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Antiquity. 1980 Vol. 45.,№ 1.

Binford L., Chasko W. J. Jr. Nunamiut demographic history: a provocative case // Demographic Anthropology. Quantitative

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Birdsell J. Some environmental and cultural factors influencing the structuring of Australian aboriginal populations // American

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Birdsell J. Some predictions for the Pleistocene based on equilibrium systems among recent hunter-gatherers//Man the Hunter.

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Naturalist Canadien. 1974. Vol. 101. Bockstoce J. A prehistoric population change in the Bering Strait region // Polar

Record. 1973. Vol. 16. № 105. Bockstoce J. On the development of whaling in the Western Thule culture // F.

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Bogoras W. The Chukchee. Material Culture // MAMNH. 1904. Vol. VII. Pt. 1. Bottino R. Peopling of the Arctic: a computer

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Boughey A. Ecology of populations. N. Y., 1973.

Braerstrup F. W. A. study on the Arctic Fox in Greenland. Copenhagen, 1941. Braham H. W. The Bowhead Whale, Balaena

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Brush S. The concept of carrying capacity for systems of shifting cultivation // AA. 1975. Vol. 77. № 4.

Bryson R., Ross J. E. Climatic variations and implications for world food production // World Development. 1977. Vol. 5. № 5-7.

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Burch E. The caribou/wild reindeer as a human resource // American Antiquity. 1972.

Vol. 37. № 3. Burch E. S. Jr. Eskimo kinsmen: changing family relationships in Northwest

Alaska // Monographs of the American Ethnological Society. 1975. № 59. Burch E. S. Jr. Muskox and man in the Central

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A. 1977. Vol. 30. № 3. 4.

Burch E. S. Jr. Caribou Eskimo origins: an old problem reconsidered // Arctic

Anthropology. 1978. Vol. 15. № 1. Burch E. S. Jr. Native Claims in Alaska: an overview // Etudes/lnuit/Studies.

1979. Vol. 3. № 1. Burch E. S. Jr. Traditional Eskimo societies in Northwest Alaska // Alaska Native

Culture and History. SES. 1980. V. 4. Burch E. S. Jr. The traditional Eskimo hunters of Point Hope, Alaska: 1800—1875.

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Casteel R. W. Two static maximum population density models for hunter-gatherers: a first approximation // World Archaeology.

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Chapman D. G. Estigiates of net recruitment of Alaska Bowhead whales and of risk associated with various levels of kill // Rept.

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Chesemore D. L. Occurence of moose near Barrow, Alaska // Journal of Mammology.

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Cowgill G. On causes and consequences of ancient and modern population changes // AA. 1975. Vol. 77. № 3.

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Dawson K. S. Prehistory of the interior forest of Northern Ontario // Steegman A. T. (ed.). Boreal Forest Adaptations The

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Denton G. H., Karlen W. Holocene climatic changes, their pattern and possible cause // Quaternary Research. 1973. Vol. 3.

Divale W. T. Systematic population control in Middle and Upper Paleolithic: inferences based on contemporary hunter-gatherers

// World Archaeology. 1972. Vol. 4. № 2.

Draper A. A. The aboriginal Eskimo diet in modern perspective // AA. 1977. Vol. 79. № 2.

Dumond D. E. The limitation of human population: a natural history // S. 1975. Vol. 187. № 4178.

Dumond D. A. chronology of native Alaskan subsistence systems // Alaska Native Culture and History. SES. 1980. № 4.

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Dunbar M. Stability and fragility in Arctic ecosystems // A. 1973a. Vol. 26. № 3.

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Durham F. Recent trends in Bowhead whaling by Eskimos in the Western Arctic with emphasis on utilization // Paper Published

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Eberhardt L. L., Breiwick J. M. Minimal historic size of the Western Arctic population of Bowhead Whales// Marine Fisheries

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ГАКО — Государственный архив Камчатской области (г. Петропавловск-Камчатский)

ГАМО — Государственный архив Магаданской области (г. Магадан) ГАНАО — Государственный архив Ненецкого


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