English as aworld language.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Is it easy to learn foreign language? Which language in the world is spoken by most people? When did you begin learning English? What was the process of learning? Why is English not an easy language to learn? Why is it necessary to learn English? What advantages have the people who know foreign languages? Mass media. Are you a passionate TV viewer? What programs are interesting and useful? What TV programs do you watch for entertainment? What is your attitude towards advertising on TV? Do you like to listen to the radio? How many newspapers do you usually buy? What English-language editions do you know? Russia- is my Motherland. Where were you born? Where is Russia situated? What kind of climate is there in the country? Is Russia a very rich country? Give your reasons. What countries does the Russian Federation border on? What kind of state is Russia now? What is the capital of our country? My future profession. Where do you study? What is your department? What are the main reasons for choosing your future profession? Where will you work? What is your favourite subject at the college? Is it difficult for you to study at the college of culture? Would you like to change anything in the culture of Kurgan region?
TRADITIONS AUD CUSTOMS OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES. What are the main holidays in the English speaking countries? Do the holidays reflect the history of the country? Are Christmas and Easter common in different countries? What habits do the English people have? What do you kno about English meals? What is the most striking feature of English life? Is American society more informal than the British? ARTS. Are you fond of arts? What kind of music do you like? What is your favourite composer? Do you like the music of English composers? Are you fond of painting? Whose works of art do you also admire? What English painters can you name? What do you know about American cultural life? МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ K ЧТЕНИЮ ТЕКСТОВ Если Вы хотите хорошо читать, правильно и быстро произносить английские слова и понимать прочитанное, то вы должны следовать следующим правилам: - систематически учить английские слова и уметь пользоваться словарем;
- обязательно прочитывать хотя бы один абзац громко вслух; - хорошо знать структуру английского предложения, так как эти знания помогут грамотно приступить к переводу предложения; - незнакомые слова выписывать с тетрадь; - необходимо видеть связь слов в предложении и в тексте, именно от этого зависит понимание прочитанного. Что может помочь понять лучше содержание прочитанного? 1. Заголовок. Именно заголовок передает обычно то главное, о чем пойдет речь в тексте. 2. Знание того, как строится текст и предложение в целом. Центром предложения является глагол. Начинайте перевод с него. Затем необходимо найти и перевести подлежащее. Помните, что предложения «живут» в рассказе не сами по себе, а тесно связаны друг с другом: одно предложение может подтверждать или дополнять другое, может выражать основную мысль в тексте. В таком же отношении находятся друг к другу абзацы.
Как поступить, если при чтении встречаются трудности? 1. Можно воспользоваться англо- русским словарем. Для этого нужно хорошо помнить английский алфавит и уметь пользоваться грамматическим справочником или грамматическим таблицами. 2. Значение незнакомого слова можно понять по общему смыслу рассказа или предложения.
Awe the emotion with which we respond to the restless power of Leonardo and Michelangelo, even something like fear. Raphael, the third giant of the High Renaissance, inspires affection. Gentleness and grace run through all his work. In his own time, the admiration of his fellow artists for his genius as a painter was equaled by their love for him as a man. Born in the city of Urbino about seventy miles east of Florence, Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) - whom we know as Raphael - studied with the great Umbrian painter Perugino. In 1504, he moved to Florence, where Leonardo and Michelangelo were working together on two murals for the council chamber in the Palazzo Vecchio (neither was completed, and we know them today only through copies). We can see traces of the style of all three masters in Raphael’s work - Perugino’s feeling for light and color, Leonardo’s composition, Michelangelo’s profound knowledge of anatomy - as well as concern for the human figure he acquired from Masaccio’s frescoes in Florence. But Raphael absorbed all of these influences and put his personal stamp on everything he leaned from the earlier masters.
In Florence, Raphael soon earned commissions and completed a series of panels of the Madonna and Child that remain among his best-loved works. Among them is one known as the Madonna of the Meadows (1507), in which Raphael’sdebt to Leonardo is readily apparent. The Virgin is seated before a deep landscape with a lake in the distance. The Child stands in front of her. Kneeling before Him is the child St.John the Baptist, holding a reed cross, him usual symbol. The three figures are so arranged as to from a nearly equilateral triangle that recalls the rocksolid pyramidal compositions of Leonardo. The facial type of the Madonna and of the children are also reminiscent of Leonardo (for example, the face of St.Anne in the Virgin and Child with St.Anne, in the Louvre in Paris). Raphael likewise emulated Leonardo’s soft modeling, but he rejected the mysterious, smoky atmosphere favored by the older painter. The landscape background behind his Madonna is clear and airy.
