Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именами существительными.
Помните, что в словосочетании, включающем два (и более) существительных, следующих подряд друг за другом, главным словом всегда является последнее. Например, salt crystal – кристалл соли; metal wire – металлическая проволока; wire metal – металл для изготовления проволоки; mountain river water – вода в горной реке; hot water metal pipes – металлические трубы для горячей воды.
1. A lot of foreigners work at light and food industry enterprises. 2. On their first day in Moscow the visitors met with the city's chief architect. 3. St.Petersburg's plants produce automatic control instruments for underground transport. 4. These researchers deal with cosmic ray studies. 5. This power station equipment is quite new. 6. This technical university students are to take a course of environment protection. 7. In the course of their two weeks' tour the guests will visit 10 cities of Russia. 8. The industrial robots production has increased by a third. 9. OPEC countries have agreed to take measures to prevent an oil price drop. 10. Two tragedies connected with the nuclear space age technologies have taken place lately. Глагол (Verb) Формы глагола Английский глагол имеет четыре формы. По способу образования второй и третьей форм, т.е. Past Indefinite и Past Participle, все английские глаголы делятся на две группы: правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы образуют Past Indefinite (V2) и Past Participle (V3) путем прибавления к форме инфинитива окончания -ed:
К неправильным глаголам принадлежат глаголы, образующие формы Past Indefinite и Past Participle различными другими способами:
Количество неправильных глаголов невелико (их около трехсот), но к ним относятся многие самые употребительные глаголы, поэтому их рекомендуется заучивать в трех формах. Формы неправильных глаголов приводятся в соответствующих таблицах, которые обычно имеются в учебниках, учебных пособиях, грамматических справочниках и словарях. Если такая таблица отсутствует или она слишком неполная, то определить, к какой группе относится глагол, можно по словарю. Если глагол неправильный, то в тексте словарной статьи в круглых скобках будут указаны его вторая и третья формы. Вот пример части словарной статьи на глагол говорить:
speak [spi:k] v (spoke, spoken) 1. 1) говорить … (to) speak - Infinitive (V1); spoke - Past Indefinite (V2); spoken - Past Participle (V3). Если вторая и третья формы неправильного глагола одинаковы, то в круглых скобках иногда указывается один вариант, например, spend [spend] v (spent, spent) … или spend [spend] v (spent) … (to) spend – Infinitive (V1); spent – Past Indefinite (V2); spent - Past Participle (V3).
Проанализируйте данную ниже таблицу, в которой приводятся формы двух глаголов: to translate, относящегося к группе правильных глаголов, и to write, принадлежащего к группе неправильных глаголов. Обратите внимание на то, что форму Present Participle (V4) правильные и неправильные глаголы образуют одинаково путем добавления окончания - ing.
Четыре формы глагола
3. Укажите все формы следующих глаголов, определив, к какой группе (правильных или неправильных глаголов) они относятся. Переведите каждую форму. to close, to develop, to do, to know, to send, to divide, to begin, to start, to break, to take.
Unit 3 1. Ответьте на вопросы 1. Why do people travel to foreign countries? 2. What do tourists come to look at in your country? 3. Which country do you want to visit? Why?
4. What do you want from a holiday in a different country?
2. Просмотрите текст "Foreign Travel" и определите его основную идею The text is about... 1. the price of hotel rooms. 2. where tourists go on holiday. 3. how to have a good holiday. 4. the most popular countries for holidays.
Прочтите и переведите следующий текст Text 3 Foreign Travel Some time ago people travelled to foreign countries because they thought they would be different from home - the buildings, the food, the national dress. Nowadays, however,one large city is like another. They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels which look like Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere. They all have their McDonald's and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look the same everywhere, and most city centres are full of office buildings. And, of course, people are driving the same brands of Japanese or European cars, usually wearing the same kinds of clothing and watching - except for1 a few programmes - the same American films and TV shows. Airports are the same everywhere and the world's airlines are all flying the same aircraft, Boeings and Airbuses. What, therefore, is the purpose of foreign travel for people who are not on business? What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot experience at home? Why travel to foreign countries at all? The answer could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation's history that is often its main attraction. Most of today's tourists travel overseas to find out what foreign countries and cultures used to be2 like, not what they are like today. The words 'cultural tourism' are now part of the language of tourism, and it is the museums and works of art in many countries that are their main attraction. Many countries want to earn foreign currency so they try to attract visitors from other countries. These visitors spend money in the countries they visit: they have to pay for hotel rooms and meals, tours to places of interest, and all the things they buy to take home. Most tourists want to know a number of things before they decide to visit a foreign country. Firstly, is the country safe? They want to feel that they can walk in the streets without being robbed. Secondly, and for many tourists of equal importance, they want to know if it is a healthy country. Tourists from many countries are used to3 clean water, clean streets and clean food. They do not want to risk catching a disease because the county they are visiting is not very clean or because it has insects that carry disease. Thirdly, they want to know if there will be interesting things to see and do. Countries that attract the most tourists often do so because of their history. They have plenty of interesting places for tourists to visit. Fourthly, tourists want to be sure that they will get value for money. Most tourists are not rich - they are ordinary people who have just enough money to have a holiday in a foreign country. They don't want to pay much for their holidays, particularly for hotels, food and drink. Fifthly, tourists want to be understood. This means that there must be enough people in the tourist industry who speak English. This is not because most tourists are English: it is because English is the language people use when talking to someone whose own language they do not know. Finally, tourists do not want to have to put up4 with rudeness from the people they meet. If the people of a country are rude, then even if that country is beautiful, rich in history, clean and healthy, and not expensive, many people will not want to visit it. Tourists want to be happy on holiday, and rudeness makes them unhappy. That is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people every year. They come mainly because of the friendliness of the Thai people. It is why the Pacific Islands are also so popular. There may not be much to see or do in Fiji, but there are lots of friendly, smiling people to make visitors feel welcome.
Notes 1 except for за исключением 2 used to be были когда-то 3 are used to привыкли 4 put up (with) мириться (с), терпеть Words aircraft самолет purpose цель hope надеяться experience испытать; узнать по опыту; испытывать attract привлекать earn зарабатывать currency валюта safe безопасный rob грабить equal равный healthy здоровый disease болезнь insect насекомое enough достаточно rude грубый
4. Ответьте на вопросы 1. Why do many countries want to bring foreign visitors to their country? 2. Name two things tourists spend their money on. 3. Name two things foreign tourists are frightened of in foreign countries. 4. What kind of places of interest do tourists like to visit? 5. How popular is your country with tourists? 6. What could spoil (испортить) a holiday in your country?
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