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Народное художественное творчество»

Специализация «Декоративно-прикладное творчество»)

Задание 1.

Прочтите текст и переведите письменно на русский язык.



For those people who prefer food for thought there are very many museums, exhibition halls and picture galleries. There are different kinds of museums. Those who are interested in history can find a lot of useful and unusual information in history museums. There they can get acquainted with a number of documents, photographs, books, personal belongings of well-known people of the past. In museums of local lore, history and economy one can better understand how people lived in this region, how they worked. They can also learn a lot of interested things about flora and fauna of the locality. To understand arts and to enjoy masterpieces of art one should visit picture galleries and exhibition halls.

There are a great number of museums all over the word. The most famous of them in Russia are the Museums of fine arts named after Pushkin and the State Tretyakov Arts Gallery in Moscow, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, and other. The State Hermitage is one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. The arts of all the peoples in the word are represented here. The Hermitage Museums was founded in 1764 as a pavilion called the Hermitage. Today it has over 350 exhibition halls, which house a very rich collection of works of art.

One of the largest museums in Great Britain is the British Museums, which is the best known national museum of antiquities and ethnography. It is situated in London. The British Museum is a huge beautiful building with a high round reading hall in it. It is famous for its greatest library. The library has more than six million books that occupy more than 80miles of shelves. Here you can find everything you want: English Chronicles, autographs of great writers, Greek and Latin manuscripts, books and magazine from all parts of the world. There are also lots of other memorials in the museum: the Hall of Mummies, the Ethnography Department, the Arts of Par East and so on. There are always many visitors from all countries in the British Museum.


Задание 2.

Выпишите из текста названия музеев и подберите краткую информацию о них на англ.яз.


Задание 3.

Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:


1.What are different kinds of museums?

2. What can we find in the museums of local lore?


Задание 4.

Из четырех вариантов (А),(В),(С),(D) выберите единственно правильный:

1.He phoned _____ tell her about the party.





2.How _____ letters are there in Russian alphabet?



(C)a few


3.I have worked as a teacher _____ 6 years.

(A) for

(B) in

(C) since

(D) by

4.In the 20-th years of our century the films were _____.

(A) feature

(B) documentary

(C) silent

(D) video

5.____ is an art.

(A) sketch

(B) manuscript

(C) painting

(D) wood carving.



Контрольная работа №3

(для студентов специальности 071302 «Социально-культурная деятельность и

Народное художественное творчество»

Специализация «Постановка театрализованных представлений»)

Задание 1.

Прочтите текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык.

The theatre.

People live a very busy life nowadays, so they have little time to spare. Still they try their best to make use of those rare hours of leisure. Some people find it a pleasure to go the theatre. The theatre is one of the most ancient kinds of arts. For centuries people have come to the theatre for different aims: to relax, to be amused and entertainted, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favourite actors and actresses.

Some people like drama, others are fond of music comedy. The subtlest theatre-lovers prefer ballet and opera. In our country there are a lot of theatres: big and small, new and old, famous and not very well known. The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow is among the most famous theatres in the world. Wonderful operas and ballets are staged in this theatre. The names of Ulanova, Plisetskaya, Maximova, Vasiliev, Arkhipova, Sotkilava and others are known worldwide. The other most popular Moscow theatres are the Maly Theatre, the Satire Theatre, the Vachtangov Theatre, the Variety Theatre and others. Young spectators attend the Children’s Musical Theatre and the Puppet Theatre more willingly. All these and lots of other theatres present a great variety of shows. That makes a spectator feel somewhat at a loss what theatre to choose. In this case it may turn out useful to consult a billboard and find out what and where is on. Sometimes you may face a difficulty of another kind: that is of getting tickets. If you don’t feel like standing in a queue for tickets at the box-office, you may book them beforehand. Ticket prices vary according to the seats. The better seats at the theartre are in the stalls and in the dress circle. They are rather expensive seats. Boxes, of course, are the best seats and the most expensive, too. Those people, who are short of money, take seats in the gallery, in the balcony or in the upper balcony. Tickets for afternoon performances are cheaper then those for evening perfomances.

Задание 2.

Bыпишите названия театров, которые встречаются в тексте, найдите и напишите краткую информацию о них на англ языке.

Задание 3.

Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.What are the main aims of visiting the theatre?

2.What are the better seats at the theatre?


Задание 4.

Из четырех вариантов (А),(В),(С),(D) выберите единственно правильный:

1.He phoned _____ tell her about the party.





2.How _____ letters are there in Russian alphabet?



(C)a few


3.I have worked as a teacher _____ 6 years.

(A) for

(B) in

(C) since

(D) by

4.In the 20-th years of our century the films were _____.

(A) feature

(B) documentary

(C) silent

(D) video

5.____ is an art.

(A) sketch

(B) manuscript

(C) painting

(D) wood carving.






1. Повторить лексику по темам разделов: « Моя семья и Я. Увлечения и досуг. Страна/ страны изучаемого языка. Современные информационные технологии. Изучение иностранных языков.»

2.Повторить грамматику по темам: «Личные, указательные, притяжательные местоимения. Порядок слов в вопросительном, повествовательном и отрицательном предложении. Спряжение глагола to be.Неопределенный и определенный артикль.»





1. Повторить лексику по темам разделов:«Традиции и праздники стран изучаемого языка. Образование. Средства массовой информации.. Искусство стран изучаемого языка. Проблемы планеты Земля. Знаменитые люди.»

2.Повторить грамматику по темам: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Времена английского глагола. Present, Past, Future Simple(Indefinite) Tenses.

Театр.Present, Past,future Perfect Tenses.Предлоги



1. Рассказ о себе, своей семье, традициях семьи.

2. Обучение в колледже.

3. Ваша работа и хобби.

4. Общение с друзьями.

5. Путешествия.

6. Великобритания.

7. Лондон- столица Великобритании.

8. Изучение иностранных языков.

9. Средства массовой информации.

10. Роль книг в нашей жизни.

11. Посещение библиотеки.

12. Мой любимый писатель.

13. Москва- столица России.

14. Искусство. Виды.

15. Самые знаменитые музеи мира.

16. Посещение театра и кино.

17. Музыка - универсальный язык общения.

18. Знаменитые художники Великобритании.

19. Выдающиеся композиторы Великобритании.

20. Традиции и праздники англо- говорящих стран.




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