At the opening of the twentieth century, when the seeds of modernism were germinating in Europe, American Art remained provincial, as it had been throughout most of its history despite the original ideas of a few gifted artists. Every current of European nineteenth-century painting continued to flow in the United States, and the most vigorous American movement of the early twentieth century, the Ash Can was a group of neorealists indebted largely to Courbet and the early Manet. But in these same years, several American artists were absorbing European modernism during trips to France and Germany, and they returned to develop their newly acquired ideas in the United States, chiefly in New York. There in 1908 two photographers began to show at the Photo-Secession Gallery, later renamed 29 1,works by Cezanne, Matisse, and Picasso; American art, the art of children; and new American paintings and sculptures, including works by John Marin, Marsden Hartly, and Georgia O’Keffe. A totally original American painter, unconnected with any European movement was Georgia O’Keffe (1887-1986). Throughout her long creative life, O’Keffe’s imagery was derived from an infinite variety of objects surrounding her, from the magnified forms of flowers to driftwood and animals’ skulls. Her Blue and Green Music, of 1919, is a complete invention. The free flow of rhythmic shapes against the massive diagonals moves, as the title suggests, with the quality of visual music, this kind of melodic flow is never absent from her work. A number of gifted American artists turned after World War I to new forms of realism, focusing on, even glorifying the dreariness and banality of much of American urban and rural life. One of the best of these so-called American scene painters was Edward Hopper (1882-1967). He presents us with a bleak world made up of dirty streets, gloomy houses, comfortless rooms such as in the Automate, of 1927.
THE PRESS. Together with television and radio, the press is a very important means of mass media. The main aim of the press is keeping people informed on all topical issues of the day. There is practically no family that doesn’t subscribe to one or two newspapers or magazines. Besides, you can always buy the latest issue of the newspaper you need at any news-stall. Most newspapers appear daily, some of them come out weekly. As for the magazines, they are monthly as a rule. All newspapers cover the main topics of our life. They publish material about politics and different viewpoints on it. You can read interesting articles about economy and get acquainted with a lot of ideas of what people are to do if they want to live better. Some papers carry articles on science, engineering, medicine, and education.
Many newspapers have publications about international events, about the life of the people in all parts of the word. They also keep you informed on the events in so-called “hot points”. Sometimes you can read some extraordinary and sensational articles. Sportsmen and sports fans can find comments on the most exciting sporting events and matches. TV viewers and radio listeners can get information about TV-and radio-programs. The last pages of any newspaper are given, as a rule, to those readers who need some practical advice in gardening, cooking, growing flowers, etc. You can also find here some funny stories, puzzles, crosswords and all that sort of thing that may enterlain you. It is not an easy thing to issue a newspaper. The editor-in-chief is at the head of every newspaper. He governs the editional board, every member of which is responsible for his own section in the paper. The editional board usually writes editorials for the newspaper that deals with the topical issues of the day. As for the articles of other columns they are written by the reporters or by the special correspondents who work for this newspaper. Their reports give full coverage of the most important international and domestic events and news items.
Problems of the youth. One of the problems of the youth is the relationship of the young people with their friends and beloved. I believe in male friendship and I doubt that there can be any real female friendship. I think it is impossible to have a lot of friends. A person can be on good terms with his or her classmates or university groupmates but have only one or two real friends. I believe that real friends will never betray each other. They will always understand and help each other. It is true that tolerance is the pledge of friendship. It is wonderful if your school friend will remain your friend for the rest of your life. Unfortunately when one enters a university school friends are often replaced by the new ones. The problem of love is very important for the young. Today the young fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romantisism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. Their belief in eternal love can end dramatically. Today nobody doubts about the depth of their passion. It is regrettable but the young are not always ready to have stable relations. For a happy family life two people must understand and respect each other. It should be said that the young have other problems as well. They are concerned with education money employment hobby spending their free time communication and the like.
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