Требования к оформлению контрольных работ
В межсессионный период студентами выполняются домашние контрольные работы, количество которых соответствует учебному плану. Твердым правилом для студента-заочника является выполнение контрольных работ в установленные учебным графиком сроки. Все контрольные работы должны быть сданы в ресурсный центр за две недели до начала сессии. На титульном листе контрольной работы указывается наименование дисциплины, номер контрольной работы, полностью фамилия, имя, отчество студента, его домашний адрес и место работы. При выполнении контрольной работы необходимо руководствоваться следующими требованиями: 1. Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена в точном соответствии с указанным вариантом. 2. Контрольная работа может быть оформлена на компьютере или написана в тетради. Текст должен быть написан четким почерком, обязательно чернилами; если работа выполняется в тетради в клетку, то в ней следует писать через строчку. На каждой станице следует оставлять поля (3-4 см) по всей длине листа. 3. При выполнении заданий контрольной работы следует написать номер выполняемого варианта, все вопросы или задания и ответы к ним. 4. В конце работы студент должен привести список используемой литературы (в алфавитном порядке). В списке должно быть указано не менее трех источников. Если контрольная работа выполняется на компьютере, то необходимо соблюдать следующие требования: шрифт Times New Roman размер шрифта 12 межстрочный интервал 1,5
Если контрольная работа не зачтена преподавателем, она возвращается студенту на доработку. Студент должен ознакомиться с замечаниями, указанными в рецензии и устранить их. Устраняет замечания студент либо в этой же тетради (если в ней имеется место), либо вклеивает листы или пишет в новой тетради и сдает их вместе с работой, выполненной первый раз, на заочное отделение.
Студент-заочник, не получивший по контрольной работе «зачет», к сдаче экзамена по соответствующему предмету не допускается Титульный лист: ГБПОУ «Курганский областной колледж культуры» Заочная форма обучения
Контрольная работа № _____
по __________________________________ (наименование предмета)
студента гр. __________заочной формы обучения
_______________________________________________________ (фамилия, имя, отчество)
Домашний адрес: ___________________
Место работы: _____________________
Должность: ________________________ Курган Контрольная работа №1. Задание №1. Напишите по–английски: Мой учебник, его тетрадь, наш класс, её карандаш, ваш стол, твоя газета.
Задание №2. Выберите и выпишите личные местоимения: your, she, himself, that, it, who, anybody, they, itself, we, nobody, their, all, a, hers, nothing, such, he, everything, some, you, oneself, mine.
Задание №3. Выберите и выпишите притяжательные местоимения: my, himself, those, whose, ours, theirs, any, none, both, his, themselves, your, every, one, these, its, what, another, this, itself, mine, he, ourselves, our, anybody.
Задание №4. Выберите необходимые указательные местоимения и вставьте в предложения: a) this; b) these; c) that; d) those. 1. … is my book, … is yours. Take it. 2. At … moment he is very busy. Phone in twenty minutes, please. 3. … was a sad story. Everybody kept silence for some tine. 4. … flowers are mine, … are his. 5. Well … students who were late at the lesson tell reason of their being, late? 6. I’ll take … book, I don’t like … one. Give it to me. 7. “Where do you live?” – I live in … house. Welcome! 8. … buildings were built last year. Do you like them? 9. “Have you read … letter?” - “Not yet”. 10. …suits are more suitable for young persons. They don’t me.
Задание №5. Письменно поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие утвердительные или отрицательные ответы. Образец: She is his sister. Is she his sister? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
1. My father is a worker. 2. He is an engineer now. 3. These children are little. 4. You are my best friend. 5. Your daughter is a pupil. 6. I am a student. 7. They are good boys. 8. Our mother is a teacher.
Задание №6. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be и переведите: 1. He … born in 1985. 2. We … students now. 3. We … good friends at the college. 4. It … an interesting book. 5. Who … absent today? 6. Where … this book? 7. What … their names? 8. How … you? I … fine. 9. He … a student. 10. There … 15 students in our group now.
Задание №7. Подберите подходящее слово: 1. Someone employed by a newspaper, television to report news from a distant area is called … 2. A person who writes about news for a newspapers, or for radio, or for television is called … 3. A person whose profession is journalism is called … 4. A person who edits is called … 5. A person who owns or works in a printing business is called … 6. A person who reads a certain thing or in a certain way is called … 7. A person who subscribes to newspapers or magazines is called … 8. Give or write an account of something is called … 9. A special long newspapers article is called … 10. A short piece of writing on a subject is called … 11. A written or spoken report; description; story is called … 12. To make a remark; give an opinion is called … Слова: a) journalist; b) report; c) printer; d) correspondent; e) subscriber; f) reporter; g) reader; h) editor; i) account; j) features; k) comment; l) essay.
