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Read these sentences spoken by university students. What is each person studying? Explain your answer.


1. We have to know every bone in a person's body.

2. I’m concentrating on the modernist style and the work of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright.

3. The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than twenty years ago.

4. We're going to concentrate on Freud and Jung this term.

5. I’ve been reading some books on time management.

6. Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the Impressionists.

7. We have spent a lot of time on American foreign policy and how it has been affected by various domestic problems.

8. You must know this case - it's one of the most famous in legal history.


4.2. A delegation of Russian students and teachers is going to visit Great Britain. You are asked to tell about some British universities. Present information on:


1) the name of the university;

2) its location;

3) the departments at the university (day-time, evening or corres­pondence);

4) how long the complete course lasts;

5) the number of students at the university;

6) the subjects they study (humanities, technical subjects, sciences);

7) the equipment the university is provided with;

8) the examinations students take and the grants they receive;

9) the students' hostels;

10) what you like and what you don't like about the university.


How similar is university education in your own country? Answer these questions. If possible, compare your answers with someone else from your own country and/or someone from a different country.


1. Do you need to pass examinations before you can go to university?

2. Do some students get a grant to study at university?

3. Is the tuition free if you go to university?

4. Do most students go to university at the age of 18 or 19?

5. Do more students go to university in your country than in Britain?

6. Do most degree courses last three years?

7. What is your equivalent of the British BA or BSc?

8. Do you have similar postgraduate degrees in your country?

Read the dialogue and act it with your partner.

PAUL: Hello! Can I speak to Julia?

JULIA: That’s me.

PAUL: It's Paul speaking. How are you?

JULIA: Fine. Thank you. How are things with you?

PAUL: Not bad. I was thinking of going to the cinema this evening. Would you like to come?

JUUA: That'd be lovely. But I'm busy tonight. My parents are expecting some visitors and I've promised to help them. Perhaps some other time.

PAUL: What about tomorrow? I'll try to buy tickets and give you a ring.

JUUA: That's a good idea.

PAUL: Settled then. Bye-bye.

JUUA: Bye-bye.


Complete the following dialogues.


1) A.:......... В.: That's me. A.:......... B.: Fine, thank you,... A: Not bad. 2) A.:......... В.: That'd be lovely, but... A.:......... В.: I’ll give you a ring.  



A.: I was thinking of going to the country. What about Sunday?


A.: Settled.



Make up your own phone dialogues according to the following situations.


- You are going to visit the theatre (football match, a new art exhibition, etc.).

- You need your friend’s help to do homework (report, presentation).

- You want to know your friend’s opinion about the book you have read.




5.1. Many people learning a foreign language would like to find a pen friend in a far-away country to have the opportunity to correspond in this language.

a) Look through the advertisement page from a magazine and choose the person you would like to write letters to.


Friedrich Kurz 15. Longe St., Dresden. Germany In the 18-25 age group. Friedrich, a student, would like to correspond with people from anywhere in the world. His interests are science fiction, travel, pop music, antique cars.     Barbara Stashevski Stasov St/1 34-2, Gdansk, Poland Would like to correspond with people between ages 20 to 30. Barbara is 20, a secretary. Interested in music, travelling, reading and sport.  
Hose Dand PO Box 2415 090010 Barcelona, Spain Aged 22, interested in volleyball, windsurfing, reading, going to discos. Would like to correspond with people all over the world.     Ann Valentino St. Grando Palazzo, 33 Milan, Italy Ann is 18, speaks Russian, German and Japanese, enjoys reading, talking to people, writing letters. Interested in horoscopes. Would like a male pen-friend.  


b) Write the first letter to the pen friend you have chosen. The following questions will help you.

1. Where do you live?

2. What do you do?

3. Do you have a large family?

4. What are your interests?

5. Where do you study English?

6. What kind of sport do you do?


c) Write your own advertisement to find a pen friend.






1.1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания.


1. campus кампус, территория университета
2. campus housing проживание на территории кампуса
3. grade point average (GPA) средний балл
4. to drop падать, снижаться, опускаться
5. to apply for обращаться за
6. exception исключение
7. to stroll бродить, прогуливаться
8. lawn лужайка, газон
9. chapel часовня
10. Internet access доступ в Интернет
11. residence hall общежитие
12. apartment квартира, меблированная комната
13. style стиль, техника, манера
14. modular модульный, блочный
15. balcony балкон
16. living room гостиная, общая комната
17. dining area обеденная зона
18. convenience удобство, комфорт
19. laundry прачечная
20. TV lounge комната (холл) для просмотра телевидения
21. handicapped accessible room комната для людей с физическими недостатками
22. to furnish обставлять мебелью, меблировать
23. to respect уважать, признавать, соблюдать
24. to support поддерживать
25. to discuss обсуждать
26. to provide предоставлять, обеспечивать
27. to participate (in) участвовать (в)
28. to interact взаимодействовать
29. front desk конторка портье, консьержа
30. performance представление
31. to keep хранить, сохранять
32. to refine усовершенствовать, улучшать
33. opportunity возможность, шанс
34. suit многокомнатный номер
35. transfer student студент, который перевелся в университет после подготовительной программы колледжа
36. upper-class student зд. студент старших курсов



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