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32. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the modal verbs: can, could, may, might, will, must, have to in positive, negative or interrogative forms.

32. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the modal verbs: can, could, may, might, will, must, have to in positive, negative or interrogative forms.

1. Although this is a small study, the results ________be generalized to several areas. 2. Unfortunately, our database ________tell the exact scale of the country’s investment overseas. Consequently, we conclude that… 3. This research ________ be useful for you. 4. ________ you hear that noise? It’s terrible. 5. You ________ be right. 6. I ________ tell him as soon as I see him. 7. It rain, so we should take our umbrellas. 8. You ________ have realized that you had got the wrong person when she told you that she didn’t know what you were talking about. 9. ________ I pay by American Express? 10. I was wondering if by any chance, you ________ be able to help me. 11. I’m really sorry but I absolutely ________ have them by four o’clock. 12. Sorry but your email ________have gone into the spam. 13. You ________ be so proud of yourself. 14. I know you be very busy but… 15. ________ do a presentation or just write a paper?


33*. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.

contact, unlicensed, target, enforcement, entities, academic, unmonitored, stabilized, transit, whereas, challenging, capacity, prime, revenue, network, logically, decline, externally, precisely

1. The local high school has an excellent counselling program in which students give advice to each other on personal and ________ issues. 2. The old man was seriously ill when he was first admitted to hospital, but his condition has since ________. 3. Online communications can ________ learning in many different ways. 4. The elderly face numerous challenges presented by both physical ________, and the attitudes of society in general. 5. There is a ________ of scientists working throughout the world to find a cure for cancer. 6. The ferry takes about 2 hours to make the ________ between the two islands. 7. I much prefer a ________ job with lots of responsibility to an easy, boring job. 8. In the theory of relativity, space and time are not viewed as separate ________. 9. If you approach the situation ________, rather than emotionally, you can make a much fairer decision. 10. The federal government has asked the major television networks to find a way to reduce the number of scenes of sex and violence during the ________ viewing hours. 11. When giving a presentation in small groups, it is important to make eye ________ with your entire audience. 12. According to the instructions, this medicine is to be used ________ only. 13. My parents were both in a serious car accident when they were in their early twenties, but my mother broke her neck, ________ my father only received a few cuts and bruises. 14. The daycare center was ________ and did not meet the minimum safety and health requirements. 15. The head of the F. B. I. once observed that no amount of law ________ can solve a problem that goes back to the family. 16. Tobacco brings ________ to government in the form of taxes. 17. If left ________, the children may hurt themselves. 18. Many living creatures are very ________ adapted to particular ways of life. 19. The factory has increased its production ________ by over 15% to meet the growing demand. 20. The country of Wales was long a ________ for invaders from Rome, Normandy, and England.


34*. Read a student’s essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or phrases from the list. Then say whether you agree or disagree with the author. Prove your opinion.  

discipline, literacy, health, primary, enroll, higher, further, day release, degree, skills, kindergarten, pass, qualifications, evening class, graduate, numeracy, secondary, mature, graduate, 
 higher, on-line

You will need to change the form of some of the words. ‘You are never too old to learn’. Do you agree with this statement? Education is a long process that not only provides us with basic (1) ________ such as (2) ________ and (3) ________, but is also essential in shaping our future lives. From the moment, we enter (4) ________ as mall children, and as we progress through (5) ________ and (6) ________ education, we are laying the foundations for the life ahead of us. We must (7) ________ ourselves to work hard so that we can (8) ________ exams and gain the (9) ________ we will need to secure a good job. We must also (10) ________ valuable life skills so that we can fit in and work with those around us. And of course, (11) ________ education helps us to understand how we can stay fit and healthy. For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however, it is the beginning of a lifetime of learning. After they finish school, many progress to (12) ________ education where they will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic business management. Others will (13) ________ on a programme of (14) ________ education at a university where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity to (15) ________ after three or four years with a well-earned (16) ________. After that, they may work for a while before opting to study for a (17) ________ degree – an MA, for example, or a PhD. Alternatively, they may choose to attend an (18) ________ after work or, if they have a sympathetic employer, obtain (19) ________ so that they can study during the week. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might follow an (20) ________ course using the Internet. In fact, it is largely due to the proliferation of computers that many people who have not been near a school for many years, have started to study again and can proudly class themselves as (21) ________ students. We live in a fascinating and constantly changing world, and we must continually learn and acquire new knowledge if we are to adapt and keep up with changing events. Our schooldays are just the beginning of this process, and we should make the best of every (22) ________. to develop ourselves, whether we are 18 or 80. You are, indeed, never too old to learn.



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