when the subject is seeing something that is not plainly visible or does not actually exist in the environment.
HANGOVER (hypnotic) A body state characterized by feelings of headache, drowsiness or occasionally nausea caused by not properly emerging a client from the hypnotic state. Most prevalent in subjects who have never been hypnotized before. This rarely happens.
HETERO - HYPNOSIS Hypnotic state induced by another person.
HYPER - SUGGESTIBILITY Enhanced ability, tendency or willingness to accept and act upon suggestions. Unrestrained Hyper-suggestibility can be more of a problem than Hypo- suggestibility although much easier to work with.
HYPNO-ANAL YSIS The practice of analyzing subject’s problem and resolution through hypnotic techniques
HYPNOIDAL Pertaining to or being in a hypnotic state
HYPNOLOGY The study of hypnosis
HYPNOSIS The by-pass of the critical factor of the conscious mind, and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking
HYPNOTIC OPERATOR Any event, action or other phenomena that can bypass, or re-orient the critical factor of the conscious mind; initiate a pre-programmed response, and/or create a gateway that leads the subject into a hypnoidal state and/or heightened suggestibility
IDEO-MOTOR An ideo-motor response is an " unconscious" movement of the muscles or limbs produced by an: idea or a suggestion. Ideo-motor movements are commonly used to dialogue with the unconscious mind of subject during the process of hypno-analysis. It tends to by-pass conscious resistance. IDEO-MOTION Involuntary movement produced by an idea or suggestion. IDEO-SENSORY Pertaining to or affecting the senses INDUCTION The process or technique used to induce a hypnotic state. KINESIS Physical movement. KINESTHETIC Feelings, anything pertaining to a physical or emotional feeling or stimulus LANGUAGE PATTERN- (hypnotic) A hypnotic language pattern is linguistic structure that creates a very specific and consistent mental process to take place within the mind of the subject. Most of, many of these language patterns are simply verbal representations of natural thought processes. Thus, an understanding of language patterns gives us not only insight into the think process of our subjects but also gives us specific tools to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the subject. LETHARGY A body state characterized by general muscular flaccidity, mental drowsiness and physical relaxation. MESMERISM A process of inducing trance via the manipulation of " magnetic fluid" [2] surrounding the body; the technique of hypnotizing developed by Franz Antoine Mesmer in direct accordance with his theory of animal magnetism. MONOIDEISM The term coined by James Braid for his discovery that the state of hypnosis was dependent on the narrowing and focusing of the subject's attention.
Braid tried unsuccessfully to have the term " monoideism" replace hypnosis, unfortunately by the time Braid got around to revising his theories the term hypnosis was already well established.
OBSESSION A driving, sometimes irresistible idea which when combined with an emotion, that is likely to result in action, sometimes endlessly repeated.
PHARSING (pronounced farsing) Denotes the tendency for the subconscious mind to drop a negative (negation) word within the phraseology of a suggestion resulting in the formation/interpretation of a suggestion that creates the opposite effect of what the client or hypnotist intended.
PHOBIA An overwhelming fear of fear.
PRE - HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION A pre-hypnotic suggestion is one that is given prior to the hypnotic induction that is meant to take place when client is in trance. This can have delivered as part of your pre hypnosis interview.
PYRAMIDING A powerful method of deepening hypnosis whereby the hypnotist changes the method of induction without informing the subject.
PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLNESS Physical illness caused by negative mental thoughts and unresolved emotional issues leading to pathological organic changes within the body
RAPPORT The affinity between two or more people, Rapport is a form of unconscious connection that can exist both within and outside of conscious awareness. The rapport state is a powerful multiplier to the effectiveness of hypnotic technique.
In fact, rapport can be the single most important element in any hypnotic intervention. It is the unconscious connection between two or more individuals. In fact, even in a single human being there can be a significant lack of rapport between a subject and his or her own unconscious mind. This lack of rapport is often the seat of the issue the person is dealing with.
SEAL A hypnotic block, produced while client is in the hypnotic state by the operator suggesting to the subject that no one else will be able to hypnotize him/her.
SELECTIVE AMNESIA An experience of amnesia experienced during the waking state that is confined to a specific period or phenomena.
SOMNAMBULISM Somnambulism is the " working state" for hypnosis and hypnotic interventions. Somnambulism nay be induced or occur with the eyes open or closed without waking or emerging the subject from hypnosis.
Complete amnesia may result. Positive and negative hallucinations may be induced. Somnambulism is for all intents and purposes the preferred state for doing hypnotic processes.
The somnambulistic state is the one state where a subject is completely open to direction from outside his or her own mind and the critical factor of the conscious mind is in complete abeyance.
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND The sentient part of the human mind that operates below the level of the perceptual conscious mind the subconscious is the storehouse of instinctual desires, needs, and psychic actions.
While past thoughts and memories may be deleted from immediate consciousness, they direct the thoughts and feelings of the individual from the realm of the unconscious.
Although technically the same thing for the purposes of hypnosis we make a slight distinction between sub conscious and unconscious.
When we talk about the subconscious we are referring to that aspect outside of conscious awareness that oversees our emotions, long term memory, self-preservation and host of other behavioral functions.
When we refer to the unconscious mind we are referring directly to that part of our minds that interacts directly with our physiology i. e. our immune system, respiratory system, heartbeat etc. This distinction is entirely arbitrary but helps to simplify discussions relating to various aspects and functions of the inner mind.
SUGGESTIBILITY A person's ability and willingness to accept, and act upon a given suggestion; Suggestibility is directly proportional to intelligence and the ability to learn.
SUGGESTIBILITY TESTING The process of measuring a subject's susceptibility and receptivity to suggestion
SUGGESTION Is any communication received by a subjects' unconscious mind whether it be from within that persons' own mind or external to it?
In hypnosis, specific methods of creating and delivering suggestions are used do deliver specific messages and instructions to a person in hypnotic state for creating positive changes in the thoughts ideas, feelings, beliefs or behaviors of a subject. Whatever suggestion has done, suggestion can undo.
SUGGESTION - POST HYPNOTIC A suggestion given to a subject in hypnosis that is meant to take place after the person emerges from the hypnotic state.
SUGGESTION, THERAPEUTIC Any suggestion that is intended to correct a physical, emotional or behavioral issue that is deemed unacceptable by the client. This is considered a remedial suggestion where we are actively seeking to connect a perceived problem as opposed to a generative suggestion, which is generally aimed or directed at enhancing performance.
SUGGESTION, WAKING A suggestion given in a certain manner in a person's normal state of awareness that is accepted and takes effect.
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