Задание №8. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст при помощи словаря и письменно ответьте на вопросы: The world of books. 1. “Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than books! They teach us as brothers”, wrote Charles Kingsiey, an English writer of the 18th century. 2. Books play very important role in our life. 3. They not only teach us, they stir our imagination, expand the boundaries of the familiar world, and fill our life with great expectations of joy and happiness. 4. They give us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds of years ago. 5. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. 6. There are different kinds of books. 7. Children like to read and to be read fairy tales, fables, short stories. 8. Teenagers are fond of historical novels, adventure books, science fiction. 9. Women find it exciting to read love – stories and detectives. 10. Some people, though, take a great interest in reading memoirs, atlases, encyclopedias and textbooks. 11. In ancient times books were written by hand, and it took a very long time to write a whole book and to make several copies of it. 12. Now days thousands of books are publishing houses. 13. There is no problem where to find a good book for reading. 14. A lot of bookshops, libraries, and reading – halls are at your disposal. 15. In the library you can find not only a needed book, but a magazine or a newspapers, too. 16. You only have to look through the author catalogue or through the subject catalogue, find the name of the author, or the title of the book you want. 17. And in no time the librarian will bring this edition to you. Вопросы: 1.What role do the books play in our life? 2.What can we take from books? 3.What are different kinds of books? 4.Where can we find books? 5.Who can help you to find necessary book at the library? Контрольная работа № 2 Задание №1. Перепишите и переведите письменно при помощи словаря текст: Literature. When a novel or play is adapted for the screen it reaches a huge new audience. Surely the main point of story – telling is communication, so if more people can enjoy a story by seeing it in a visual form, what’s wrong with that?
A successful screen adaptation helps to promote (содействовать распространению) the original book and increase its sales. Often, in fact, recently filmed or televised books (even nineteenth – century classics) can become bestsellers all over again. Pictures make stories more vivid and lifelike – every five – year – old child that. So, why should adult literature be any different? The simple fact is that screen adaptation give books a whole new realistic dimension (объём, измерение). They also make stories where the language is complex and old – fashioned much easier for modern readers to understand. Quite frankly, without screen adaptations, the publishing industry would be far less healthy than it is. After all, we live in a visual culture where few people actually buy books. To put it bluntly, literature needs TV and films far more than TV and films need literature. People lead busy lives these days. They don’t want to spend a week reading a novel when they can watch the film version in two hours. It’s a question of convenience (удобство). Some screen adaptation are good, others are bad, but the main point about them is that they increase choice. You can read the book first and then see the film … see the film, then read the book … just read the book … just see the film. What’s wrong with choice? Reading a book and watching a screen are two completely different experiences. Reading is active: your mind has to work and create images. Watching is passive: you just sit there and all the work is done for you. It’s less satisfying. When you’re reading a book you’re able to stop and start whenever you like. The book can become a part of your life for a week – two weeks – however long it takes to read. With a film or TV series, though, the pace (noun, speed) is dictated … you don’t have the freedom to stop and think for five minutes before you carry on. Screen adaptations are never as subtle (утончённый, искусный) and complex as the books or plays they’re based on. Characters are cut out, scenes removed … that’s because time is always a key issue, especially for film – makers. Producers, directors and screen – writes constantly have to ask themselves, ‘How can tell we fit the story into two hours?’ Books can tell you what characters are thinking. Films and TV serials can’t. They have to use dialogue instead. Adaptation suits books with a very dynamic plot and a strong visual element – The Jurassic Park, for example – but it doesn’t suit more complex literary fiction a novel and a scrip. Adaptations have an unfair (несправедливый) influence on the book industry. OK, they turn a certain number of novels into bestsellers, but what about the hundreds of other books, excellent books, which are ignored simply because they haven’t been filmed?
Задание 2. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы: 1.What is the main point of a story? 2.What increase sales of the books? 3.Do you prefer to read a book or to watch a sceen version? 4.Is reading active? 5.Do you agree that adaptations have an unfair influence on the book industry? Why? Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
Barbara Cartland is a famous love-story writer.According to the Guinness Book of Records she (be) _ the best-selling author in the world.
Barbara Cartland (be born) _____at the beginnig of the century.She (write) _____ her first book when she (be)____ twenty-one and it sold out as soon it (reach) _____ the shops. Since then she (write)____ over 450 books, and all of them (be) about love.
Задание 4. Из четырех вариантов (А),(В),(С),(D) выберите единственно правильный: 1.Mount Everest is ________ mountain in the world. (A) high (B) higest (C) the higher (D) the highest 2.What is the first word children learn to ____? (A)talk (B)tell (C)say (D)retell 3.I don't think I have ____ eaten Chinese food before. (A)always (B)ever (C)sometimes (D)never 4.I’d like you to meet a very good friend of _____Tom Brown. (A)us (B)we (C)our (D)ours 5.Nick bought a new tie.It _____ 10 dollars. (A)costed (B)had costed (C)cost (D)was cost
Контрольная работа № 3 (для студентов специальности 071302 «Социально-культурная деятельность и
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